
The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

author:Xianning News Network

Reporter Zhu Yaping, correspondent Xing Yuan, Shen Jiale

Pocket Xianning reports

May 13 to May 19 is the National Energy Conservation Awareness Week. On the 15th, in the comprehensive office area of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Government Affairs Service Center and the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee jointly held the 2024 Xianning Public Institutions Energy Conservation Publicity Week and the Publicity and Implementation of the Municipal Domestic Waste Classification Management Measures. Nearly 200 people, including the management personnel of energy conservation and environmental protection work of various units directly under the municipal government, the members of the special class of the office of the two-level garbage classification leading group in the urban area, the heads of the hot springs, Fushan and Yongan offices, and the cadres and employees of various units in the comprehensive office area participated in the event.

The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

Focusing on the theme of "Green Transformation, Energy Conservation", the event focused on the practical results of green and low-carbon transformation of public institutions since the 14th Five-Year Plan, popularized the concept of green and low-carbon development, guided cadres and employees to carry out green practices such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, green travel, and garbage classification, strengthened legal education, and promoted the formation of green and low-carbon work and lifestyle, further disseminated the concept of ecological civilization, and gave full play to the demonstration and leading role of public institutions in the green and low-carbon development of the whole society.

The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

Xu Xiaoyan, director of the Municipal Affairs Service Center, delivered a speech for the event, fully affirming the achievements of energy conservation and environmental protection in public institutions in our city, and calling on the majority of cadres and workers to strive to be green and low-carbon vanguards, practitioners and propagandists, deputy director Chen Wei reported on the inspection of domestic waste classification in public institutions in the first quarter of 2024, Huang Bin, deputy director of the Municipal Environmental Sanitation Bureau, introduced the effectiveness of domestic waste classification in our city, and Xu Yancui, a practicing lawyer at Hubei Yingping Weihe Law Firm, interpreted the "Xianning City Domestic Waste Classification Management Measures", The event also organized a visit to the intelligent one-stop garbage sorting service kiosk in the comprehensive office area of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and carried out the practice of green exchange of domestic waste classification.

The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

On May 1 this year, the "Xianning City Domestic Waste Classification Management Measures" was officially implemented, and the domestic waste classification work was incorporated into the legal system in the form of government regulations, marking the city's requirements and norms for domestic waste classification to a new height. The "management measures" standardize the whole process of domestic waste classification management, and make it clear that public institutions should play a leading role in the classification of domestic waste, strengthen publicity and education, popularize classification knowledge, advocate a green and low-carbon lifestyle, and give priority to the procurement and use of products, facilities and equipment that protect the environment.

The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

The energy conservation and environmental protection management personnel who participated in the event said that the cadres and workers of public institutions such as government agencies and institutions should take the lead in setting an example, actively participate in green practices such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, green travel, and domestic waste classification, and drive families and people around them to start from small things, start from now, and contribute to the green development of Xianning.

The city held energy conservation publicity week activities for public institutions

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Affairs Service Center, the center takes green and low-carbon development as the goal, focuses on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and promotes the energy and resource conservation and ecological environmental protection of public institutions in a solid and orderly manner. 346 party and government organs at and above the county level in the city have been built into economical organs; 1 national energy efficiency leader and 22 national and provincial energy-saving public institution demonstration units have been built; 11 provincial-level public institutions domestic waste classification demonstration sites and demonstration schools have been built, and 625 public institutions in the urban area of the city will be fully covered by the end of 2020; 4 demonstration cases were rated as typical cases and excellent cases of energy and resource conservation in the province and the country; In 2023, new energy vehicles will account for 85% of the city's updated official vehicles, and 494 new charging piles will be added to the office areas of public institutions in the city. Municipalities and counties (cities and districts) adopt a market-oriented approach to pilot contract energy management; Carry out anti-food waste work effectiveness evaluation in government canteens, and vigorously promote the "small portion" and "half portion" meal service model; On the basis of a comprehensive ban on plastics, we will actively explore a new path of "replacing plastic with bamboo".

Editor-in-charge: Nie Yingying

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