
Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

author:Ink Entertainment

The news of Zhou Hongyi and Hu Huan's divorce shocked the entire technology community.

The news of the division of the shares of 360 Company is even more jaw-dropping, Hu Huan actually obtained shares worth as much as 8.968 billion yuan! This divorce is like a wonderful TV series, and everyone is speculating about the next development.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

Some people compare it to a family plot in "Family with Children", but more people see it as a palace coup in "Game of Thrones".

It's just that this time the battlefield is not the Iron Throne, but the huge wealth and family happiness of the tech world.

Love trajectories, from the campus to the mall

The love story of Zhou Hongyi and Hu Huan seems to be a portrayal of a campus romantic drama! They met on a college campus, and two young hearts were attracted to each other under the spark of entrepreneurial dreams.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

They started their businesses together, experienced ups and downs, and witnessed the glorious history of the company from scratch.

This entrepreneurial journey is like the campus couple in "To Our Simple Little Beauty", full of sweetness, passion and struggle.

In the wind and rain, they supported each other, overcame one difficulty after another, and created remarkable achievements.

However, like the twist in the plot, this beautiful love ends in an unexpected farce.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

The exposure of the divorce news makes people sigh that the former campus couple has now ended up dividing their property.

This ending is embarrassing, and it also triggers thinking about love and career, family and individual.

Breakup wars, divorce frenzy in the tech world

The divorce case of Zhou Hongyi and Hu Huan surpassed the records of other domestic technology companies and quickly became the focus of heated discussions on the whole network! It's not just a divorce case, it's more like a trial of the tech giant's family life.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

The whole incident is like a "Infernal Affairs", and the transactions and intrigues behind it make people want to uncover more inside stories.

The exposure of this divorce case has completely shattered people's illusions about the happy marriage of successful people in the technology circle.

On the one hand, the huge division of wealth is amazing, and at the same time, it also provokes deep thinking about marriage, family and wealth distribution.

Their divorce case is not only a personal issue between two people, but also involves the interweaving of huge wealth and power, which touches the nerves of the whole society.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

The story is reminiscent of the plot in Infernal Affairs, where each character seems to hide their own scheming and purpose.

There has been speculation about whether there are more interests involved in the deal behind it, and whether there is more conspiracy to manipulate the division in the shadows.

Families are broken and wealth is divided

Zhou Hongyi generously distributed nearly 6.25% of the shares of 360 Company to Hu Huan, worth as much as 8.968 billion yuan.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

This amount is not only jaw-dropping, but also impressive at the enormous wealth contained in it.

The value of this wealth is far beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime, and it can be said that the wealth is rivaled by the country.

This process of dividing property is like a tragic scene in "Les Miserables".

Behind it is the shattering of a relationship and the division of wealth, and every penny carries the sweetness and pain of the past.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

It's not just a deal of wealth, it's the end of an relationship.

Perhaps, behind these riches, there are endless regrets and heartaches, like a cruel curtain call of feelings.

The divorce crisis of the tech giants

Zhou Hongyi and Hu Huan's divorce is not unique, in recent years, more and more tech giants and entrepreneurs are facing dual pressures from family and career.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

Their divorce not only aroused public attention to the private lives of tech tycoons, but also made people think about family happiness in the tech world.

Just like the family emotions shown in the "Fast and Furious" series, but this time the racing is no longer street racing, but business competition and family conflicts.

In their pursuit of career success, these tech giants often ignore the importance of their families, leading to the breakdown of family relationships.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

Their long hours of work pressure and frequent business trips made time with their families scarce, and gradually, a rift appeared in their relationship.

Such a divorce is not only a setback for personal life, but also a reflection on the lifestyle and work pressures of the tech world.

People are beginning to realize that the warmth and companionship of family should not be neglected on the road to business success.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

The issue of family happiness in the tech sector has also become a social issue that needs to be solved urgently.


The divorce of the tech giant is not only a family drama, but also a reflection on the culture and values of the entire industry.

We expect more technology tycoons and entrepreneurs to pay more attention to the operation and maintenance of family life while pursuing career success, so as to achieve a win-win situation for families and careers.

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, officially announced his divorce, and his ex-wife received 8.968 billion yuan in market value stocks

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