
Who is Guo Youcai?

author:Cao County Rong Media Center

If you want to talk about the current Internet celebrity check-in place, Shandong Heze unexpectedly rode the nostalgic music wind!

Recently, "Brother Heze Tree" Guo Youcai became popular with a cover of "Promise", and it also brought fire to Heze South Station, which has not stopped passenger trains for a long time, attracting people from all over the world to come to listen to songs, take photos, and check in, so that it can reproduce the excitement and prosperity of the past.

Who is Guo Youcai?

Screenshot of Guo Youcai's social platform

Who is Guo Youcai?

Singing is a dream, barbecue is life

"I'm from Heze, Shandong, my name is Guo Zhuang, the word is in the middle of the word, and the number is talented." In an interview with the media, he introduced himself like this. He said it was his dream to sing every morning and run a barbecue stand every night was his life.

Guo Youcai put the simple live broadcast equipment to the square of Heze South Station every morning and started the day's live broadcast. When singing live broadcast, Guo Youcai's style is very distinctive, wearing clothes from the 90s of the 20th century and combing his big back, which reminds people of Wang Baoqiang's dress in the movie "Mr. Tree", so "Brother Heze Shu" got its name.

On May 10, his social platform account only had 190,000 followers; As of the early morning of May 15, although only 5 cover videos were publicly displayed, he already had 3.74 million fans, and the likes of his cover masterpiece "Promise" exceeded 1.47 million, and he became popular very quickly.

Guo Youcai's cover of "Promise" is very different from the original song, and some netizens concluded that he used his vicissitudes of voice and deep emotions to inject a kind of pressure of life and unyielding hope into this song, "I like to listen to him sing, not because of how superb his singing level is, but because his singing voice not only resonates with people, but also conveys the power of love and perseverance." ”

Who is Guo Youcai?

On May 13, 2024, in Heze, Shandong, Guo Youcai sold barbecue at night. Source: Visual China

Who is Guo Youcai?

Overnight explosion "like a dream"

How can a 25-year-old young man sing full of vicissitudes and make it difficult to stop? After he became popular, many people also learned about his story -

Guo Youcai can be regarded as a "grassroots" background, born in 1999 in a small village in Heze, his mother died when he was 10 years old, and his father formed a new family. Entered the society early, learned electric car maintenance, worked as a waiter in a bathing center, and worked as a real estate salesman...... At the same time, there are two entrepreneurial failures, the first time he used his savings to open a restaurant, but it closed down not long after; The second time he opened a barbecue stand, which also failed for various reasons.

"I hope you can give me a spring wind, but now everyone is giving me a spring." Guo Youcai sighed in the live broadcast. "These supporters and spectators came all the way to the scene to recognize me. Their arrival has provided me with tremendous motivation and confidence, making me more comfortable and engaged during live broadcasts. He told reporters that he once fantasized that he would be able to become popular one day, but when this day came, "trance, like a dream" was his initial feeling, "I felt that my world suddenly changed." At the same time, I realized that I needed to pay attention to my speech and behavior, and I hope to be able to bring more positive energy to everyone in the future. ”

Regarding the retro dress that netizens are concerned about, Guo Youcai told reporters, "This style of dressing is what I am particularly interested in and like, the dress I wear is my father's, and I also want to carry the responsibility and pressure on his body, so I dress myself up a little more mature." ”

He said in an interview that he would insist on making his own barbecue. "We've been doing barbecue for 5 years and have a lot of loyal customers. I can't afford to lose my barbecue stand, and I have to keep going on the music road. ”

Who is Guo Youcai?

On May 14, 2024, in Heze City, Shandong Province, Heze South Station was full of people. Source: Visual China

Who is Guo Youcai?

Heze turned on the pet fan mode

The story of a man who leads a city on fire is unfolding.

Guo Youcai's popularity has blown a nostalgic wind, and his live broadcast location, Heze South Station, which has been out of use for many years, has also attracted attention again. When I went to Shandong, I listened to Guo Youcai sing "Promise", which became a craze.

Heze South Railway Station was built in 1978, is a passenger and freight railway station, in 1980 the first train into Heze, the end of the history of Heze not through the railway, but also bear the burden of Heze freight. This railway station, which looks unattractive today, was once the starting point for many Heze people to chase their dreams, and countless Heze people set off from here on a green car to go to school and work......

The train of the times has accelerated forward, and the old Heze South Station has unloaded the burden of passenger transportation, but it is still an immortal "landmark" in the hearts of many Heze people, and its rustic appearance has also evoked the memories of many netizens in the past years.

At present, this wave of "pouring traffic" has finally blown to Heze, Shandong.

In order to welcome the "guests" who flocked to the country from all over the country, Heze responded quickly and drove the asphalt truck directly to Heze South Station, and quickly repaired the road surface to ensure everyone's travel experience.

Many tourists took videos and did live broadcasts at Guo Youcai's live broadcast site, so the live broadcast traffic of Heze South Station increased sharply, which once caused network congestion. Heze Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom directly drove the signal car to the South Railway Station, and added a network base station on the spot.

Who is Guo Youcai?

At the same time, volunteers have followed up, every morning from 8 o'clock to the evening, not only for foreign tourists to provide free mobile phone charging, road guidance and other services, and even on the spot to send Heze's special peony, as well as "hairpin brother" free water.

Guo Youcai's explosion is just an opportunity, how to catch and retain this "pouring traffic", there are many tests for Heze.

Source: CCTV Network, Comprehensive CCTV Network, China Network, Jinan Times, New Yellow River, Chao News, etc