
As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

author:Han Pang said decoration

Umbrellas are one of the most common items in life, whether it is to shade the rain or the sun, it is very practical. Especially in the spring and summer of each year, the umbrella is used most frequently.

After using the umbrella, the storage location is also very particular. Regarding umbrellas, there is a popular saying: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it will be difficult to be at home." What are the 4 places? What is the meaning of this? The sooner you know, the better.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

1. Don't enlarge the doorway

Many people are accustomed to leaving their umbrellas at the gate to dry after they have finished using them. As everyone knows, such an approach is very dangerous.

1. Block the channel

The gate is a place to enter and exit, and the umbrella is left at the door to dry, which can easily cause the passage to be blocked. It will affect people's normal access, especially the crowded places at the gate, and even occupy the corridors and public areas, making neighbors resentful and causing disharmony in the neighborhood.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

2. There are potential safety hazards

In addition, the water on the umbrella and the floor are wet, causing the ground to be slippery. In addition, the gate is the only way to enter and exit, which is easy for family, neighbors, and passers-by to fall. In particular, narrow places such as stairwells and corridors are more prone to accidents.

3. Become an obstacle

If there is a sudden emergency, such as: fire, earthquake, etc. Umbrellas are placed at the door, which will become an obstacle to evacuation and escape. Umbrellas can trip people and affect the speed and safety of escape.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

2. Don't put it in the living room

The living room is the heart of the home, where guests are received and family entertainment is carried out. Some families like to put their umbrellas in the corner of the living room, which is also very bad.

1. Destroy the overall beauty

The living room is the façade of a family, and if you put umbrellas indiscriminately, it will make the living room look cluttered and ruin the overall beauty.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

2. Affect hygiene

Used umbrellas may have stains such as rain and mud. If you put it directly in the living room, it will stain the floor and furniture in the living room. In addition, it will make the living room damp, easy to mold, and breed bacteria and viruses, which will affect the furniture and floor.

3. The implication is not good

Umbrella and "scatter" are homophony, and the Chinese are the most taboo about homophonic issues. The living room is the most important place for family activities, symbolizing the harmony and prosperity of the family.

If you put an umbrella in the living room, it will affect the fortune of the family, which means scattering and parting. The implication is very bad, and it will invisibly affect the unity and harmony of the family.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

3. Don't put the window

The window is the border between the home and the outside world, and many people will hang their umbrellas directly in the window for convenience. When it rains, take it and hang it back directly after use, which is convenient and trouble-free.

1. High-altitude throwing objects

If you put an umbrella at the window, you may blow it off if you accidentally touch it or when it is windy. If it is a high floor, it will be a very dangerous situation if the falling umbrella hits someone.

Throwing objects from high altitudes is a very scary act that can cause unnecessary losses and disputes.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

2. The umbrella surface is damaged

If you put an umbrella at the window, it will be exposed to the sun. After a long time, the surface of the umbrella is prone to damage and deformation, shortening the service life of the umbrella.

3. Affect family fortunes

The window is an important "air outlet" at home, and an important channel to carry the family's wealth and auspiciousness. The umbrella is homophonic to "scatter", if the umbrella is hung in the window, it is easy to destroy the family fortune. Even, it will lead to the accumulation of yin energy, bringing unnecessary trouble and trouble to the family.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

Fourth, do not put the bathroom

The bathroom is the place to wash and is the wettest place in the house. Some people think that the bathroom is already damp anyway, so you can just put an umbrella in the bathroom.

1. The umbrella bone is rusty

The bathroom is indeed a damp and unventilated place, and if you put a dripping umbrella inside, it will also increase the humidity of the bathroom.

Because of the humidity, the umbrella bones are generally made of metal. After a long time, it is easy to rust the umbrella bones. It affects the effect of opening and closing the umbrella and shortens the service life.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

2. Contaminated with bacteria

In addition to being the wettest part of the home, the bathroom is also the dirtiest functional area. Whether it is bacteria or viruses that grow due to dampness, or bacteria and odors caused by going to the toilet.

Let the door may be contaminated on the umbrella, and when we use the umbrella, it will be contaminated on the body, which will affect our health.

3. Occupy space

The bathroom is not large, and there may be toiletries such as buckets and basins inside. If you add an umbrella that is usually open, it will make the already compact space even more stretched, and it will be difficult to go to the toilet.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better

Summary at the end of the article

When you arrive at a place where there is no rain, shake the umbrella first to minimize the water droplets remaining on the umbrella. If you don't have a place to dry, put your umbrella in a bucket or outside the balcony. You can also use a paper towel or dry cloth to wipe the umbrella clean. Wait until the rain has stopped, then put it outside in a ventilated area or on the balcony to dry the moisture. Finally, it is folded and received in the cabinet for easy access at any time.

As the saying goes: "If you put an umbrella in 4 places, it is difficult to be at home", which 4 places are exact? The sooner you know, the better