
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

author:Huailai posted
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!
Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

There are more than 7 billion people on Earth

And the chance of two people meeting each other is only 0.00478%

Love is a rarity factor, so never give in

520 is coming

On this day of love and romance

If you're still single

Come and participate

"Youth has an appointment, love comes in the arms"

Youth networking and dating activities

Seize this opportunity to get off the list with a burst of happiness

Come and find your beautiful love

Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

Event time

May 19, 2024 (Sunday) 9:00-12:00

Location of the event

Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park Yuehu Hotel


Huailai County Committee of the Communist Youth League


Huailai County Federation of Trade Unions

Huailai County Women's Federation

Huailai County High-level Talent Service Center


Guanting Lake Scenic Area Management Co., Ltd

Yuehu Hotel Management Co., Ltd

Lake Travel Service Co., Ltd

Activity object

Age 22-35 years old

Huailai County Party and Government Organs


non-public economic organizations and other fields

There were 100 single young men and 100 young men

(Male-to-female ratio 1:1)

Be in good health and abide by the law

Those with good character can apply

How to register

1. In order to ensure the authenticity of the participants in the activity, the organizer will review the information filled in, and the participants promise that the personal information is true.

2. The personal information of the participants will be kept strictly confidential.

3. Registration time: from now until 24:00 on May 16, 2024.


1. Due to the limited number of places in the activity, there will be a staff member who will contact me by phone after successful registration, and the successful registration will be subject to the telephone notification.

2. There is no charge for this event, the number of places is limited, and those who have successfully registered cannot be absent without reason.

3. The information of the applicants shall be authentic, and those who commit fraud will be disqualified once verified.

Suggested activities

In order to provide better services for everyone, improve the quality of the event, and enhance the success rate of friendship and dating, the organizer recommends that the participants do the following:

1. It is recommended that girls wear light makeup appropriately, and boys dress appropriately, and a good first impression will greatly improve the success rate of dating.

2. Actively interact at the event site, show your own personality, and attract his (her) attention.

3. You can actively invite your favorite classmates or single friends to participate in the activity.

4. Due to the large number of participants in the event, participants are requested to actively cooperate with the process arrangement of the event party and pay attention to property and personal safety.

Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

Note: All the content of this official account may not be reproduced without permission!

Source: Huailai County Committee of the Communist Youth League

Editor|Zhang Shugang

Reviewer|Xu Xinyu, Zhang Shugang, Du Yue, Reviewer|Zhao Liangge

Single Recruitment Order | The "Youth Appointment, Love in Huailai" Youth Friendship and Dating Activity is now open for registration!

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