
Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?


In today's era of overflowing dramas, you haven't watched any of them? I'm so surprised, these dramas are so bad that they can't be swiped in the circle of friends, and even the WeChat emojis are about to be occupied by the faces of the protagonists. Today, let me give you a good science popularization of why these dramas can make the whole network boil.

First of all, we have to start with "The Long Season". Imagine that you are led by the nose by a drama, starting from a seemingly ordinary murder case, but gradually revealing the sad life and helpless fate of a generation. This drama is not just as simple as chasing the murderer in a cold case, it digs deep into the inner world of the characters, and every detail is portrayed thoroughly. Fan Wei and Qin Hao's performances, that really brought the roles to life, you see them smiling in front of the camera, it makes people forget that they are just acting.

Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?

And "The Hidden Corner", not to mention. This drama almost redefines the suspense genre and makes people's backs chill after watching it. The story revolves around an accident of several children and their families, and as you progress through the layers, you will find that everyone has an unknown side. Qin Hao's performance in the play is really love-hate and hate-like. Whenever you think you've guessed the plot, the twist of the next episode will give you another blow to the head.

Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?

Next, let's talk about "The Silent Truth", this is a serious legal drama, but if you look at it, you will find that it is far more complex than ordinary legal dramas. Two police officers had to fight the entire system in order to clear the name of a wrongful conviction. This drama is not only about the truth of the case, but also a discussion and shout for justice. The rivalry between Liao Fan and Bai Yu is simply a climax, and you can't sit still when you see your heart beating faster.

Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?

"Flowers" is a different flavor. The background of the business war seems cold, but in fact the dark tide is turbulent. The characters in the play fight to the death for power and interests, and everyone is like a pawn on a chessboard, except that they gamble their all with every move. Hu Ge and Ma Yili's acting skills make this business war seem particularly real, and they make you feel the complexity of human nature.

Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?

Finally, let's talk about "Chen Qing Ling". This drama is probably the most culturally distinctive on the list, it is not just a drama, but a cultural phenomenon. The characters played by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have become heroes in the minds of countless people. There are not only wonderful martial arts battles in the play, but also profound emotional depictions of the characters. The charm of this kind of costume drama lies in the fact that it can take you back to that era of heroes.

Which of the 5 dramas of "The whole network is on fire, but you haven't watched a single episode" have you missed?

After watching these dramas, you will find that the reason why they can become phenomenal works is not only because of their unique plots and character portrayals, but also because these works dare to touch sensitive topics in society and dare to show the complex and multifaceted aspects of human nature. They are not only entertainment and pastime, but also a deep reflection and discussion of reality.

Looking back now, do you also feel a sense of regret for missing out? But don't worry, it's not too late to make up for it. These episodes are not only part of pop culture, but also works of art that allow you to experience all kinds of emotional fluctuations while watching them. They make you laugh, they make you cry, and they make you think.

And every time you find a moment in the play that makes your heart move, that feeling, as if to tell you: look, this is life, this is human nature, this is part of all the complexity, contradiction and beauty. Each drama is like a mirror, reflecting the audience's own heart and life.

Of course, everyone's preferences are different, and you may not be interested in certain plots or not understand the actions of a certain character. But that's the beauty of these episodes – they don't cater to everyone, but they tug at everyone's heartstrings. Whether you're looking for suspenseful thrills, affectionate love, or insistence on justice, these episodes can give you an answer.

So, if you haven't started yet, now is the time to turn on your TV or computer and start this amazing journey. Believe me, when you start watching these dramas, you will find that you are not only watching the unfolding of one story after another, but also experiencing spiritual baptism and growth again and again.

And when you watch these episodes and look back at the hot discussions on the Internet, you will have more feelings and insights. These episodes not only give you time to be entertained, but also give you a feast for the soul. You will find that you are not only chasing dramas, but also having a deeper dialogue with the world.

I forgot to tell you that while these episodes have their own merits, they all have one thing in common – they are able to inspire viewers to resonate and think emotionally. That's probably why they've become phenomenal episodes. So, don't hesitate any longer and start your journey to follow the show, you won't regret it!