
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

author:Peace and prosperity


Fraud routines emerge in endlessly,

Some unscrupulous people take advantage of the elderly

Information blockage, desire for health, and weak cognition

Scam the elderly out of their money.

What are some common scams?

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Provision of elderly care services

In the name of investing in pension bases, tourism inspections, pre-sale of pension beds and other projects, the elderly customers are lured to the so-called pension bases and welfare homes for visits and plays, and then illegally raise funds in the name of pre-sale of pension beds.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Financial investments

Slogans such as "limited edition" and "peerless collection" are often used by criminals to attract investment from the elderly, and some criminals also promise to help the elderly auction commemorative coins in the short term to "double the income".

At the same time, there are also criminals who use emerging financial concepts such as "overseas equity" and "angel investment" to confuse the public and induce the elderly to buy products.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Cheap shopping

Criminals publish information on the transfer of low-priced second-hand items, and once they contact them, they will defraud the elderly of money on the grounds of paying deposits, handling fees, etc.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Complimentary gifts

Fraudsters lure seniors into buying useless health products at high prices, and some of the older people who suffer from illness believe in what fraudsters call "magical" home remedies. Under the guise of giving away eggs, fruits, and small household appliances for free, fraudsters rent special venues to promote "health care products" and "therapeutic drugs" to the elderly, and exaggerate the efficacy of the products to tempt the elderly, thus committing fraud.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Low-cost tours

Travel agencies attract the elderly to join group tours with the gimmick of low-cost tours and free tours. Subsequently, various shopping links are arranged during the tour, and the goods are sold to the elderly at prices many times higher than the market price. In addition, some travel agencies have lowered their accommodation and dietary standards, or excluded various attractions that require payment from low-cost tour prices.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Pretend to be a winner

Criminals sent text messages to the elderly in the name of the popular TV program group, saying that the other party had been selected as the lucky viewer of the program, and carried out fraud on the grounds that they needed to pay a handling fee and deposit to get the bonus.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Impersonating the public prosecutor's office

Fraudsters usually forge relevant documents and documents, pretend to be public security, procuratorate, court and other staff, take advantage of the elderly's weak legal awareness and panic psychology, as well as their concern for their children, claiming that they want to carry out arrest and must pay security funds, etc., to defraud the elderly of their money.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Twilight Love

The "Twilight Love" scam is actually a kind of "pig killing" scam, mainly aimed at single elderly people, after developing into online dating through the Internet, they ask for money by fabricating various reasons, and then block each other to complete the fraud.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)


Pretending to be a friend or relative

After using illegal means to obtain the information of the elderly, the criminals disguise themselves as relatives and friends of the elderly, and send text messages on the grounds of borrowing money, emergency relief, etc., asking the elderly to transfer money to them.

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

Scams are becoming more and more sophisticated,

Seniors should be careful! Please put away the anti-scam tips

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

Fraud prevention guide


Quit greed

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

Don't believe in the panacea and pie-in-the-sky free lunch, don't believe in unknown objects and suspicious information, and be vigilant against high-interest products.


Strengthen vigilance

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

Keep calm in case of trouble, investigate more, think more, don't easily believe or blindly follow strangers, and keep personal information confidential.


Talk about science, not superstition

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

In the face of health care fraud, do "two wants, two don'ts", that is, do not believe that there is a panacea for all diseases, if you have a disease, take the initiative to seek medical treatment, health care products can not cure the disease. On the contrary, substandard health supplements can aggravate the patient's condition and delay the opportunity for treatment.


Communicate frequently with family and friends

National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)
National anti-fraud | Wansheng Police Anti-Fraud Propaganda (118)

When encountering things that cannot be decided, do not rush to make decisions, do not be stubborn, listen to the opinions of relatives and friends, and communicate with relatives and friends frequently. From the perspective of relatives and children, it is necessary to communicate more with the elderly in the family and give them more care.

Source: Beijing Anti-Fraud