
What is the ideal weight of a woman after the age of 50? Test yourself, maybe you're not fat!

author:99 Health Net

The saying "it's hard to buy a thousand dollars to be old and thin" reflects people's pursuit of a healthy weight for the elderly.

For women who are about to enter old age after the age of 50, the appropriate weight should be determined according to height and body shape, rather than simply measured by how many pounds. It is recommended to maintain a healthy weight range through a scientific weight management method, combined with a reasonable diet and appropriate exercise, to promote good health.

What is the ideal weight of a woman after the age of 50? Test yourself, maybe you're not fat!


Why female figure after 50 years old

Easy to get lucky

Hormonal changes

Women enter menopause around the age of 50, when ovarian function gradually declines and estrogen levels decline. Estrogen has a regulatory effect on the distribution and metabolism of fat, and a decrease in estrogen causes fat to accumulate more easily in the abdomen, causing weight gain.

Metabolism slows down

As we age, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) tends to decline. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy a person needs to sustain life at rest (non-digestive time, constant body temperature). Since muscle mass decreases with age, and muscle tissue is a metabolically active tissue, the basal metabolic rate decreases, which can easily lead to excess energy intake, which in turn leads to weight gain.

Lifestyle changes

As people age, they may be less active. Daily tasks such as work, family, etc., may be less busy, resulting in a decrease in daily energy consumption. At the same time, as they age, some women may exercise less, which can also lead to excess energy intake, which in turn leads to weight gain.

Eating habits

As they age, some women may experience changes in their eating habits, such as increased appetite, choosing high-calorie foods, etc. In addition, the stress response may also lead to an increase in appetite, which may become more pronounced with age.

Genetic factors

Heredity also influences people's weight and size to some extent. Some women may inherit genes that make them more likely to gain weight as they age.

What is the ideal weight of a woman after the age of 50? Test yourself, maybe you're not fat!


Women are over 50 years old

How much weight is appropriate

For women over the age of 50, proper weight control should be based on a healthy weight range, which is usually measured by body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing weight (kg) by height (m) squared, and it provides a reference value to assess whether the weight is healthy or not.

Healthy BMI range

For adults, including women over the age of 50, a healthy BMI range is generally considered to be 18.5 to 24.9. A BMI below 18.5 may indicate underweight, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

For example, if a woman with a height of 163 and a weight of 56 kg weighs 56 kg, then her BMI is 21.07, which is within the standard weight range and does not require excessive weight loss or weight gain.

Waist circumference measurement

In addition to BMI, waist circumference is also an important health indicator. For women, a healthy waist circumference size is usually less than 80 cm (31.5 inches). A higher waist size is associated with abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

Personal size and health

In addition to BMI and waist circumference, an individual's body size, muscle mass, bone density, overall health, and genetic factors can also influence the suitability of weight control. Therefore, the most appropriate weight range should be determined in the context of the individual's specific situation.

In conclusion, women over the age of 50 should focus on maintaining a healthy weight and avoid being overweight or underweight. With a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and regular health check-ups, you can better manage your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What is the ideal weight of a woman after the age of 50? Test yourself, maybe you're not fat!


Sudden drop in weight

It can be a sign of these diseases


Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to sudden weight loss because the body is unable to use blood sugar efficiently, resulting in a lack of energy.


The thyroid gland secretes too much thyroid hormone that can lead to a faster metabolism and weight loss.

Kidney disease

Kidney disease, such as chronic nephritis or kidney failure, can cause imbalances in the body's water and electrolyte balance, leading to weight loss.

Digestive disorders

Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), gastrointestinal infections or cancers of the gastrointestinal tract can cause weight loss.


Certain serious infections, such as pneumonia, sepsis, etc., can cause sudden weight loss.

Medication side effects

Certain medications, such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc., may cause weight loss as a side effect.

If there is a sudden weight loss, accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, persistent fatigue, insomnia, palpitations, etc., you should seek medical attention in time for an examination so that the doctor can diagnose whether there is an underlying health problem and give appropriate treatment.