
The statewide basic public health service project observation group went to Guanghe to observe the basic public health service project and information construction work

author:Guanghe County Rong Media Center

In order to further promote the informatization construction of medical institutions, continue to improve the basic public health service level and diagnosis and treatment service capacity of primary medical and health institutions, and promote the construction of county-level medical community. On May 13, the statewide basic public health service project observation group went to Guanghe to observe the basic public health service project and information construction work.

The statewide basic public health service project observation group went to Guanghe to observe the basic public health service project and information construction work

The observation and exchange group walked into the Department of Stomatology, Chronic Diseases, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Physiotherapy, Imaging Examination, Public Health Department and other characteristic departments of the Sanjia Jizhen Central Health Center.

The statewide basic public health service project observation group went to Guanghe to observe the basic public health service project and information construction work

At the symposium, the person in charge of the basic public health service project of Sanjia Jizhen Health Center introduced the use of the intelligent health service system for residents; The relevant person in charge of the State Health Bureau summarized and commented on the basic public health service work in the state at this stage.

The statewide basic public health service project observation group went to Guanghe to observe the basic public health service project and information construction work

The purpose of this observation activity is to further deepen the reform of the medical and health system, build a high-quality, efficient and integrated medical and health service system, improve the service capacity of county-level medical and health institutions, and strive to provide more high-quality and convenient integrated medical and health services for the masses.

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