
Middle-aged and elderly patients with high blood pressure, 9 dangers need to be vigilant at all times, don't be careless!

author:99 Health Net

Hypertension is a common chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly people, which not only affects the quality of life of patients, but also may lead to serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.

Therefore, it is crucial for people with high blood pressure to be aware and alert to some dangerous moments that can exacerbate the condition. Here are 9 dangerous moments that middle-aged and elderly patients with hypertension need to pay special attention to.

Middle-aged and elderly patients with high blood pressure, 9 dangers need to be vigilant at all times, don't be careless!

What are the characteristics of hypertension in the elderly?

Large fluctuations in blood pressure:

Older people have greater fluctuations in blood pressure and are prone to morning peaks, i.e., higher blood pressure in the morning.

Large pulse pressure difference:

As older people age, systolic blood pressure (high pressure) tends to rise, while diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) may decrease, leading to an increase in pulse pressure difference.

Symptoms are not obvious:

Hypertension in older adults may have no obvious symptoms or symptoms that are mild and easy to ignore.

High risk of complications:

The elderly have a higher risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications caused by hypertension due to arteriosclerosis and other reasons.

Increased drug sensitivity:

Older people may have increased sensitivity to antihypertensive drugs and are prone to drug side effects.


Older people often have multiple chronic medical conditions and need to take multiple medications at the same time, which may interact with antihypertensive medications.

Middle-aged and elderly patients with high blood pressure, 9 dangers need to be vigilant at all times, don't be careless!

Older patients with hypertension

There are 9 dangerous moments to be wary of


Wake-up time:

When you wake up in the morning, your blood pressure tends to rise, because your metabolism slows down and blood circulation slows down during sleep, making your blood pressure relatively low.

When you wake up, your sympathetic nerves are excited, your heart beats faster, and your blood pressure rises. Patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to slow movements when getting up and avoid standing up suddenly to prevent a sudden increase in blood pressure.


The moment of medication

People with high blood pressure need to take antihypertensive medications for a long time, but some people may forget to take the medication or change the dosage at will. This can cause fluctuations in blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular events.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should follow the doctor's instructions and take their medication on time and in accordance with the amount to avoid accidents.


Bath time

When bathing, the water temperature is too high, which causes the blood vessels to dilate and the blood pressure to drop. But if the water temperature is too low, the blood vessels will constrict and blood pressure will rise. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to the appropriate water temperature when taking a bath, and avoid too cold or too hot, so as not to cause blood pressure fluctuations.


Eating moments

Diet has a very large impact on blood pressure. Foods that are too salty and oily can raise blood pressure, while a diet high in fiber and salt can help lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should follow the principles of a healthy diet, maintain a balanced diet, and avoid overeating.

Middle-aged and elderly patients with high blood pressure, 9 dangers need to be vigilant at all times, don't be careless!


Defecation moments

Constipation is a common cause of elevated blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. When you strain to have a bowel movement, your abdominal pressure increases, and your blood pressure rises.

Therefore, people with high blood pressure should keep their stools smooth, eat more fiber-rich foods, and avoid straining to have bowel movements.


Stressful moments

Stressful events in life, such as work stress, family conflicts, etc., can cause blood pressure to rise. When facing stress, patients with high blood pressure should learn to adjust their mentality and maintain psychological balance so as not to affect their blood pressure.


Moments of movement

Proper exercise can help lower blood pressure, but strenuous exercise can cause blood pressure to rise. When exercising, patients with high blood pressure should choose an exercise method that suits them, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., and avoid strenuous exercise.


Sleep moments

Getting enough sleep is essential for people with high blood pressure. Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and a good night's sleep can help lower blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure should maintain a regular sleep schedule and get enough sleep.


Seasons change

When the seasons change, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity change, which can easily lead to fluctuations in blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to keeping warm when the seasons change, adjust the dosage of drugs appropriately, and follow the doctor's instructions.