
Three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, are really classics!

author:Brother Shuang tweeted

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Shuang, pay attention to me and don't have a book shortage, I have no intention of taking you to read all the online novels, this time I bring you three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, and they are really classics!

Three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, are really classics!

"Qin Officials" is new in July

The number of words in this book: 3.36 million words, ended

Reason for recommendation: The story of the Qin Annihilation of the Six Kingdoms period derived from the information recorded by the Qin Jian unearthed in modern times, the protagonist crossed the more pawn Heifu became a low-class duke because of his meritorious work in catching thieves, and then started from the pavilion chief and grew up in the Qin system, the previous cases have certain practical significance, and also reflect the difference between the Qin period and the modern legal system.

Three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, are really classics!

"Step by Step Lotus" moon pass

The number of words in this book: 3.63 million words, has ended

Reason for recommendation: 1.5 million words, but it is the best book written by Yueguan. The rhythm is smooth, and it perfectly plays the strengths of Yueguan in terms of romance, and avoids the shortcomings of Yueguan's low political and military level. There is no tragedy in it, the overall style is relaxed, and the simple romanticism of the people in the pre-Qin era is well reflected. If you're on the verge of reading a historical masterpiece with ups and downs, you may be disappointed. But with the mindset of reading a historical novel with a beautiful style and warm and romantic style, you will definitely be intoxicated.

Three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, are really classics!

"Late Ming" Keshan Dream

The number of words in this book: 2.27 million words, ended

Recommended reason:Book friends who read books very quickly This article is recommended to read it first,Then find an audio novel in a certain software and listen to it again,The first time I read it, I only feel that the writing is excellent,The characters are rich,After listening to it again, Fang Jue The most powerful thing in this article is that the humanistic feelings are strong,Listening to it unconsciously tears,Heartache for the suffering of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty,Sigh,Gloomy soul。

Three well-known alternate historical novels, which are still highly sought after after many years, are really classics!

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