
Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!

author:Released in Wuxi

Today, the Municipal Bureau of Education released

Compulsory education in Wuxi urban area in 2024

Opinions on enrollment and enrollment work

Do a good job in the promotion of young to primary and small to junior high school

Make a deployment

Compared to previous years

This year, the compulsory education enrollment policy is generally stable

In the last year, the children of migrant workers were optimized

on the basis of the admission policy

Implement a heart-warming action to care for the children of immigrants in school

Implement the same recruitment of citizens

Public and private schools enroll students simultaneously, and resolutely put an end to early enrollment and pinching enrollment. Public and private schools are registered simultaneously, enrolled and enrolled at the same time, and registered as students. All schools must not compete for students in advance through any form, and must not exceed the restrictions set forth by the administrative departments for education, refusing or covertly refusing to allow school-age children and teenagers to enroll.

Insist on entrance examination exemption

Public primary schools implement zoned enrollment, and public junior high schools implement counterpart direct promotion. If the number of applicants in a private school exceeds the number of enrollment plans, all applicants will be randomly assigned by computer; If the number of applicants does not exceed the planned number, all of them will be admitted at one time. All public and private schools must strictly abide by the "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China" without entrance examinations, and shall not enroll students through written examinations, interviews (talks), evaluations, etc., and it is strictly forbidden to use all kinds of competition certificates, competition results or examination certificates as the basis for enrollment.

Ensure fairness and justice

All localities and schools should adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, fully implement "sunshine enrollment", promptly release relevant information on enrollment and enrollment to the public, strengthen communication and exchanges between educational administrative departments, schools, families, and society, and ensure that enrollment work is standardized and smoothly implemented.

Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!

Let's take a look at the specific contents


Enrollment at the primary school level

Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!



Primary school enrollment is open to children born between September 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018 and at least 6 years old. Where it is truly necessary to postpone enrollment due to physical condition or other reasons, their parents or other guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") shall submit an application to the administrative department in charge of education by providing a certificate of physical condition issued by a medical institution at or above the second level. No primary school may admit underage children to school.

School-age children enrolled in public primary schools should have the official household registration of the teaching district, and the household registration of school-age children should be the same as that of their guardians in principle, and the household registration should be consistent with the guardian's house ownership certificate and actual permanent residence. A household in the teaching area of a school with a prominent enrollment contradiction is entitled to only one opportunity to enroll in the school within six years (except for non-single-child families who meet the family planning policy).

School-age children who fall under any of the following circumstances shall be enrolled in school according to normal circumstances with relevant certificates: (1) School-age children shall live permanently in the diocese with one of their parents, and the other parent shall be an active military member (including armed police) who is not registered in the diocese or who has settled abroad and worked in other places; (2) The parents are divorced, and the school-age child lives permanently in the diocese with the guardian; (3) The school-age child is an orphan and lives permanently in the diocese with his guardian; (4) Both parents are active military personnel (including armed police) who are not registered in the diocese, or have been abroad (outside the territory) for business for a long time to support the construction of the frontier, and the school-age children are registered separately in the diocese, or have relatives living in the diocese; (5) School-age children who settle down with their parents with their grandparents or maternal grandparents, live together all year round, and have no history of household registration.

For school-age children in any of the following circumstances, the local administrative departments for education are to make overall arrangements for school attendance on the basis of actual conditions. (1) The school-age child and the guardian are not registered in the same household registration, or there is a discrepancy between the family household registration, the house ownership certificate, and the actual permanent residence; (2) Where there is a prominent contradiction in the enrollment of a school, a household in the teaching area has been enrolled in school-age children within six years.

Families of school-age children who apply for municipal computer-allocated private primary schools must meet one of the following conditions: (1) the school-age children have an urban household registration, (2) the guardian has a real estate in the urban area, and (3) the guardian of the school-age child who is not registered in the urban area has a residence permit for more than 3 months in the urban area.

Families of school-age children in private primary schools with computer-allocated places in the registration area must meet one of the following conditions: (1) the school-age children have a household registration in the district, (2) the guardian has a property in the district, and (3) the guardian of the school-age children who are not registered in the urban area has a residence permit in the district for more than 3 months.


Registration time and enrollment method

The registration and admission of public and private primary schools are carried out through the urban sunshine enrollment platform, and parents can operate through computers, mobile phones or tablets. Platform website:


From May 20th

Public and private primary schools accept school-age children to register at the same time, and public and private schools can apply at the same time, but each person can only fill in a maximum of 1 public primary school and 1 private primary school.

