
Who is smarter with older children? It's not a mother, research: this person has a baby, and the child has a higher IQ

author:Dingma parenting

Who is the baby in your family?

I've always felt that it's best for mothers to take their children. After all, it is often said on the Internet that "Dad can take the baby alive", which shows that the father with the baby is really unreliable.

But Sister Na's sharing made me change my mind, it turns out that it is also very important for dad to take care of the baby, even more powerful than mom.

Sister Na said that since her second treasure went to elementary school, she has been tormenting people every day - she doesn't listen carefully in class, her homework is not good at writing, she often counts down in exams, and her temper is still very bad, and she can fight 300 rounds with her every day.

Who is smarter with older children? It's not a mother, research: this person has a baby, and the child has a higher IQ

At the beginning of the year, Sister Na's health was not very good, and the task of taking care of Erbao was handed over to Sister Na's husband.

3 months have passed, and Erbao has undergone earth-shaking changes - he listens carefully in class, no longer chokes people when he speaks, and no longer quarrels with Sister Na. In this midterm exam, Erbao even took a good ranking of 18 in the class (32 places improved).

Regarding the change of Erbao, Sister Na was a little confused.

After struggling for a long time, I came to a conclusion: Dad and baby seem to be more reliable, and the child is smarter.

Is this really the case?

With doubts, Ding Ma checked some information and found several studies on fathers with babies, and also proved that fathers with babies do have many irreplaceable benefits for mothers.


Yale University has followed up on children raised by different parents.

The survey, which lasted 12 years, finally concluded that children who were cared for by their fathers from an early age generally have higher IQs and are more communicative and energetic.

In other words, children brought up by their fathers generally have higher IQ and EQ, and their personalities are more optimistic and outgoing.

Who is smarter with older children? It's not a mother, research: this person has a baby, and the child has a higher IQ

The documentary "The Biological Significance of Fathers" also has research on the relationship between children's IQ and fathers.

The researchers studied more than 10,000 ordinary people and found that the children who interacted with their fathers the most generally had higher IQs. Even when children are adults, the impact of their father's on their IQ is significant, and may even extend into adulthood.


Why do dads have such a big influence on their children?

Many experts say that it may be related to the specific personality and behavioral characteristics of the father.

1. Adventurous spirit

Many dads love to explore on adventure, which can encourage their children to try new things and develop their courage and independence.

For example, when riding a bicycle, horizontal bar, playing basketball, climbing and other sports, many mothers are always afraid that their children will be injured.

Fathers are different, most fathers are more "careless", they will not be entangled too much, and they will not babble and affect their children.

They are more inclined to explain the rules and precautions of the game/sport to their children first, and then ask them to be brave enough to try.

Who is smarter with older children? It's not a mother, research: this person has a baby, and the child has a higher IQ

2. Logical thinking

Many studies have shown that dads play an important role in helping children develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

I always thought that I had a different brain circuit from my child's father, and that's exactly what happened.

I often give up because I think too much, and when I give up, I often think crankily and care a lot about what other people think.

The child's father is more neat, he does what he wants, even if he misses it, he will not consume himself, and he is very positive every day.

Under the influence of his father, Dingdong became an optimistic, cheerful, and neat child. I'm glad he wasn't influenced by me.

3. Rules and boundaries

Are you a loving mother or a tiger mother?

I've always felt like a tiger mom and I'm more serious about my children, but my children seem to be more "scared" of their fathers.

Later, I found out that I seemed to be strict but very soft-hearted. What I can't do, what I can't break, I often soften my heart because of my child's plea.

In these areas, dads are usually stricter and can help children understand and follow the rules, so that children can adapt more to this society and follow the rules and laws.

Who is smarter with older children? It's not a mother, research: this person has a baby, and the child has a higher IQ

4. Have a broad mentality

After having a child, the mother's attention is almost all on the child. Worry about your child's eating, drinking, and sleeping, and worry about your child's character, health, and learning.

Especially after I went to elementary school, I often quarreled with my children because of their grades.

Dads' mentality is different, they don't stare at their children too closely, and they don't worry too much about their children's grades.

Just like Sister Na's husband, who took care of Erbao for 3 months, Sister Na's husband would take Erbao to play every day after school, listen to stories, build blocks, play chess, and ride bicycles...... I didn't pay much attention to learning, but Erbao opened up and made great progress in learning.

Of course, this does not mean that Dad is better suited than Mom in all respects.

The role of mothers in parenting is irreplaceable, and they are usually more responsible for the emotional needs, daily care, and emotional communication of their children.

Every child and family's needs are unique, and the best parenting style is usually one in which parents work together, building on their strengths and working together to create a loving, supportive, and guiding environment for their children.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]