
In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

author:Lao Li said history

During the turbulent years of the civil war, an old lady wandered around Gantian Town, Xiangtan County, begging for food. Fate seems to have no mercy on this ragged old man, and her life seems to be nothing but a search for mercy. However, on an ordinary day, the fate of the old lady changed dramatically. A military vehicle caught up with her in the street, and the soldier who got out of the car said to her: "Our commander asks you to meet him!" The old lady boarded the military vehicle with great ambition, but when she saw the commander, she suddenly collapsed on the ground, speechless. Who the hell is this military commander? Why did he invite this old beggar for food? Why did the old lady react like this? Is there a twists and turns behind this strange experience?

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

1. During the civil war, a begging lady wandered in Xiangtan

In Hunan in 1949, the clouds of civil war were overcast. The smoke of war enveloped the entire province, ravaged the countryside, and destroyed the villages and towns. Rural families are surrounded by walls and are destitute.

In Gantian Town, a small village in Xiangtan, the elderly Mrs. Wu lives a homeless life. She used to be the housewife of a local family, but the good times did not last long, and after the outbreak of the civil war, the Wu family was broken and fell apart. Her husband died in a war, and her eldest son, Yang Meisheng, left home 20 years ago to join the army and participated in the famous Autumn Harvest Uprising, never to return. Several other sons and daughters were also separated from the fighting, and their whereabouts are unknown.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

Mrs. Wu was alone and helpless, so she could only go out to beg for food. She was poorly dressed, and even the shoes on her feet were worn and broken. The former housewife was reduced to begging for a living, and fate was too cruel to her.

However, on an ordinary day, Mrs. Wu's life has been turned upside down. On that day, she roamed the streets begging as usual. Suddenly, a military vehicle suddenly stopped beside her, and several soldiers in military uniforms jumped out of the car, one of whom said to Mrs. Wu: "Old man, our military commander asked you to pick you up to meet him." "

Mrs. Wu was taken aback by this sudden move, no one had respected her so much for a long time. She was full of doubts in her heart, who is this military commander? Why did you take her, the poor old lady, with you? But she thought that even if she was treated as a criminal, it would be much better than the life of begging for food now. So, she did not hesitate to get into the military vehicle.

The car was driving on the rugged and winding mountain road, and Mrs. Wu's mood was extremely complicated. She was afraid that it was just an illusory dream, and when she woke up, she was still the homeless old lady. After going through so much suffering, her heart has long been cold, and she no longer easily trusts the kindness of others.

Just when Mrs. Wu was distracted, the car had already driven to a military camp. She got out of the car and was surrounded by soldiers and walked into the barracks. I saw a general LinkedIn Wu Fei, sitting behind the book case to review the documents. When he saw Mrs. Wu coming in, he immediately stood up and said earnestly, "Old man, we haven't seen each other for a long time." "

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she was shocked, and a thought flashed in her mind: Could it be that this general is her son Yang Meisheng? The son who left home 22 years ago? She looked fixedly, although the years had left deep traces of vicissitudes on his face, she would never admit that she was wrong with those eyes.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

Mrs. Wu was very excited, and at the same time she was ashamed of what she couldn't say. As a mother, she turned a blind eye to her own flesh and blood for many years. The appearance of this general LinkedIn in front of her is beyond her imagination. Mrs. Wu's legs were weak, and she sat on the ground with tears pouring down.

2. The old lady was suddenly chased by a military vehicle, and the military commander invited her to go

Early one morning in September 1949, the streets of Gantian Town were sparsely populated. An old woman in ragged clothes swayed alone on the side of the road, her head bowed, her hands spread out waiting for handouts from passers-by. This is the old lady Wu mentioned above.

After a night of wandering, her legs were sore and weak, and she was exhausted. The whole person was skinny, as if he was going to fall down at any moment. The old lady's gaze wandered over the passer-by, hoping that someone of mercy would give her something to satisfy her hunger.

Suddenly, the sound of a car roaring came from far and near, and the old lady was awakened by the loud noise. I saw a military truck speeding towards it, with the logo of the People's Liberation Army printed on its body. The old lady was taken aback and hurried to the side of the road, for fear of being hit by a truck.

Unexpectedly, the truck slammed to a halt in front of the old lady. The door opened, and several soldiers in military uniforms jumped out of the car, and one of them said to the old lady: "Old man, our commander invites you to get into the car and want to see you." "

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

The old lady was even more shocked when she heard this, and she thought to herself: How can an old lady begging for food be qualified to be summoned by the military commander? It can't be something wrong, right? But she looked at the mighty soldiers in front of her and nodded in disbelief.

A soldier helped her to the truck, which immediately pulled out the anchor and left, leaving only a cloud of dust. Several other soldiers in the car said to the old lady, "Old man, don't ask too much, you will be able to see our commander soon." "

The old lady sat in the car with mixed feelings in her heart. She never thought that she would be able to receive such an honor at her age and be summoned by the military commander. Maybe this is God's mercy at last, so that her old bones can see the powerful family before she dies, and stop wandering and begging.

