
"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

author:Yu Xiansen

In 1987, the 87th version of the TV series of the same name, "Dream of Red Mansions", adapted from one of the four famous novels "Dream of Red Mansions", was broadcast on CCTV, and the drama quickly became popular all over the country and won the support of countless people.

With the popularity of this drama, many actors have also become popular, such as Ouyang Fenqiang, the male number one actor in the play, and Lin Xiaoxu, the actress who plays the female number one, have countless fans and have become popular actors who are household names.

Although the actress Zhang Li played "Xue Baochai" in the play is not the number one female, with her excellent performance, she has shaped the role deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and she has quickly become popular with this drama and has become a well-known actress known and loved by the public.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

After becoming popular with the role of "Xue Baochai" in "Dream of Red Mansions", Zhang Li later participated in many film and television works, and the response was very good, so she became a smash hit actress for a time.

What people didn't expect was that during the popular period, Zhang Li gave up her domestic acting career, went to other countries, studied abroad, and later stayed abroad to do business.

After many years, Zhang Li, who gave up the good prospects for domestic development, how is she doing now? Does she regret it?

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?


Born in 1965 in Chengdu, Sichuan, Zhang Li grew up in a family of cadres whose parents were both cadres of the Chengdu Municipal Government.

As a child, Zhang Li lived at No. 128 Gulou South Street, Chengdu, also known as the "Former Residence of Ba Jin", a deep mansion compound where Zhang Li spent her entire childhood.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

Zhang Li has been a beauty embryo since she was a child, with three-dimensional and delicate facial features, a very good-looking face, and a gentle temperament unique to southern girls.

She showed great artistic talent at a very young age, and every time she went to a performance, she would be deeply attracted by the performance on stage, and the dream of becoming an actress slowly took root and grew in her heart.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In 1977, Zhang Li, who was only 12 years old, was admitted to the Chengdu Battle Flag Song and Dance Troupe with the consent of her parents and became a literary soldier.

After entering the song and dance troupe, Zhang Li did not dare to slack off for a moment, trained very hard, got up early at five or six o'clock in the morning every day to practice basic skills, even if it was windy, rainy, cold and never stopped, with her efforts, she laid a solid foundation.

At that time, she often followed the seniors of the regiment to perform everywhere, running around, and even followed everyone to carry oxygen cylinders to the outpost in the Himalayas to perform for border guards.

Seeing her work so hard, her parents felt very sorry for her and persuaded her to give up this path many times, but she gritted her teeth and persevered.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In the years of development of the Zhanqi Song and Dance Troupe, Zhang Li not only accumulated rich stage experience, but also honed a tenacious character, no matter what difficulties she faced in the future, she was brave and strong to face them.


In 1983, Zhang Li, who was already 18 years old, became a slim girl, and she didn't have to say anything about her appearance or temperament.

Because of her solid basic skills and outstanding appearance, she was often asked to perform solo dances in the troupe at that time, many of which were difficult dances, and she completed the task with ease every time.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In the same year, CCTV and the China TV Drama Production Center jointly prepared for the filming of the 87th version of "Dream of Red Mansions", and handed over the filming task to the well-known director Wang Fulin.

Wang Fulin is a very good director, who has directed works such as "Tinder", "He Ri Caiyun Returns", "Eighteen Years in the Enemy Camp", "Red Orange, Yellow Green, Blue and Purple", and is a powerful director recognized by his peers and audiences.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In order to shoot the work "Dream of Red Mansions", the crew selected actors from the society at that time and specially held an audition.

One day, her friend approached her and asked her to accompany her to the audition for "Dream of Red Mansions", but a dramatic scene occurred.

When accompanying her friends to participate in the audition, her friend's performance was average, and she did not attract the attention of the crew, but she was accidentally photographed by the crew, and under the persuasion of the crew staff, she auditioned.

At that time, Zhang Li tried many roles before and after, and the staff of the crew felt that there were not many roles suitable for her, so they were undecided, and finally the director Wang Fulin made the decision and let her play the role of "Xue Baochai".

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

For Zhang Li to be able to play "Dream of Red Mansions" and play the main role in the play, many people were not optimistic at first, just because she was not an actor from a professional class, and she had no previous experience in filming, but Zhang Li proved herself with her strength.


When filming the work "Dream of Red Mansions", Zhang Li relied on her years of experience in being active on the stage, and she had no stage fright in front of the camera, showing her confident side.

She has nothing to say about her appearance and temperament, but when she wears a costume costume, she is completely a typical classical beauty, which makes countless audiences feel bright.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In order to portray the role of "Xue Baochai", she spent a lot of time watching the original novel before the start of filming, carefully figuring out the role, and striving to perfectly show the character in front of the audience.

After Zhang Li's continuous efforts, she finally succeeded in shaping the image of "Xue Baochai who is well-read, generous and gentle, coupled with the advantages of appearance, with the popularity of the show, she also quickly became popular and became a very popular actor at that time.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In 1987, after becoming popular with the role of "Xue Baochai" in "Dream of Red Mansions", Zhang Li then participated in "Ah Xing, Ah Xin" and played "Ann" in the play.

In the same year, she cooperated with actress Chen Xiaoxu who had worked in "Dream of Red Mansions" again and filmed the TV series "Family Spring and Autumn", playing the role of "Ming Feng".

Because of the popularity of the drama "Dream of Red Mansions", Zhang Li was even photographed by CCTV and entered CCTV's TV drama production center in 1988.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

During her work at CCTV, Zhang Li successively filmed works such as "War Interlude", "Liaozhai TV Series", and "Fengyang People".

