
Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

author:The most martial marquis

In order to continue to study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, better play the important role of theoretical preaching, theoretical popularization, ideological guidance, and consensus building, strive to build a high-quality grassroots theoretical preaching team, and create a good atmosphere for striving to write a new chapter of Wuhou with Chinese modernization, on May 13, the "Bravely Undertake Cultural Missions and Paint Thousands of Meteorologies" - "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Propaganda Contest was hotly launched. 13 contestants from various government agencies, enterprises, schools and neighborhoods in the district competed fiercely, and they combined their own work experience and used common words to explain the truth, so that the audience could experience the essence of theory in "empathy". At the same time, the lecturer jumped out of the traditional "listening" mode, and combined theories with fresh examples through various forms to express them, so that the preaching was "grounded and into the hearts of the people".

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started
Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

In the competition, the contestants focused on many social hot topics that ordinary people are concerned about, such as urban organic renewal, fair rule of law, Chinese-style modernization, cultural self-confidence, and people's satisfaction education, interpreting big feelings with small stories, revealing big truths with small incisions, and showing the high-spirited and enterprising spirit of Wuhou young party members.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

Modernization is the common pursuit of the people of all countries in the world, and it is also the unremitting pursuit of the Chinese people in modern times. However, there is no one-size-fits-all model for modernization, and there is no one-size-fits-all standard. How do you go down this path? What kind of modernization do we need? How can you modernize? Mao Tiantian, a teacher from the Party School of the District Party Committee, gave a speech entitled "How to Understand Chinese-style Modernization", describing the unique world view, values, historical view, civilization view, democracy view, ecological outlook and its great practice contained in Chinese-style modernization.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

Contestant: Mao Tiantian

The Chinese nation has a continuous civilization history of more than 5,000 years, creating a broad and profound Chinese culture, and this magnificent and majestic cultural scroll was originally unfolded by the teachers in the classroom, so that students can sit in a classroom of less than 60 square meters, but also can see the magnificent scenery of 95,000 kilometers in the book, step by step into the sacred temple of cultural self-confidence. Guo Peipei and Liu Jiaqi, teachers from the Xincheng Branch of the High School Affiliated to Sichuan University, brought the theme lecture "On the Three-Foot Podium, Writing the Answer to the Cultural Inheritance of Xincheng", which took the innovation of their own daily teaching methods as the incision, taught by words and deeds, and implemented the party's theory and traditional Chinese culture into every detail of the work and passed it on to every student.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

Contestants: Guo Peipei, Liu Jiaqi

"Today, I listened to the sharing of players from all walks of life in Wuhou District, and my partner and I benefited a lot. I hope to learn more from everyone's preaching, and constantly improve my theoretical learning ability and preaching level. Mu Ran, a player from the Party School of the District Party Committee, told reporters.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

Contestant Mou Ran

"The competition has allowed me to learn a lot of experience, which has made good progress and promotion for me, and I will take this competition as a new starting point to go deep into the grassroots frontline, enter the courtyard of the community, and widely publicize Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the party's innovative theory." Contestant Li Hong told reporters.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

Contestant: Li Hong

After the intense competition, the expert jury scored the contestants from five aspects: presentation materials, language expression, physical expression, main image and presentation effect, and provided guidance from multiple perspectives such as explanation content and explanation skills to help the contestants improve their preaching level.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

"The themes of the 13 contestants are combined with the actual work, and the narration highlights the characteristics of 'reality', which makes me feel that all walks of life in Wuhou District continue to study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought in depth, and further promote the party's innovative theory to 'fly into the homes of ordinary people'. Wu Shijie, lecturer of the Provincial Party Committee lecturer group, top ten gold medal lecturers in Sichuan Province, and host of Chengdu Radio and Television Station, said.

Tell the truth with common sayings "Dream Chasing Wuhou" Theory Preaching Contest started

It is understood that after the end of this preaching competition, the organizing committee of the contest will select outstanding contestants to join the dream-chasing Wuhou theory preaching team. In the next step, Wuhou District will also organize the propaganda team in an orderly manner to go deep into the grassroots front line to carry out objectified, focused, and interactive propaganda in accordance with the time nodes and work requirements, so as to widely condense the spiritual strength of Wuhou in building socialist modernization in an all-round way.

Reporter: Yang Zitong