Before registration, account registration and information verification must be completed, and school-age children who meet the conditions and are willing to enroll in private primary schools must also determine the area on the platform according to their household registration, real estate or residence permit.

If the children of twin or multiple families enroll in the same private primary school, parents can apply to bind a registration number to participate in the computer allocation, if not, the computer allocation will be carried out according to the rule of one person, one number, and the allocation result is only valid for the applicant himself. (Application address: Window of Education Huimin Center, Building 12, Civic Center, Taihu New Town, Wuxi City, application time: May 20-24, with materials: identity certificate, household registration certificate.) )

Municipal private primary schools will accept registration from May 20th to 24th, and the registration information will be locked after the deadline and shall not be changed or cancelled.

From May 20th to 22nd, the district's private primary schools will only accept registration from school-age children in the district, and the registration information will be locked after the deadline, and no changes or cancellations will be allowed. If the number of applicants in the district exceeds the enrollment plan, the registration of the school will be closed; If the number of applicants in the district is less than the enrollment plan, all registered school-age children will be admitted, and other school-age children in the urban area will be accepted from May 23 to 24 after the approval of the Municipal Education Bureau. If the number of late applicants is less than the remaining enrollment plan, all students will be admitted.

From May 20th to June 12th, public primary schools will accept registration and verify materials.


May 27-31

Parents who fail to pass the preliminary examination need to upload family materials (including household registration, real estate or residence information), and school-age children who fail to pass the qualification review will be disqualified.


June 12th

The number of applicants exceeds the enrollment plan for private primary schools.


June 13-14

Admission to private primary schools.


From June 13 onwards

Admission to public primary schools. School-age children who have not been admitted to private primary schools and meet the requirements for admission in the diocese will be accepted by the school in the diocese.


Enrollment at the junior high school level

Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!


Basic Requirements:

(1) In order to ensure the normal order of education and teaching in primary schools, the admission work is uniformly arranged after the primary school graduation examination, and all junior high schools shall not confirm the admission of new students before the primary school graduation examination, and shall not charge any fees in advance.

(2) The education administrative departments of each district shall ensure that each graduate of the primary school under the jurisdiction of the district shall arrange a place for the corresponding public junior high school. Students who are not enrolled in the corresponding junior high school may choose a private junior high school or a public characteristic junior high school according to regulations.

(3) Private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools shall enroll and admit students through a unified enrollment platform in accordance with the enrollment plan and methods approved by the education administrative department.

(4) Private nine-year schools or schools of the same organizer should first meet the direct promotion needs of their primary school graduates, and if there is still a balance in the junior high school enrollment after ensuring the direct promotion demand of primary schools and the balance is less than the number of applicants, the computer random allocation method should also be adopted. Schools with physical education, arts, and women's characteristics may conduct technical assessments, but they may not organize examinations for cultural subjects.

(5) Graduates of urban public and private primary schools who want to be promoted to the public junior high school in the diocese where their household registration is located shall be verified by the unified platform, and the admission office of the junior high school in the urban area shall arrange the corresponding enrollment if they meet the requirements.

(6) The Municipal Bureau of Education has established an urban junior high school enrollment office, which is responsible for the unified management of the enrollment of junior high schools in the urban area, and guides all schools to make full use of the unified primary and secondary school student registration information management system to organize and implement the work of primary and secondary school promotion, adhere to the principles of fairness, justice and openness, standardize operating procedures, and strengthen inspection and supervision.


Specific arrangement


May 20-22 Students who choose to go directly to junior high school cannot apply for other private junior high schools or public characteristic junior high schools after completing the work of direct promotion between schools with the same organizer, and students who choose to go directly cannot apply for other private junior high schools or public characteristic junior high schools, and cannot be changed or canceled after the deadline.


May 23-24

Graduates of urban primary schools who are willing to apply for urban private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools shall conduct personal information verification on the platform. Fresh graduates with household registration in Wuxi urban area who are studying in primary schools in other places must add personal information and verify household registration information on the platform if they want to register for urban private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools. After the deadline, we will not accept new additions or modifications to personal information.

Students who apply for municipal private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools must have urban household registration or urban primary school student status. Students who are enrolled in private junior high schools in the district must have a household registration in the district or a primary school student in the district. Students who sign up for private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools must determine their area on the platform according to their household registration or student status.


May 27-31

Private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools accept students to apply, and each person can only fill in a maximum of one private junior high school or public characteristic junior high school.

