
We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

author:Shandong Armed Police
We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

"Those who seek victory will first love the soldiers." Respecting, trusting, and relying on officers and men has always been an important magic weapon for our army to advance from victory to victory. President Xi attaches great importance to respecting the status of officers and soldiers as the main body and the spirit of initiative, and stresses that "we should look at grassroots officers and soldiers with the eyes of trust, appreciation, and development." This important exposition has profoundly revealed the methods and paths for administering the army and leading the troops in the new era, and has pointed out the direction for strengthening the grassroots construction of our army in the new era.

We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

At present, there are changes in the composition and structure of officers and men at the grassroots level, the number of new combat forces is constantly increasing, and the personnel organization is becoming more complex, but stimulating the endogenous motivation of officers and men is still an eternal task for strengthening the building of grassroots units. Troop leaders at all levels should truly enter them, lead them, and win them, view the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development, make efforts to promote unity and fraternity, stimulate their innovative vitality, and help them grow into talents, and earnestly arouse the enthusiasm of officers and men for preparing for war and pool their wisdom in fighting wars.

We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

Unite the heart of unity with the eyes of trust. Unity comes from trust, and trust stimulates cohesion and gives birth to combat effectiveness. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said that the most important reason why the PLA was invincible and defeated the Kuomintang army, which was stronger than itself, was the high degree of trust between the higher and lower levels. During the years of the revolutionary war, our officers and men withstood the tests of blood and fire, life and death with mutual trust. As they embark on a new journey, troop leaders at all levels should view the officers and men at the grassroots level with the lens of trust, exchange sincerity for sincerity and promote unity with trust, constantly unite the people's hearts and strength, arouse the bloody courage of hating the same enemy, and gather the pride and will to fight and win.

We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

Gather the power of wisdom with an appreciative eye. Officers and men at the grassroots level have long been on the front line of the practice of strengthening the army and the forefront of preparations for military struggles, and the leaders at all levels have viewed them with appreciation and respected their pioneering spirit, which plays an important role in improving the quality and efficiency of military training and enhancing their ability to win wars. In May 1947, the Northwest Field Army was hindered in its general attack on the core position of Panlong in northern Shaanxi, and took advantage of the gap between the battles to mobilize grassroots officers and soldiers to hold a "Fire Line Zhuge Liang Meeting", adopted many effective suggestions, and finally won the battle. Practice has proven that there is tremendous wisdom hidden in the officers and men at the grassroots level. On the new journey of strengthening the army, we are facing difficulties and challenges one after another, and it is urgent to require troop leaders at all levels to further unblock channels and ask for advice from the troops, and to pool wisdom from top to bottom to tackle key problems. It is necessary to pay attention to discovering the characteristics of the post-90s and post-00s grass-roots officers and soldiers who can quickly accept new things and new skills and are also eager to make meritorious contributions to the barracks, and actively build platforms, arenas, and stages for them, so that the vitality of innovation can fully flow and contribute wisdom to the cause of strengthening the military.

We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

Use the vision of development to discover the potential of strengths. Officers and men at the grassroots level, especially the vast number of young officers and men, are highly malleable, and troop leaders at all levels should view them from the perspective of development, be good at tapping and discovering the good qualities and potentials of talents, and help them grow up on the fertile soil of the grassroots units. It is necessary to scientifically tolerate and correct mistakes, be good at "pruning and pruning leaves" for officers and men who are growing up, effectively guide them when they make mistakes, and give them timely encouragement when they encounter setbacks, so as to lead them to grow and progress in an all-round way. It is necessary to consolidate the burden of responsibility, dare to put officers and men on the front line of training and preparing for war, in the arduous and critical posts, and in urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks, strengthen their bones and develop their abilities in the midst of trials and hardships and seeing the world, and strive to forge a crack army that dares to fight and win.

We should look at the officers and men at the grassroots level from the perspective of trust, appreciation, and development

(This article is reprinted from China Military Network)

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