
Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

author:Red Tiger Fitness

In the wave of the Internet, people's lives are increasingly closely connected with the Internet, and many people have gradually formed a bad habit of sitting for a long time under the charm of this technology. However, this seemingly comfortable way of life is like a hidden haze, quietly eroding our health. Being sedentary for a long time is not only easy to promote obesity, but also more likely to strain the psoas muscles, affect the normal operation of the digestive system, and even compress the sciatic nerve, bringing unspeakable pain.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

Against this backdrop, Arnold Schwarzenegger, with his profound health insights, is like a beacon of light for the way forward. He delved into the health risks of sitting for too long and suggested a solution – 22 minutes of low-to-moderate exercise a day. This seemingly insignificant exercise time contains amazing "magical power".

1. How to eliminate the health risks caused by sitting for a long time?

As we all know, sedentary work is like an invisible shackle that quietly increases the risk of health problems. However, Schwarzenegger, the fitness legend, has a unique perspective that shows us the way out of this predicament. He tells us that while sedentary work patterns may not be able to change, we are more than capable of counteracting the negative effects of sensible exercise.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

In a recent Pump Club newsletter, Schwarzenegger shared his secret: 22 minutes of low- to moderate-intensity exercise a day can eliminate the health risks associated with sitting for long periods of time, a seemingly simple form of exercise that has amazing magic. It not only relieves the physical stress caused by sitting for a long time, but also effectively improves our health.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

As a seven-time Mr. Olympia champion, Schwarzenegger knows the power of fitness. From the moment he stepped into the weight gym at a young age, he fell in love with the process of building a strong body. Today, despite entering his twilight years, his passion for health and wellness remains undiminished. His annual Arnold Classic in Ohio has not only become a major event in the fitness world, but also an important platform for him to spread the concept of wellness.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

Schwarzenegger notes that health issues such as diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease are all strongly linked to sedentary time. However, by doing 22 minutes of low- to moderate-intensity exercise every day, we can effectively counteract these risks. This type of workout doesn't take much time and doesn't make people feel too tired, making it a perfect fit for the modern lifestyle.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

Schwarzenegger also shared the results of a 12-year study that found that people who were sedentary for more than 12 hours a day had a 38% increased risk of dying from all causes. However, for those who do at least 22 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day, this risk disappears entirely, a finding that further proves the effectiveness of the form of exercise that Schwarzenegger promotes.

2. Set a healthy time reminder

To help us better practice this type of exercise, Schwarzenegger recommends that we set two sedentary reminders on our phone calendars, each for 11 minutes. When the reminder sounds, we can use this 11 minutes to do a simple walk or other low-impact exercise, which is a convenient and practical way to help us maintain the habit of exercising in our busy lives.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

Reducing the risk of all-cause mortality and living to the age of 100 has always been one of Schwarzenegger's important missions after retirement. He understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle to prevent disease and prolong life. As a result, he continues to provide us with practical health advice and guidance through his own experience and research.

Arnold. Schwarzenegger: How to eliminate the health risks of sitting?

At 76 years old, Arnold Schwarzenegger still retains his energy and love of life. He used his actions to show us that no matter how old we are, we all have the ability to take control of our health and life. If you want to get rid of the harm of sitting, try Schwarzenegger's recommended 11-minute exercise twice a day.