
Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

author:Everybody is a product manager
During the project 0-1 period, how to use trading thinking to do traffic? Or in the matter of doing traffic, we need to have a global mindset and grasp the value and emotion.
Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

Then continue to "How to land a 100W business closed loop" No. 07 - during the project 0-1 period, how to use trading thinking to do traffic.

1. How many misunderstandings do you have in the direction of traffic?

  1. If you don't trust the product, you start to do traffic and accounts
  2. If there is no profit product planning, start to do traffic and make accounts
  3. The circle of friends is brand new and of average quality
  4. There are no hook gifts
  5. There is no foundation for private domain trust, such as the content of Official Accounts and Channels
  6. Unaware of their user tagging system
  7. Didn't build your own deal repertoire
  8. For the time being, it does not have the ability to hold online community open classes
  9. There is no one or more traffic operation officers to assist you
  10. Determine whether the private domain can ensure the normal cash flow of the brand

For these 10 questions, you should score at least 7-8 points before you can start to lay out traffic. Otherwise, it is easy to face the following situations:

  1. I don't know what to do when I'm doing it
  2. Copying and copying, forgetting himself, becoming a four-like machine number
  3. The data is getting worse and worse, and there is no positive feedback
  4. There is data, but it can't be monetized, and it's a false boom
  5. There's traffic, but it just can't convert

Whether it is to do knowledge IP or online education, to do traffic is to do content, and products are part of the content. The content is a natural moat, not to get rich overnight, but not to be completely cool as soon as the wind passes.

The theory of pan-traffic invincibility mentioned by the big Vs is not suitable for 0-1, and it itself overcomes the team, resources, and enterprise life cycle stages.

For example, Brother Douyin, in order to get out of position, you can recruit a few beauties to be the background board, and play with your mobile phone; You can make hundreds of matrix numbers; It can be put in hundreds of thousands of dollars per day, is this suitable for start-up knowledge IP and education enterprises? Not quite suitable. Of course, if you're a second generation, when I didn't say.

2. Are you ready to do a protracted battle for traffic?

The current Internet is not a barbaric period, and posting a photo of planting watermelons can increase millions of fans overnight. If you still want to write a few Xiaohongshu articles and post a few videos to increase your followers, you can get wide access and monetize. My dear friend, I suggest you don't look any further.

What does the Internet look like now?

Think about what the Republic of China period was like.

Much like today's Internet economy, there are talented people from all generations, each leading the way for a year or two. Hurun Report's 2023 has basically changed half of its people compared to 2020. What's more, the essence of individual economy is personalization, don't keep thinking about getting out of the circle, first do this circle in a down-to-earth manner. Therefore, to borrow the words of idols, to do traffic, "you must be prepared for a protracted battle".

So, is there no future for Internet business? Is it the end of the road now? Neither is it. Today's Internet content is not subdivided enough, the form is excessive, the content is poor, and big data has deepened this uniformity. It is true that capital can brainwash the masses through various technologies, but if it is too much, the market will adjust them one by one with an invisible hand.

When you have these two mental preparations, you can rate yourself again before doing it and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I willing to tear down the viral video word by word?
  2. Am I willing to spend 2 hours a day researching traffic?
  3. Can I accept no results for the first 3-6 months?
  4. Can I continue to iterate and record feedback on a daily basis?
  5. Do I really want to go to the commons scuffle?
  6. Can I look at the data without comparison?
  7. Can I calmly look at the malicious attacks of netizens?
  8. Will I be able to feel joy and joy in the output?
  9. Can I withstand the cold eyes, ridicule, blackmail, and incomprehension of others?
  10. Can I stick to one thing for 10 years?

These ten problems, if there is a pull, then it will be more painful for you to do traffic. It is a few people who bear the pain, and most people are suitable to be a little happier.

Think about it and don't regret it.

3. Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain

The purpose of enterprises to do traffic is to monetize. It's just that the form of realization is different, some of the wool comes out of the sheep, and some of the wool comes out of the pig.

So before doing traffic, you need to think about how you monetize? Ad? Clue? Selling? Selling classes? Sell membership? Sell downline?

Second, think about your product keywords vs. traffic keywords.

Some more mature products, the traffic keywords will be very subdivided, such as the traffic words of the cream are light spots, smooth fine lines, whitening, moisturizing, soft, complexion, youth, firming, lifting, etc.; However, some products, when there is still a blank in the market, and when there are no traffic words, you need to dig out from the product words yourself.

Finally, the direction and layout of traffic content should consider the attack and conversion.

For example, the supercomputing course product I made in 2023 is too early to lead the market, and there are no relevant search terms on the whole network. You can only find relevant keywords from the product and lay them in large quantities, and the effect is very good. A new account is about a month, and it can also do more than 1,000 fans and hundreds of traffic.

The key is that the conversion rate is relatively high, up to more than 20%, even if new people are introduced, the worst conversion rate is 2.82%, which is all done without any open classes and training camps.

Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

5118 industry keyword search

Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

A database of traffic keywords sorted out by product

Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking
Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

The background data of the new number for one month

Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

A few high-click data from the start

Trading experience: To do traffic, you must have this trading thinking

Total conversion rate in the semi-annual summary plan

Fourth, traffic is content, traffic is value, and traffic is emotion

Before we get to know the content, let's compare classic books with fast food culture.

"Zizhi Tongjian", which was written in 1085, will become popular again in 2023 after being interpreted by Big V; Confucius, Mencius, etc. are still shining;


Because its content is substantial, connotative, broad and profound, not just formal; Because these classics give people spiritual nourishment, give people an uplifting will, and give people the courage and wisdom of life; is also because these classics are pure in heart, full of emotions and sincere, blowing all the wild sand to gold.

Therefore, it is worth learning and worshipping from generations to generations for thousands of years, and really good things will not be forgotten.

Therefore, to do traffic content, the intention must be positive, you are to use your life wisdom, your experience, and your original intention to bring truth, goodness and beauty to the world and help more people. You're not scamming. The psychological mechanism of people is very strange, if you can deceive others, you can't deceive yourself, and the guilt that can't see the light will eventually crush the person.

Secondly, to do traffic, it is to give users fragmented value, and the carrier can be notes, videos, and articles. It is not to be a sensationalist party or a headline party, but to make suggestions on its problems and give a preliminary idea and plan. Only engaging in the title party is like burning wheat straw, the fire is very high, but it does not last, you need to keep filling more and more wheat straw to be barely useful. When I was a child, I burned a fire, and my parents always warned me that "wheat straw is only suitable for starting a fire", the same is true for traffic, it's okay to make a good headline, but don't be a headline party.

Uncle Golden Gun once said:

High-end brands should be sad

Mid-range brands should be gentle

Low-end brands should be happy

What about start-up brands? Be angry!

In addition to being funny, there is also some truth. This positioning is the emotional needs of the target group. Experts say that the next era is the era of the emotional economy. For example, the Xueba cat incident made the body, mind and soul emotional healing track widely known all of a sudden, and it turned out that the money to earn emotions was so easy to earn.

In fact, I think that this is the inevitable product of the cycle, people can't always keep their heads held high and run wildly for decades, and returning to the normal speed and track will inevitably require a certain adaptation process.

Then, if you want to make people feel credible, you have to have a sense of flesh and remove the sense of machine. How does it feel fleshy? First of all, you have to have emotions. A living person deserves attention in itself.

What is the most expensive in 2024?

Living people with content, value, and emotions are the most expensive!

May you be happy to be a long-termist with content, value, and emotion, and the flowers will bloom and butterflies will come.

More than.

Author: It's Qingyin, WeChat public account: It's Qingyin

This article was originally published by @是清音啊 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services.

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