
Jian Chongzhi's artistic life exhibition was unveiled in the thatched cottage, and 136 masterpieces reproduced the years of burning passion

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Wang Yili

On the afternoon of May 15th, under the guidance of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Research Museum of Culture and History and the Sichuan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and sponsored by the Sichuan Artists Association, Chengdu Artists Association, Chengdu Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum and Chengdu Chinese Calligraphy Museum, the "Burning Years of Passion - Jian Chongzhi's Artistic Life Exhibition" opened at the Chengdu Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum. After that, researcher Li Jie, executive chairman of the Sichuan Bashu School of Painting Promotion Association and executive director of the Art Committee, presided over the "Jian Chongzhi Artistic Life Academic Seminar".

Jian Chongzhi's artistic life exhibition was unveiled in the thatched cottage, and 136 masterpieces reproduced the years of burning passion

The scene of the event

At the opening ceremony, Li Qingli, vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, expressed her gratitude for the holding of the exhibition on behalf of the Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, reviewed Jian Chongzhi's artistic life and creative achievements, and expressed her deep remembrance of him. Yu Zhiqiang, a classmate of Jian Chongzhi and former director of the sculpture department of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, fondly misses Jian Chongzhi's influence and changes on his life and art as a young friend, classmate and close friend in life. The student representative of Jian Chongzhi's watercolor painting advanced research class delivered a speech of gratitude to the teacher at the opening ceremony. Jian Chongzhi's beloved daughter, the main curator of the exhibition, Jian Bei, made a special trip back to China to organize the exhibition, she thanked everyone for their support and help at the opening ceremony, and she donated 10 works on behalf of her father to the Chengdu Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum for collection. At the same time, Jian Chongzhi's elder brother, artist Jian Chongmin, also donated 4 works to Chengdu Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum to express his gratitude.

Jian Chongzhi's artistic life exhibition was unveiled in the thatched cottage, and 136 masterpieces reproduced the years of burning passion

Jian Chongzhi's work

At the subsequent academic seminar, Jian Chongmin was full of passion and choked up many times, telling about the artistic life of his younger brother Jian Chongzhi, and he used the three key words of "snow mountain, sea, and stars" to summarize Jian Chongzhi's artistic life, which was full of poetry, sincere emotion, and full of passion, which moved the family, friends, classmates and disciples present. Ma Yiping, Honorary Dean of Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts of Sichuan Conservatory of Music and President of Sichuan Bashu School of Painting Promotion Association, reviewed Jian Chongzhi's passionate artistic life. He said that his artistic life reminds me of Mozart's works and life, which always give people strength, full of positive energy, and always so positive, especially for people whose artistic path is full of hardships and twists and turns. Qiu Xiaoqiu, a ninety-year-old artist, also rushed to the scene to express his remembrance of Jian Chongzhi, he said, I don't know Jian Chongzhi, I went to Nanping County (now Jiuzhaigou County) to look for him unsuccessfully, so many years have not met, today at the scene carefully looked at the works he painted on the theme of Jiuzhaigou, it is simply excellent, it can be said that he grasped the soul of painting Jiuzhaigou, his creation is good at thinking, has his own personality and appearance, the later works enhance the elements of Chinese painting, he is a scholar-type art master, worth learning. Classmates and friends, artists Wang Longsheng, Zhang Ziqi, Tang Renjian, Yu Zhiqiang, He Hongying, etc., recalled the friendship with Jian Chongzhi and the bits and pieces on the road of artistic creation at the seminar, which was deeply moving.

Li Jie concluded his speech at the academic seminar, saying that the exhibition "Years of Burning Passion: Jian Chongzhi's Artistic Life" is a commemorative exhibition of some of Jian Chongzhi's works held on the first anniversary of his death, and most of the works have not been officially exhibited. It is gratifying that so many family and friends are remembering him today and appreciating his artistic achievements.

Jian Chongzhi's artistic life exhibition was unveiled in the thatched cottage, and 136 masterpieces reproduced the years of burning passion

Jian Chongzhi's work

Mr. Jian Chongzhi is a well-known artist in mainland China and the second son of a martyr of Jian Guozhi, a returned overseas Chinese. He graduated from the Secondary Art School affiliated to the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and worked at the Cultural Center of Nanping County (now Jiuzhaigou County) in Aba Prefecture, Chongqing Iron and Steel Company, and Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts of Sichuan Conservatory of Music. He is the first batch of influential representatives of the Bashu School. His art works have participated in many important exhibitions at home and abroad and won awards, leaving many excellent works for the art world.

This exhibition displays 136 fine paintings created by Mr. Jian Chongzhi between 1976 and 2022, which reflect the achievements of Mr. Kan's artistic practice in different life periods since his youth, carry Mr. Kan's rich life experience and artistic perception, have a mature personal artistic style and strong artistic tension, and completely present Mr. Jian Chongzhi's "passionate artistic life" to the audience. The exhibition will run until May 28.

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