
Character has nothing to do with academic qualifications! Students from East China University of Science and Technology took nude photos and molested a 12-year-old girl

author:Old Zhuge Bayern Munich boss

On May 14, 2024, a netizen in Shanghai posted a video complaining that his 12-year-old daughter was suspended from school due to depression at home, but unfortunately suffered a nightmare of online molestation. In this shocking incident, Xiao Moumou, a senior student at East China University of Science and Technology, actually filmed and molested the innocent girl through the Internet.

Character has nothing to do with academic qualifications! Students from East China University of Science and Technology took nude photos and molested a 12-year-old girl

According to the information released by the parents, the child first met Xiao Moumou in the game. After the parents found out, they immediately educated their daughter and warned her to delete all contact information with Xiao. However, the complexity of the Internet and the rebellious impulses of youth led the two to reconnect through social platforms, and eventually even hugged and kissed on the rooftop. After learning about the incident, the parents decisively chose to call the police.

Character has nothing to do with academic qualifications! Students from East China University of Science and Technology took nude photos and molested a 12-year-old girl

At present, the parents are firmly seeking legal channels, vowing to investigate Xiao Moumou's legal responsibility and seek justice for their daughter. On the 15th, a staff member of East China University of Science and Technology said that relevant information had been received and that a special staff member was responsible for following up and processing.

Facts have undoubtedly proved that there is no necessary connection between character and academic qualifications, and the two are like two independent trajectories, each extending and irrelevant to each other. Academic qualifications, like a stepping stone, can open the door to a career, but it cannot measure a person's moral character and personality charm. Character is the texture of a person's heart, which cannot be measured by the level of academic qualifications, nor can it be purchased with money.

On the stage of life, academic qualifications are only the external manifestation of a person's ability, while character is the embodiment of his inner spirit. A person may have a high degree of education, but if he lacks good character, then his performance in the social and professional fields will also be greatly reduced. On the contrary, a person with a low education background but outstanding character can often win the respect and trust of others in life.

Character has nothing to do with academic qualifications! Students from East China University of Science and Technology took nude photos and molested a 12-year-old girl

Therefore, we cannot simply equate academic qualifications with character, let alone judge a person's value by the level of academic qualifications. While pursuing academic qualifications, we should pay more attention to cultivating our own character and strive to become a person with both talent and morality, so that we can go further and more stable on the road of life.

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