
After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

author:Lesser God King
After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

After serving her husband all her life, she realized two cruel truths when she was old

Aunt Liu is 50 years old and an ordinary housewife. Since she was in her 20s, she has given up her career to devote herself wholeheartedly to her family. She was an excellent nurse manager who was highly regarded for her hard work and dedication. But after getting married, she chose to quit her job and concentrate on taking care of her husband and future children.

At first, Aunt Liu had no complaints about this decision. She feels happy to be able to take care of the housework and serve her husband full-time. But as time passed, she began to realize some harsh truths.

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Brutal Truth 1: Marriage is not an eternal safe haven

Aunt Liu gave up her career for the sake of her family when she was young, and she thought it was a worthwhile sacrifice. She thought that by devoting herself to the family, she would be able to gain her husband's understanding and gratitude, and marriage would become her eternal haven.

This is far from the case. As she grew older, Aunt Liu found that her dedication was not respected and appreciated by her husband. On the contrary, her husband always pointed fingers at her practices and devalued her labor at home. Once, my husband bluntly said, "You have nothing to do at home all day, what right do you have to dictate my work?" "

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

This sentence deeply hurt Aunt Liu. She realized that her years of hard work were not worth mentioning in her husband's eyes. She felt like she was "not living, but begging". Since then, she has begun to reflect on her life path and realize that marriage is not an eternal safe haven, and no matter how much she gives, she may not be able to gain her husband's understanding and respect.

Aunt Liu realized that no matter what time it is, a woman should not completely give up her career and financial resources. Because "in this life, the only person who can rely on himself is himself". If a woman pins all her hopes and dependence on marriage, once there is a crack in the marriage, she will have nothing and lose the ability to survive independently.

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Cruel Truth 2: Children will eventually leave and will not be dependent forever

In addition to marriage, Aunt Liu has a greater sustenance - a son. She wants her son to go to college, work, and start a family nearby, so that she can see him more often and help take care of her grandchildren.

However, the son didn't understand Aunt Liu's thoughts. He longed to leave this small city and pursue his ideals in a wider world. Aunt Liu realized, "Children are the debts of their parents, and when the debts are paid off, the children's wings will grow full, and the birds will eventually fly."

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Although she has worked hard for her son all her life, the child will eventually leave when he grows up and live his own life. This is a law of nature that cannot be changed. If you put all your hopes in your children, you will fall into a great spiritual void when they leave.

Aunt Liu realized that she had been making the wrong life choices for years. She dedicated all her value to her family, gave up her career and the ability to survive independently, but in the end, she was despised by her husband and left her children. She felt like a vine clinging to a tree, without which she could not survive.

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Women should pursue an independent lifestyle

Through these two cruel truths, Aunt Liu finally realized how important it is to live an independent lifestyle as a woman. She began to regret why she had completely given up on her career and dedicated everything to her family.

She realized that women should pursue an independent lifestyle and not pin all their values on marriage and children. An independent woman can not only be financially independent, but also maintain herself spiritually and have her own life pursuits and ideals.

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Aunt Liu began to learn some handicrafts, hoping to earn some income with her own hands. She also joined a number of community organizations, made new friends, and broadened her horizons. Although she is over half a hundred years old, she is still trying to find the value and meaning of her life.

She hopes that through her own experience, she can warn more female friends not to dedicate everything to their families, but to pursue an independent lifestyle. Only in this way can you truly have your own life and not be swayed by the changes in marriage and children.

After serving her husband all her life, she only understood two cruel truths when she was old, and I want to mention one to you at the age of 50

Aunt Liu's experience made us realize how important it is for us to live an independent lifestyle as women. We should not pin all our values on marriage and children, but pursue our own career and ideals.

Only in this way can we truly have our own life and not be swayed by the changes in the outside world. We must learn to cherish the present, pursue self-worth, and live an independent life. This is not only a respect for oneself, but also a contribution to society as a whole.