
Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

author:Little Mushroom One

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Reading guide: Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

Today, with the rapid development of global communication technology, the leap from 4G to 5G has brought unprecedented changes, and discussions and research on 6G are also in full swing. However, at a time when all parties are competing to deploy 6G, even Elon Musk, the founder of technology giant Tesla, has expressed his helplessness about the progress of the United States in the field of 6G. Foreign media even bluntly pointed out that there is no shortcut to the development of 6G, and it needs to be studied and invested in a down-to-earth manner.

Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

The United States once had an unrivaled position in the field of communications technology, but in recent years, with the rapid rise of other countries and regions, its lead is gradually shrinking. Especially in the race for 5G technology, the rapid rise of Huawei's 5G has not allowed the United States to maintain its lead as expected, which naturally makes people doubt the development prospects of the United States in the 6G era. Although Biden has been trying his best to bypass Huawei's 5G to develop 6G, he is still unable to overtake in corners, which makes Biden very helpless!

First, 6G technology will bring more significant performance improvements than 5G, including higher data rates, lower latency, and wider coverage. This means that the research and development of 6G will require more in-depth basic theoretical research and more complex technological innovation. However, at present, the United States has not shown obvious advantages in basic research and technology accumulation in the field of 6G, but is facing fierce competition from other countries and regions.

Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

Second, the research and development of 6G technology requires global cooperation and sharing. The development of communication technology has gone beyond the scope of a single country and region and has become a global issue. However, the protectionism and technological blockade pursued by the US in recent years have not only hindered cooperation with other countries in the field of communication technology, but also limited its own development space in 6G research and development. This closed and exclusive attitude makes it difficult for the US to form an effective international cooperation network in the field of 6G, thus affecting its R&D progress and achievements.

Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

In addition, the development of 6G technology also needs to solve a series of technical difficulties and challenges. For example, how to achieve more efficient spectrum utilization, how to ensure the security and stability of communication networks, and how to reduce the energy consumption and cost of communication equipment. These problems require a lot of research and investment, and there are no ready-made solutions to draw on. Therefore, for the United States, if it wants to make a breakthrough in the field of 6G, it must abandon the mentality of rushing for quick success and quick profit, and conduct basic research and technological innovation in a down-to-earth manner.

In the face of these challenges and problems, it is not difficult to understand the helplessness of Musk and other people in the technology community. They are well aware that the development of 6G technology is not an overnight thing, and requires long-term accumulation and investment. The difficulties faced by the US in the field of 6G have exposed its shortcomings and deficiencies in the development of communication technology.

Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

Foreign media's evaluation of the US side in the field of 6G is also quite pertinent. They pointed out that there is no shortcut to the development of 6G, and all countries need to work together and explore together. If the US wants to regain its former glory in the 6G era, it must abandon the narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness of the past and actively participate in global cooperation and competition. Only in this way can we occupy a place in the development of 6G technology.

Of course, we cannot ignore the potential and strength of the US side in the field of communication technology. After all, the US has always maintained a high level of scientific and technological innovation and R&D investment. As long as the US can face up to its own shortcomings and challenges in 6G R&D, actively adjust its strategy and direction, and strengthen cooperation and exchanges with other countries and regions, it is believed that its development prospects in the 6G era are still worth looking forward to.

Biden is also helpless! The U.S. 6G R&D has encountered obstacles, and foreign media: there is no shortcut to 6G

To sum up, the helplessness of Biden, Musk and others towards the United States in the field of 6G is actually a reflection of the current challenges and dilemmas faced by the United States in the development of communication technology. The view that there is no shortcut to the development of 6G pointed out by foreign media also reminds us to face the R&D and application of 6G technology with a more pragmatic attitude. In this global competition, only those who can be down-to-earth and brave in innovation will finally stand out in the 6G era.

Therefore, we hope that the US side will face up to its own shortcomings and challenges, and face the development of 6G technology in a more open and inclusive manner. At the same time, we also hope that all countries can strengthen cooperation and exchanges, jointly promote the research and development and application of 6G technology, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the progress and development of human society. What do you think about this?