
What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

author:Dr. Lilac
What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

Corns, commonly known as meat thorns. It is a skin lesion caused by long-term squeezing or rubbing of the foot due to poor lifestyle habits, occupational reasons or disease factors, and is mainly manifested as a relatively limited cone-shaped bulge on the part of the rubbed or squeezed, and pain when walking or pressing.

What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

Image source: Zhang Jianming, "Diagnostic Atlas of Dermatological and Venereal Diseases", common manifestations of corns

Corns need to be seen in time after they occur, and can be treated with medication or surgery, and most of them can be cured, but they are prone to recurrence. Treatments are usually as follows:

1. Topical corrosives: The first treatment is corns ointment (or salicylic acid patch) or corns ointment.

Topical corrosives need to be used to protect the normal skin around corns. For example, when using corn cream, you can cut a small hole in the center of the medical tape, the same size as the corn, stick it to the skin lesion to expose the corn, and then apply the corn cream.

2. Physical therapy: Electro ion or carbon dioxide laser cautery is used to remove the conical keratin plug. Superficial x-rays may also be used.

3. Surgical excision: complete annular excision of the cornosum lesion (the entire conical keratinosus). It is suitable for patients who do not respond to drug treatment and have recurrent attacks, but the disadvantages are that the damage is large, the recovery is slow, and scarring may be left.

If the lesion does not resolve within 1~2 weeks, please return to the doctor in time.

It is important to note that treatment is not recommended at roadside pedicure stalls. Roadside pedicure workers are not professionally qualified; At the same time, it is difficult to ensure the hygiene of the equipment used, which can easily bring health hazards.

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What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

Dr. Lilac Health Encyclopedia Medical Team

Audit Specialists

What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

Suteng Yang is an attending physician in the Department of Dermatology

What is the best way to remove corns from feet?

Planning and production

Planning: Monkey Pigeon, Xiba Grass | Producer: Pillow Jade

Image source: Lilac Doctor Content Team, Picture Worm Creative

What is the best way to remove corns from feet?