
If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

author:Running Bible
If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

Sometimes, after sitting for a long time, I suddenly get up and flash my waist, no matter how long I sleep, my whole body is still weak, and I am out of breath after climbing one or two floors...... When you show these signs in your body, you are reminded to pay attention to your health.

The latest article published by the American "Reader's Digest" summarized ten simple test questions, please compare your answers to see if your health is up to standard.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

1. Wake up at 7 a.m. and feel listless at 9 a.m.?

If the answer is 'yes'. Explain that you may be overtired due to lack of exercise or sitting for too long. It is recommended to exercise regularly and consistently, at least 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

2. If you carry a 3kg bottle in each hand, will your arms feel sore?

This test is not only the biceps, but also the shoulders, back, chest, knees and other important muscle groups to test whether they meet the standards. Muscle strength training can be done with the help of dumbbells and other weights, with 20~25 reps per set, 5~7 times a week.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

3. If you beat up and down 10 times, does your heart beat faster?

If you have a fast heartbeat and feel palpitated, you can rule out the disease factors and usually improve it by exercising more, you can choose interval training, such as combining fast running and jogging, which can effectively improve endurance and protect the heart.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

4. Is there any discomfort when bending the body when cutting toenails?

If you feel struggling to stretch, you should pay attention to your joints and bones, and beware of arthritis, osteoporosis and other diseases, which may also be a sign of heart problems. 5 minutes of stretching exercises a day can improve the condition.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

5. Can you kick your hips back?

If you find it difficult to do so, it means that your body is not up to the mark in terms of spirituality and strength. Two simple exercise methods are recommended: 1. You can climb the stairs with two steps in one step. 2. Kick your legs after practicing often.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

6. Can I turn around and look behind me without moving my feet?

If it is difficult to do, you can turn your waist frequently, which can enhance the function of waist muscles and joints, and also have a preventive effect on chronic lumbar muscle strain, lumbar bone hyperplasia, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, sciatica, etc.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

7. When taking a plane or train, can you independently put the box containing items on the luggage rack?

This movement can test the strength of the lower back and legs, and people with poor lower back strength are prone to chronic back pain. "Walking backwards" can enhance the strength of the lower back muscles, strengthen the stability and flexibility of the lumbar spine, and at the same time improve the metabolism of the lumbar tissues and relieve low back pain.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

8. Do you feel struggling to go up and down the stairs with heavy objects?

If you find that you are short of breath and have difficulty breathing after only a few floors, your lung function is often worse than that of a normal person by more than 50%. When going up and down stairs, pay attention to the strength of your thigh muscles, glute muscles and abdominal muscles.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

9. Do you breathe after dancing for 10 minutes with a fast rhythm?

This question can reflect the body's muscle strength and cardiorespiratory function. In order to better exercise cardiopulmonary function and shape muscles, it is more effective to insist on doing 10~15 minutes of explosive exercise every day, such as combat exercises, short-distance fast running, etc., which can enhance muscle strength and improve cardiopulmonary function.

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

10. Do you feel tired after walking for 30 minutes in a row?

Walking for at least 30 minutes a day can help burn fat, maintain your body, make you feel good and energetic, and lower your blood pressure and blood sugar.


The little secretary is recommended for running

If you can do these 10 movements, it means that you are in good health!

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