After a while, the car drove into a military camp, and the old lady was surrounded and walked into a house. I saw a middle-aged man in military uniform sitting behind a bookcase reviewing documents. When he saw the old lady come in, the man immediately stood up, gave a military salute to the old lady, and said earnestly, "Old man, see who I am?" "

The old lady carefully looked at the person's appearance, and vaguely saw that it was somewhat familiar. This man is burly, with heroic majesty between his eyebrows, but his eyes are very gentle. The old lady remembered that when her eldest son left home 22 years ago, she also left such a pair of gentle and kind eyes.

The old lady's heart jumped wildly, could it be that the mighty officer in front of her was her son Yang Meisheng? I haven't seen him for 22 years, has he changed from that young man to like this?

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

"Difficult... Are you my son Mei Sheng? The old lady finally asked in a trembling voice. Hearing this, a tear flashed in the officer's eyes, and he nodded, and hugged the old lady into his arms.

In this way, the mother and son reunited in the barracks after 22 years. The young man who left home to participate in the Autumn Harvest Uprising has now become a battle-hardened officer. And the dying mother who saw her son leave home back then is now only a figure begging for food......

3. The old lady was emotionally disturbed after meeting the military commander

In the barracks, the old lady sat on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes. Although she was very excited about the reunion after a long absence, she was more ashamed in her heart. As a mother, she has forgotten her own flesh and blood for 22 years!

The young man who left home to join the army with the dream of serving the country has now become a battle-hardened officer. On his heroic countenance, the vicissitudes of time have left a deep imprint. And the dying old mother who saw her son leave home back then is now only a wandering figure begging for food.

The old lady's tears flowed like a river, and she choked up and told her son about the hardships of the past 22 years. Her husband died in the war, and her other children were separated and disappeared in the war. She was alone and helpless, and had to beg for a living.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

Son Yang Meisheng listened to his mother's story, and his eyes were full of tears. He remembered that early morning 22 years ago, when he said goodbye, the new shoes that his mother had tearfully stuffed into him were now worn out. As a son, how willful he was back then, he left his elderly mother alone, and he wandered in the flames of war for many years, unable to repay his mother's nurturing grace.

Yang Meisheng stepped forward and hugged her mother's thin body tightly, begging her for forgiveness. As a soldier, although he has made great achievements, it is difficult to make up for the pain of 22 years of separation of mother and son.

The old lady shook her head, indicating that she did not blame her son. On the contrary, she was proud that her son had become a heroic officer. However, fate was too cruel to her, and she was reduced to homelessness as a once happy housewife.

After hearing this, Yang Meisheng's heart was like a knife. He knew that he had indeed borne too much of his mother, and that she had suffered this in her old age. As a son, he was self-conscious.

At that moment, a young soldier walked into the room, holding a telegram in his hand, his hands trembling slightly. He gave a military salute to Yang Meisheng and said: "Commander, the front line has reported that enemy planes have just attacked a certain position of our army, causing heavy casualties!" "

After hearing this, Yang Meisheng immediately got up and returned to the bookcase, and quickly reviewed the telegram. He said to the old mother, "Mother, please rest in the barracks." I have a little military to deal with, and I'll be there for you in a moment. "

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

With that, he hurried out of the room without looking back. The old lady watched her son leave, and in a trance, it seemed that she had returned to the morning of farewell 22 years ago.

At this moment, there were bursts of deafening cannon sounds and the roar of machine refining in the distance. Obviously, the fighting has begun to escalate at the front, and the fighting is intensifying. The old lady couldn't help but worry about her son's safety, for fear that this parting would last for 22 years, and even never come back.

She remembered what her son had said to her before he left: "Mother, although I left home today to join the army, I had to take up arms for the sake of peace. Only by destroying the ruler can you stop starving and colding. I must get justice for you! "

The old lady remembered her son's words back then, and her eyes moistened again. She secretly prayed: May her son be safe, and may peace come soon.

Fourth, it turned out that the military commander was the biological son of the old lady who had not seen her for 22 years

In the deafening sound of artillery fire, Yang Meisheng told his mother about his experience in the past 22 years.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

It turned out that he was determined to join the revolution at an early age and participated in the famous Autumn Harvest Uprising. In that battle, he took the lead and personally annihilated several enemies, making great achievements. His superiors appreciated his bravery and kept him in the army.

Since then, Yang Meisheng has followed the troops to many base areas in Central China and Northwest China. He has been caught in a hail of bullets countless times, but he has always survived. On one occasion, when an enemy plane actually attacked his position, he fought back bravely under the fire of Wanjun and personally shot down an enemy plane, and there were no casualties among the officers and men in the entire camp.

