
Sheng Police Star丨Long Hongyu: With my youth, I take the responsibility of the people

author:Peace and prosperity

When he was a young man, he lived up to his life and knew it. He is the youth force of the police battalion, he has been in the police for 4 years, and has been transferred to many positions such as special police detachments and police stations, and has always been unrepentant and tireless, interpreting the heart of loving the people with a dedicated attitude, and watching at the forefront of peace construction with the power of youth and youth.

He is Long Hongyu, a criminal investigation police officer of Wandong Police Station of Wansheng Economic Development Zone Public Security Bureau, who was awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau" in May 2024 for his outstanding work achievements.

Love + persistence

He is the "pioneer in solving cases" who has planted his banner on the criminal investigation front

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the criminal investigation policemen who were busy in several interrogation rooms at the same time, some of them did not close their eyes for almost 30 hours, and the interrogation was a mental work, and they could not take care of fatigue when they were highly concentrated.

Sheng Police Star丨Long Hongyu: With my youth, I take the responsibility of the people

"There is a certain degree of difficulty in solving the case of wire fraud, but in the face of difficulties, we must let the victims see hope, and we ourselves must be full of hope for solving the case!" In July 2023, 3 people in the jurisdiction of Wandong Police Station received a strange phone call, the other party claimed to be a customer service of an online shopping platform, and could accurately say his identity information and "white strip" loan records, and after successfully gaining the trust of the 3 people, the other party tricked 3 people into 10,000 yuan through a series of words. After receiving the police, the Wandong Police Station quickly set up a special team, and Long Hongyu took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as the lead investigator of the case, and then successfully smashed the telecom fraud gang across several provinces within a week, recovering more than 30,000 yuan of stolen money.

In the past four years, Long Hongyu has presided over more than 100 criminal cases, smashed more than 10 illegal and criminal gangs, and arrested more than 200 criminal suspects. "Although the anti-fraud work is not easy, I will always work hard. May there be no fraud in the world, and the peace of all families is my original intention. The 26-year-old Long Hongyu is not very old, but he has high aspirations. He will continue to walk firmly on the road of guarding the people's "money bags".

Patience + enthusiasm

He is the "peace and blue blue" that writes warmth into ordinary years

Solve the people's worries, treat them sincerely, help the people in distress, and spread warmth. Since last year alone, Long Hongyu has properly mediated more than 100 contradictions and disputes, and helped the masses solve 20 problems.

Sheng Police Star丨Long Hongyu: With my youth, I take the responsibility of the people

"Give full play to your own light and heat to illuminate the happiness and well-being of the masses." Last winter, it was 12 o'clock in the evening, a young woman rushed into the police station anxiously, and called the police to say that because of trivial matters, her husband left home angrily after drinking, and his mobile phone was turned off, and he has not returned yet, and there is no news. After listening, Long Hongyu immediately asked for details, and after appeasing the woman, he began to check the surveillance video, and finally found his husband's trace at 2 o'clock in the morning. After understanding what happened, Long Hongyu took the two parties back to the police station, and did ideological work on the two from all aspects such as family and family affection, and finally reconciled the two after more than an hour of patient persuasion. "I didn't expect the police to find my husband so quickly, and to persuade us so patiently in the quarrel between husband and wife, we will definitely understand each other in the future, thank you," said the woman who called the police.

Sheng Police Star丨Long Hongyu: With my youth, I take the responsibility of the people

With the most sincere "heart for the masses" to devote himself to the broadest fertile soil of "serving the people", Long Hongyu will always rush to the road of helping the people and the people without hesitation and tirelessly.