
When the chengguan was enforcing the law, he had a conflict with the stall uncle, and the uncle was emotional and smashed the chengguan with a brick

author:Wang Tsai Zhou Xingxing



Recently, an incident of conflict between urban management and citizens has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. It is understood that at that time, a chengguan was obstructed by onlookers in the process of law enforcement, and fierce clashes broke out between the two sides, and there was even a brick smashing behavior, which eventually led to many injuries. Once such an incident occurs, it often causes a great negative impact, which is not only easy to cause injury to the person concerned, but also exacerbates the conflict between the city management and the citizens. So, in a similar incident, how should we view the conflict between the chengguan and the citizens? How can the two sides effectively resolve the contradictions and jointly maintain the harmony and stability of the city?

When the chengguan was enforcing the law, he had a conflict with the stall uncle, and the uncle was emotional and smashed the chengguan with a brick

1. Review of events

Recently, an incident of conflict between urban management and citizens has aroused heated discussions on the Internet. It is understood that at that time, the city's urban management department was cleaning up an illegal building, but in the process of law enforcement, it was obstructed by onlookers. In the face of the onlookers, the chengguan officers stepped forward to dissuade them, and hoped that the citizens would understand and cooperate with their work. However, the citizens concerned were emotional, and they criticized the chengguan one after another, and some even began to push the chengguan personnel, and the atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense.

Just when the contradiction between the two sides intensified, someone suddenly picked up the brick in his hand and threw it at the urban management personnel, and this behavior immediately caused the imitation of other citizens at the scene, and for a while the bricks flew everywhere, and the chaos at the scene became uncontrollable. In such a situation, not only the urban management personnel were injured, but even other onlookers were unable to dodge and were hit and injured, and the whole incident also led to serious consequences of many injuries.

Faced with such a situation, the local police and emergency rescue personnel also rushed to the scene to carry out rescue and treatment work, and at the same time, they also controlled the chaos at the scene and sent the injured citizens to the hospital for treatment in time. In the subsequent investigation, the police also quickly locked up the suspect who smashed the brick and dealt with him seriously, so as to maintain public order, safety and stability in the society.

When the chengguan was enforcing the law, he had a conflict with the stall uncle, and the uncle was emotional and smashed the chengguan with a brick

2. Interpretation of the event

Through the understanding of this incident, it is not difficult for us to find that in fact, in the conflict between the chengguan and the citizens, both sides have certain responsibilities and problems. For the urban management department, in the process of law enforcement, they do need to get the understanding and cooperation of the public, and when facing the onlookers, they can also communicate and explain appropriately, so that the citizens can understand the basis and reasons for their law enforcement, so as to resolve the conflict and avoid further intensification of the conflict.

For the onlookers, while protecting their own rights and interests, they should also respect the legal law enforcement behavior of urban management, and should not take drastic actions to obstruct and resist the law enforcement work of the urban management, let alone use violent means to treat the urban management personnel, such behavior is not only illegal, but also easy to cause others to be injured, and in real life, we can often see similar incidents, because of the fierce resistance of the citizens, it will lead to conflicts and contradictions between the urban management and the citizens.

And the most unacceptable thing is that in this incident, there was an act of brick smashing people. Whether it is for the urban management personnel or other onlookers, there are great potential safety hazards in such behavior, once it is hit, it is easy to cause serious injury, and such behavior is also suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, which can never be tolerated and connived at.

When the chengguan was enforcing the law, he had a conflict with the stall uncle, and the uncle was emotional and smashed the chengguan with a brick

3. Revelation of the incident

Through this incident, we can't help but think deeply, in urban management and social governance, how to effectively resolve the contradictions and avoid the recurrence of similar conflicts? First of all, as ordinary citizens, in the face of similar incidents, we can express our views and demands in a more rational and peaceful way, if we feel that there are problems with the law enforcement behavior of the chengguan, we can choose to appeal and report through legal channels, rather than taking drastic actions to obstruct and resist the work of the chengguan.

At the same time, we can also be more understanding and tolerant of others, in urban management, there will indeed be some contradictions and problems, and this also requires us to have enough tolerance and understanding, to empathize, when looking at the problem, may wish to have more understanding and tolerance, I believe that through communication and negotiation between the two sides, we will be able to find the most suitable solution for both sides.

For city managers, what needs to be paid more attention is that urban management work cannot be simple and rude, let alone only take into account the problem of face, and ignore the actual interests and feelings of the people. In urban management, more wisdom and methods are needed to solve the problem of face and stomach, so that urban management work is more humane, pay more attention to people's livelihood, and pay attention to the needs and feelings of citizens.


Through the occurrence of such an incident, I believe that for each of us, there is a very profound enlightenment and vigilance. Everyone plays a pivotal role in the construction and management of the city, and only with the joint efforts of everyone can the prosperity and stability of the city be truly realized. Therefore, in the future life, I hope that we can all be more understanding and tolerant of others, feel the beauty around us with our hearts, and be able to contribute to the construction and development of the city in our own positions.