Such deeds are not uncommon in Yang Meisheng. His superiors favored him and promoted him to officer step by step. After the outbreak of the civil war, he made countless meritorious deeds, and was repeatedly awarded third-class merits, which can be described as a well-deserved military expert.

At the same time, Yang Meisheng's mother, Mrs. Wu, suffered such a poor situation. Her husband died in the war, and her other children were also separated from the fighting, leaving her alone and begging. The poor old man, tormented by the merciless torture of fate, is simply a thousand hardships.

Yang Meisheng told this, and couldn't help but burst into tears. As a soldier, although he has made great achievements, he still owes his mother too much after all. He didn't even know how his mother had struggled to get by all these years. Now that he is reunited, he is so ashamed and remorseful to see his mother so haggard and lonely.

Mrs. Wu looked at the shining military medals on her son's body, and her heart was mixed. She was of course proud of her son's heroic deeds, but at the same time she deeply blamed herself. As a mother, she has forgotten her own flesh and blood for 22 years. If it weren't for today's reunion, she might even be on the verge of death like this, and once she went to Huangquan, she would never know that her son had become a generation of military experts.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

The mother and son cried relative to each other, and they were very sad. From the eyes of others, this cry seems to contain the suffering of the entire country and nation in the flames of war. A heroic soldier and an elderly lady can only be reunited after 22 years of separation from life and death. Isn't this the most vivid footnote of that era?

At this time, the artillery fire outside the barracks gradually stopped. A young soldier walked into the room, gave a military salute to Commander Yang, and said: "Commander, the front line has been completely suppressed by our army, and a complete victory has been achieved!" "

Yang Meisheng nodded, he wiped away his tears, turned to his mother and said, "Mother, you rest in the barracks first, and I will come back immediately." With that, he stepped out and took care of his military work.

Mrs. Wu looked at the back of her son's departure, and couldn't help but burst into tears. She silently prayed: May her son be safe, may the war be extinguished as soon as possible, no more innocent people will be displaced, and there will be no more mothers and children blocking each other. She could no longer bear such a painful separation.

5. Mother and son wept with joy when they saw each other, and they were determined to fight together to the end

Time flies, and months have passed in the blink of an eye. The civil war is drawing to a close, and the dawn of peace is finally shining in the sky.

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

On this day, Yang Meisheng was recalled to the military department to receive a commendation. Walking outside the barracks, he felt the smoke of war for the first time in a long time. The mother, Mrs. Wu, waited nervously in the room, for fear that her son would leave for a long time this time.

After a while, Yang Meisheng returned to the barracks. He sat in front of his mother and said solemnly: "Mother, after this catastrophe, the people of the mainland have finally moved towards peace. But we still have some way to go before we can eradicate war forever. "

"Rest assured, I will live up to your expectations and continue to work hard. As long as you wait here for my safe return, I will do my best to fight for the creation of an era of peace. "

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu's face was full of tears of excitement. She finally understands that as a soldier, her son's duty is to maintain peace and defend the people from the pain of war. It is precisely because of the bloody battles of warriors like him on the front line that today's peace has been achieved.

"Go, son. The old lady said earnestly, "You should go to war." Be careful and return safely. Mom will always be here waiting for you, waiting for you to win the last victory that belongs to the people! "

After hearing this, Yang Meisheng knelt on her knees and bowed deeply to her mother. The debts and self-blame that have accumulated in my heart for many years have finally been washed away at this time. He solemnly assured his mother: "Mother, please rest assured, I will be safe and triumphant at that time!" "

In 1949, a begging lady was caught up by a military vehicle: the military commander asked you to pick you up! The old lady suddenly collapsed on the ground

With that, he immediately got up, walked out of the barracks, and returned to the front without looking back. At this moment, a rumbling cannon sound sounded in the distance, and the flames of battle were ignited again. Mother and son glanced at each other, and they both saw a determined look in each other's eyes.

Mrs. Wu sat alone in the barracks, listening to the deafening sound of gunfire outside the window, praying silently in her heart. Although she is old, she is determined to wait for her son's triumph. Even if time is short, she must wait until that day comes.

Day and night, the artillery fire never stopped. But the old lady's wait never wavered. She often thinks of the morning that she decided to leave many years ago, and her heart is always mixed. Now, her only hope is that her son can return safely and never be separated again.

Finally, at dawn, a celebratory trumpet was heard in the distance. Immediately, a victorious unit appeared at the door of the barracks. The leader is Yang Meisheng, who is dressed in a neat military uniform and wears bright maple leaves, and is heroic.

Seeing this scene, the old lady of the Wu family struggled to stand up, tears streaming out of her eyes. She walked tremblingly towards her son, her arms tightly wrapped around his body, and she refused to let go.

After this ordeal, the mother and son were finally able to reunite. The young man who left home is now a battle-hardened general, and his elderly mother has regained hope and courage to survive from this catastrophe.


Their reunion, like the advent of peace in this land, filled everyone's hearts with joy and peace. A war is over, and a new life has just begun...