
520 sensitive nodes, will something happen? If nothing happens, it's not normal, the key is to see how big things are

author:Chen Hu points soldiers

The days are so fast that it's almost the middle of May. In the past two days, everyone's attention has been focused on the new changes on the battlefield in Ukraine, as well as the new changes in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the battle in Gaza. In fact, at this time, another day that may cause something big is quietly coming, which is May 20.

520 sensitive nodes, will something happen? If nothing happens, it's not normal, the key is to see how big things are

So what day is 5.20 this year? It is the day of the change of leadership of the Taiwan region. The change of leadership in the Taiwan region is not a major event, but if someone wants to use this excuse to make a big deal, then this day is very likely to turn into a day of great events. Judging from the current situation, will something happen on 5.20? I said that it is normal for something to happen, but it is not normal if nothing happens. It all depends on how big things are.

Let's start with two news. The first news, according to the Taiwanese media "Liberty Times", Taiwan's agriculture and water conservancy departments held a memorial event on May 8, what is commemorated? The commemoration is of a Japanese named Yoichi Hatta. This person claimed to be the designer of the Wushantou Reservoir in Tainan and led the construction of this reservoir. It may not seem like much to say, but when was the reservoir built? It was the period of Japanese colonial rule in the Taiwan region.

Lai Ching-te, the so-called so-called leader of the Taiwan region who had just been elected, personally attended such a so-called commemorative meeting, falsely claimed that he hoped that after 20 May, the Taiwan region and Japan would strengthen cooperation. "If there is something wrong in the Taiwan region, there is something wrong with Japan," this sounds a little familiar. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who died at the beginning, said, "If there is something in the Taiwan region, there is something in Japan." Now the "Taiwan independence" element Lai Qingde has responded with the phrase "If there is something wrong with Japan, there is something wrong with the Taiwan region."

520 sensitive nodes, will something happen? If nothing happens, it's not normal, the key is to see how big things are

Lai Qingde claims to be a pragmatic "Taiwan independence worker," so judging from his remarks, he is not only a "Taiwan independence worker," but also by no means a low-key "Taiwan independence worker." When such a figure ascends to the throne of the leader of the Taiwan region, can he not make trouble and create trouble?

Of course, if the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island of Taiwan go to make trouble on their own, they will certainly not be able to turn the sky upside down. However, those who want to make trouble are not only the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island of Taiwan, but also the "anti-China" forces in the international community. On May 6, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian held a regular press conference, and a reporter asked a question, according to reports, Lan Moke, assistant assistant secretary of state and coordinator of China affairs of the East Asia Bureau of the US State Department, said at a US think tank event that UN General Assembly resolution 2758 "does not recognize, does not mean, does not reflect the consensus on the one-China principle, has nothing to do with the sovereign choice of countries in relations with the Taiwan region, does not rule out Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system and other multilateral forums, and does not constitute the position of the United Nations system on the issue of Taiwan's final political status."

This question reflects one thing, that is, the officials of the United States, and the officials in charge of Asia-Pacific and China affairs, are making a lot of nonsense, and what is the content of the nonsense that they are challenging? The challenge is the content of UN Resolution 2758 on the "one-China" principle. Obviously, some "anti-China" forces in the United States are also actively stirring up trouble.

520 sensitive nodes, will something happen? If nothing happens, it's not normal, the key is to see how big things are

On a larger scale, the United States is currently in the midst of an election campaign. For then-US President Joe Biden and the current Democratic administration, seeking re-election is his primary goal. How can this be achieved? Biden and the Democratic Party obviously have no bottom in their hearts, because they have made a lot of achievements in the past four years in power, but they have dug a bunch of holes for the United States. Often, the more there is no political achievement, the more you have to create momentum and hype up big hot spots.

Now look at the Democratic Party and Biden in the United States, where did they put this hype hotspot? It was put on the issue of relations with China. On the one hand, they are talking about the "four noes and one unintentional", and on the other hand, they are frantically challenging China's bottom line. Recently, the United States has intensified its sanctions against Chinese companies, creating a series of topics such as "China's overcapacity" and "China's support for Russia", provoking incidents in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. What do these signs indicate? This shows that the "Taiwan independence" forces and the international "anti-China" forces want to make trouble.

For a group of people who want to make trouble and want to make trouble, they come across an opportunity like 5.20 that is not an opportunity, do you think he can let it go? Of course, 5.20 is not just about this day, but also about the period before and after. From this point of view, at this point in time, there is a possibility that something will happen, something big will happen.

So what if something happens, what if something happens, what will happen? In fact, at present, in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the response of the People's Liberation Army to the provocateurs is already very revealing.

520 sensitive nodes, will something happen? If nothing happens, it's not normal, the key is to see how big things are

As I said two days ago, the PLA's actions are actually telling the adversary and those around me who are in the hands of the real advantage of power in this region. Don't we have an old saying, "The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish", but I want to tell you that there is another sentence, which is a proverb of coastal fishermen, called "grab the limelight, catch the tail". What does that mean? The limelight and wind tail are the period when the fish gather, and it is easy to catch fish and catch big fish during this period.

This is why I would like to say, "The bigger the waves, the bigger the fish." Let's wait and see what the "Taiwan independence" forces and the international "anti-China" forces can do on May 20 this year, how much trouble they can make, and how big of a "fish" we can catch in the process.