While developing her career, in order to improve herself, she also entered Shenzhen University for further study, majoring in directing and production.

At that time, Zhang Li had a thriving career and high popularity, and the development period was bright, as long as she continued to work the road of acting, she would definitely be able to achieve better development, but her choice was unexpected.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?


In 1990, Zhang Li, who developed in the CCTV TV drama production center, gave up her domestic career after careful consideration in order to pursue her dream and improve herself.

In the same year, despite the persuasion of relatives and friends, she left her homeland alone and went to Canada to study at Seneca College in Canada.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

After going to Canada, Zhang Li studied at school and filmed local film and television works to support herself through her own abilities.

In the second year of studying abroad, she was introduced by a friend to shoot a film "Floating Clouds" that specifically reflected the study and life of Chinese students abroad.

After the film was released, it resonated with many overseas students, and even appeared at the Canadian International Film Festival, which caused a warm response in the local area.

Due to the very high response of the film she shot abroad, she also received local attention and obtained a permanent residence permit in Canada, which laid the foundation for her to stay abroad and develop later.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

What is unexpected again is that after making a name for herself in the foreign entertainment industry, Zhang Li did not seize the opportunity to continue to develop her career in the entertainment industry, but faded out of the entertainment industry again.

After fading out of the entertainment industry, she bought a store with like-minded friends, hired a few employees, and began to concentrate on running the store.

Although she has no previous business experience, with her natural business acumen, she has run the store very well, and in just one year, the income of the store is enough to meet her living and daily expenses abroad.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

Under Zhang Li's careful management, her shop became bigger and bigger, and she later owned her own company, and her income and economic conditions improved significantly.

After studying abroad, Zhang Li did not return to the entertainment industry to develop, but concentrated on her career and began to realize the transformation from an actor to a businesswoman.


In 1993, she saved a lot of savings and bought a small European-style apartment of more than 120 square meters in the local area, and had her first house abroad, but in just one week, she sold the house and earned 100,000 Canadian dollars.

This purchase and sale of a house made Zhang Li see the business opportunities of real estate, and she began to get involved in the real estate industry.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

When she first entered the real estate industry, Zhang Li worked as a real estate agent, commonly known as real estate sales.

With her beautiful appearance and eloquence, she mastered the profession of real estate agent very well and quickly earned her first pot of gold in the real estate industry.

After working as a real estate agent for a few years, she was no longer satisfied with sales, but also went directly to the source of the industry, began to buy land, developed real estate projects by herself, and began to invest in real estate and other industries.

However, it wasn't all smooth sailing for her, and she suffered a major setback on her first investment.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

At the time of the initial investment, due to her lack of experience, Zhang Li's investment not only did not achieve the expected returns, but also suffered serious losses and lost a lot of assets.

At that time, Zhang Li's psychological pressure was very high every day, her spirit was always tense, and her busy work also made her body appear in a state of load, and she was sick when she was physically and mentally exhausted.

During this period, Zhang Li suffered from a serious illness, lost more than 20 pounds in just one month, and the whole person became very thin, at that time Zhang Li mistakenly thought that she was suffering from a terminal illness, her mother did not hesitate to cross the ocean from China to her side to take care of her, fortunately, after treatment and recuperation, she finally recovered and got better.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

After experiencing a failed investment and overcoming the disease, Zhang Li's mentality has become much calmer, and her career has begun to develop rapidly.


Zhang Li, who learned from the failure of her initial investment, later became much more cautious when doing business, but with her unique vision, her subsequent investments have yielded returns far beyond expectations.

In just a few years, her assets have rapidly grown many times, with tens of millions of investments in Toronto, Vancouver and other cities.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

With the development of her career abroad stabilized, Zhang Li, who had been away from her motherland for many years, may be homesick or take a fancy to domestic business opportunities.

In 2008, Zhang Li returned to Beijing to develop a large residential community in the eastern suburbs of Beijing, an investment that paid off for her.

Since then, she has been developing real estate business in China, and has successively developed many real estate industries, even on the Daxing Line of the Beijing Metro.

Zhang Li, who has developed her career vigorously, has already achieved the goal of being worth hundreds of millions of yuan by relying on business, and has become a leader in the real estate industry.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

is different from the development of her career, it may be that she has been busy developing her career and has no intention of taking care of her feelings, or she has experienced setbacks in her relationship, Zhang Li has always remained single and has not married or had children so far.

Judging from her appearance, temperament, and career, people who want to pursue her must grab a lot of them, but she has always remained single and unmarried, which is really puzzling.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

In 2024, Zhang Li will be 59 years old, and she once became a smash hit with the role of "Xue Baochai" in "Dream of Red Mansions", but she has completely abandoned her identity as an actor.

Now that she is developing her career with peace of mind, she rarely appears in front of the public, and has been living her life in a low-key manner.

Living abroad for a long time, she often finds time to return to China, one is to develop her domestic career, and the other is to visit relatives and friends in China.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

Seeing that Zhang Li is nearly sixty years old and still unmarried, many people think that she confirms the phrase "A Dream of Red Mansions", after all, judging from the many actresses who participated in the play back then, many people's experiences are not particularly good.

Of course, these are just everyone's ridicule, the reason why Zhang Li is still unmarried may be because she has never met the person who made her want to enter the marriage hall.

"Xue Baochai" Zhang Li: Because of "Dream of Red Mansions", she became popular, and when she was popular, she went to other countries, did she regret it?

As for Zhang Li who gave up her domestic acting career and went to other countries, and finally started and lived abroad, will she regret her choice back then.

Judging from Zhang Li's current development, she is thriving in the real estate industry, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, and a full harvest in her career.

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