
No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love

From the convoy to pick up relatives, to the feast, to three or five relatives and friends, relax and have fun. More and more young people's weddings are more like a cozy party than a grand ceremony. Weddings, once ancient and sacred, are changing dramatically with the times. No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, no witnesses...... Today's young people skip cumbersome ceremonies, just to complete a life agreement in front of the closest family and friends, in the most authentic state, so that the traditional stereotypical and complicated wedding to privacy and self-pleasing.

"Three-no wedding" is becoming more and more popular

Beijing is deep in spring, and the grass and trees are verdant. Xiaoyu (pseudonym), a white-collar worker at an Internet company, came to the scheduled wedding venue. It is a restaurant in the park, with floor-to-ceiling windows facing a man-made lake, and the interior of the restaurant is exceptionally simple and elegant. Xiaoyu set up a small venue for 45 people here, spending 26,000 yuan. "The ceremony is held on the lawn outside, and relatives and friends dine indoors, and everyone can play as much as they want." Xiaoyu said.

No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love

The post-80s Xi'an girl Jieya (pseudonym) showed her "0 yuan" wedding photo, she was wearing a simple white dress, standing under a flower wall with her husband, smiling very happily. This flower wall was designed and made by a friend who opened a flower shop, and the customer temporarily canceled the event, and the flower wall could only be wasted. Under the recommendation of a friend, Jieya changed into a white dress, and under the witness of her friends, she spent 0 yuan to record her happy moment.

No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, no witnesses...... In recent years, minimalist weddings, represented by "three-no" weddings, are gradually becoming popular among young people. According to a survey data, 48.8% of the young people surveyed said that their ideal wedding type is "simple and fashionable wedding party", accounting for the highest proportion; Only 21.3% of the YMCAs surveyed insist on holding a "traditional grand wedding ceremony".

This is in line with the feelings of wedding planner Yang Yan. In her opinion, there are more and more young people who inquire about minimalist weddings, and the reasons are particularly "down-to-earth": they don't want to get up early to be the first, and they hate "toasting culture" is also at the top. I can't stand the sensational link, I'm worried about marriage trouble, and I don't understand the convoy to pick up relatives...... Yang Yan has an obvious feeling that the large-scale weddings of hundreds of people used to be more like being held for relatives and friends, and now the minimalist weddings favored by young people are more likely to please themselves.

The "Wedding Economics" Behind It

Sleep until you wake up naturally, you don't have to rush the process, you don't have to greet politely, and you don't have to stand until your feet hurt...... For young people, the benefits of a "three-no" wedding are obvious. Young people who are keen on "three-no" weddings have invented a set of their own "wedding economics".

According to the data of the "Marriage Industry Insight White Paper" released by Gu Yu Data, the average cost of a wedding for young people is 174,000 yuan, which is 8.8 times the average monthly income of both couples, and 42% of the newlyweds will exceed the budget in the actual spending.

For many young people living in first-tier cities, the price of a big wedding is even more prohibitive. "Many people think that a bigger wedding can charge more money, but in fact, it is quite good to be able to return to the original cost." Xiaoyu said.

Young people's consumption outlook has gradually returned from "wild" to "rational", and "three-no" weddings have become a vivid footnote to this trend. A wedding means the official establishment of a family, and young people want to spend the money saved on family building and risk protection rather than "spending money" on big things.

No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love

In addition to the consideration of wedding expenses, the "three-no" wedding is also based on the risk management of feelings. I have to get up at 4 a.m., take care of my husband who has drunk too much after walking through the whole day in high heels, and sigh late at night at the new house that has been messed up by kissing...... Jieya has served as a bridesmaid many times, and has witnessed many newcomers who are "harmonious in front of people and quarrel in the back" because of the long and cumbersome process. She said that if a relationship that needs to be held together for a lifetime starts with such negative emotions, such a wedding should not be.

Effective planning of time is also a consideration for the "three nos" wedding. The man's hometown holds a wedding, the woman's hometown holds a thank-you banquet, and it has to be held again at the place of work...... The population movement brought about by urbanization makes marriage not just a simple geographical migration from the east of the city to the west of the city, but a cross-regional migration of two families. Due to the limited time of marriage leave, the traditional wedding process has made it difficult for young people to coordinate in terms of timing, and the subsequent "honeymoon trip" is mostly a hasty end with a tired body, not to mention "happy and beautiful memories".

What kind of wedding do we need?

Traditionally, a wedding is the beginning of a marriage. In fact, as the protagonist of the wedding, the pursuit of the "three nos" wedding is a manifestation of the gradual increase in the sense of autonomy of young people. With the change of generations, young people are more free and independent, and the family voice is gradually increasing, and it is natural to want to enhance their sense of participation in the wedding and even control the right to take the lead, and hold the wedding with themselves rather than the family.

From another point of view, the popularity of minimalist weddings may mean that the traditional concept of "marriage events" has been dissolved by modernization. Marriage used to be the most important thing in a person's life, and it was one of the most basic and important means for individuals to resist social risks. But now, in the context of a freer view of marriage and love and a richer material foundation, for many young people, marriage and love have become the icing on the cake to add fun to life and add thickness to life. A change in the meaning of marriage will inevitably lead to a change in the form and purpose of the wedding.

What kind of wedding do today's young people need? There is no standard answer to this question, some people like the excitement of relatives and friends from all over the world, and some people like the relaxed and pleasant coziness of old friends. Either way, as long as you can happily and smoothly complete this ceremony to open a new stage of life, and leave beautiful and happy memories for each other's lives, it is the most suitable wedding for every couple.

(Half Moon talks about reporter Sister Liang)

Source: Half Moon Talk

No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love
No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love
No kissing, no groomsmen, bridesmaids, and no witnesses: three no weddings, reduce the burden of love