
Mature young people who run a family have learned to "consume amorous"

author:A little finance

The group of young people who used to implement "buy, buy, buy" have gradually become thrifty and thrifty with the growth of experience. They have learned to "spend with affection" and use comparative shopping methods to save their own expenses.

Mature young people who run a family have learned to "consume amorous"

In the past, everyone stared at buying things on a platform, but now they have to compare prices for the first time, and only the real cost performance can attract them to place orders.

Under the amorous consumption, the most obvious change is that the number of shopping apps in young people's mobile phones has increased. In the mobile phones of many young people, basically all the mainstream shopping apps on the market can be seen.

Tmall,, Vipshop, Douyin, etc., young people have begun to become "flowery", and young people have a clear positioning in their minds for these different apps.

Young people who have grown up in the consumer market for more than ten years are very clear about what the specific advantages of e-commerce platforms are and where to buy them when they want something.

Mature young people who run a family have learned to "consume amorous"

As a post-00 generation, although he is not very old, he is already a qualified consumer in the consumer market. Bai Bai said: "I used to only stare at one platform to buy, but later I found that some things on other platforms are also very good, and I have summed up the rules when I buy more, as long as I stare at the core categories of those platforms to buy, I will generally not go wrong." ”

Young people become amorous in consumption, not because of a sudden change of heart, but as their experience grows, they naturally learn to be diligent and thrifty, and try to use amorous consumption to reduce their expenses and buy better goods.

Some netizens said: "If you don't compare more, how do you know which platform is cheaper and which platform has better service quality?" Someone else said: "I like to look more on each platform and then find the most cost-effective place to order." ”

With the rise of this wave of amorous consumption, many e-commerce platforms have benefited from this, although this group of users has been wavering, but for those e-commerce platforms with cost-effective advantages, this is the biggest benefit.

Taking the special sale e-commerce Vipshop as an example, in 2023, Vipshop's GMV will exceed 200 billion for the first time, with a growth rate of 18.7%, and the number of active users will reach 87.4 million, It is worth mentioning that the sales of international high-end brands on the platform have increased by 24% year-on-year.

Mature young people who run a family have learned to "consume amorous"

Facts show that young people do not buy high-end brands, nor do they blindly pursue low prices, but while pursuing cost performance, they are also full of yearning for a better life. Compared with the previous single-mindedness, young people look at each shopping platform with an equal attitude, they are not loyal to the platform, only loyal to the cost performance.