If the children of twin or multiple families apply for the same private junior high school, parents can apply to use a registration number to bind to participate in the computer allocation, if not, the computer allocation will be carried out according to the rule of one person, one person, and the allocation result is only valid for the applicant himself. (Application address: Window of Education Huimin Center, Building 12, Civic Center, Taihu New Town, Wuxi City, application time: May 27-31, accompanying materials: identity certificate, household registration certificate)

Municipal private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools will accept registration from urban students from May 27 to 31, and the registration information will be locked after the deadline, and no changes or cancellations will be allowed.

From May 27th to 29th, the private junior high school in the district will only accept the registration of students in the district, and the registration information will be locked after the deadline, and no change or cancellation will be allowed. If the number of applicants in the district exceeds the enrollment plan, the school's registration will end; If the number of applicants in the district is less than the enrollment plan, all the students will be admitted, and other students in the urban area will be accepted for registration from May 30 to 31 after the approval of the Municipal Education Bureau. If the number of late applicants is less than the remaining enrollment plan, all students will be admitted.


June 3-5

Parents who fail to pass the preliminary examination need to upload their household registration information on the enrollment platform, and students who fail to pass the qualification review will be disqualified.


June 10th

Sports, arts, and girls' schools conduct technical assessments.


June 19-20

Graduation exams are organized in each primary school.


June 21

The number of applicants exceeds the number of private junior high schools in the enrollment plan.


June 22-23

All private junior high schools and public characteristic junior high schools are admitted. Students who are not admitted will be enrolled by the Admissions Office of the Urban Junior High School.


Before July 15

Complete junior high school enrollment.

Related Policies

Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!

1. The enrollment of the children of foreign personnel shall be handled in accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the Municipal Education Bureau on Printing <无锡市实施外来人员子女入学暖心行动十项措施>and Distributing (Xijiaofa [2024] No. 8).

2. The enrollment of children of active military personnel shall be handled according to the relevant documents of the city.

3. The enrollment of the children of public security heroes and disabled public security police officers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty is to be handled in accordance with the spirit of the "Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Preferential Education for the Children of Public Security Heroes and Disabled Public Security Police Officers Who Sacrificed Their Lives in the Line of Duty" (Su Gongtong [2018] No. 141).

4. The enrollment of the children of the personnel of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team shall be handled in accordance with the spirit of the notice of the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Education on doing a good job in the preferential education of the personnel of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team and their children (Emergency [2019] No. 37).

5. The enrollment of children from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be handled in accordance with the spirit of the "Several Measures on Deepening Multi-field Cooperation in Xixi, Hong Kong and Macao to Promote High-quality Development" (Xi Wei Ban Fa [2020] No. 61) and the "Several Opinions of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Government on the Enrollment of the Children of Taiwanese Businessmen in Xi during the Compulsory Education Stage" (Xi Jiao Fa [2006] No. 180).

6. The enrollment of the children of all kinds of high-level talents in the urban area shall be handled in accordance with the relevant spirits of the "Taihu Talent Plan" Implementation Measures for the Service Guarantee of High-level Talents (Xi Talent Office [2019] No. 9) and the "Several Measures to Ensure the Enrollment of Children of High-level Talents" (Xi Talent Office [2020] No. 7) to create a good business environment and talent environment.

7. The enrollment of the children of the relocated households in key urban projects shall be handled in accordance with the spirit of the "Notice on Issues Concerning the Enrollment of the Children of the Relocated Households in the Demolition of Key Urban Projects" (Xi Jiaojiao [2006] No. 215).

8. The enrollment of the children of persons with collective household registration shall be arranged by the administrative department for education at the place of collective household registration. The enrollment of the children of the children of the collective household registration personnel settled in the city's talent market shall be arranged by the education administrative department of the actual place of residence.

9. The enrollment of the children of righteous and courageous personnel shall be handled in accordance with the spirit of the "Wuxi Municipal Regulations on Rewarding and Protecting Righteous and Courageous Personnel" (Xi Renfa (2019) No. 5).

Important Release! It's about the promotion of young children to primary schools and small to junior high schools!

Admissions consultation telephone numbers around the country

Wuxi Education Bureau 68789000

Liangxi District Education Bureau 82709583 (primary school), 85057533 (junior high school)

Xishan District Education Bureau 88200417, 88208707

Huishan District Education Bureau 83592206

Binhu District Education Bureau 81178599 and 81178605

Xinwu District Education Bureau 81890614, 81907535

80580150 of the Education Bureau of the Economic Development Zone

Source: Wuxi Education

Editor: Wuxi Publishing Studio

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