
A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

author:Xunya Medical Health

Between the green mountains and green waters of Ya'an, there lives a 70-year-old aunt named Su Guifen.

Su Guifen owns a picturesque tea plantation, and she takes a walk in it every morning.

Enjoy the tranquility and freshness of nature. Five years ago, Su Guifen was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia.

Since the beating, Aunt Su has been very herself.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

I didn't get any meat or oil, so I thought about adjusting my diet to stabilize my illness.

Su Guifen has been feeling tired lately, and she is dizzy from time to time.

She wondered if it was because she didn't eat meat or oil.

In order to find out her health, she plans to go to the hospital for a proper check-up.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

At the hospital, the tests are done, and the doctor holds the checklists.

frowned and said to Su Guifen: "Aunt Su, who told you not to eat meat and oil at all?" It's not good for your health. ”

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

The doctor told Aunt Su that touching less animal oil could indeed help her control blood lipids, but she didn't eat any meat or oil.

That's not a clever idea. Meat contains protein, vitamin B12 and iron.

These are all necessary for the body, and without them, the muscles and blood cannot turn.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

The healthy fats in olive oil and fish oil are also very good for the heart, which can help us reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

The doctor also warns that if you don't get any oil, you may be deficient in essential fatty acids.

This affects the body's absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are particularly critical for strong bones, bright eyes, and strong immunity.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

Moreover, if you don't replenish fat and protein for a long time, you will slowly lose muscle.

Older people are already prone to feeling weak, and as a result, the risk of infection increases.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

Doctors suggest that Su Guifen can add some low-fat meats such as chicken and fish.

And include some healthy vegetable oils such as olive oil and flaxseed oil in your daily diet.

The doctor also talked to several patients with high blood lipids and said that they had adjusted their eating habits.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

The blood lipids gradually went down, and the physical sensation and daily life improved a lot.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Su Guifen changed her eating method, no longer completely avoiding meat and oil, but eating more balanced and exquisite.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

After a few months, she felt that she had more energy, dizziness, lack of energy, and all these problems were much better.

On the road to health, how to avoid going to extremes and scientifically balance the intake of diet and nutrients?

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

If you want to be healthy and don't want to go to extremes, the key is to eat scientifically and eat balancedly.

We have to find a doctor or dietitian to help us make a diet plan according to our physical condition and the nutrients we need.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

It's not just as simple as picking something healthy to eat, but also paying attention to the amount and combination of food.

Make sure that your body can get the necessary nutrients, and don't eat your body because you don't eat it right.

How good it is that we can eat happily and stay healthy at the same time.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

Healthy eating is not set in stone, but needs to be constantly adjusted according to individual circumstances.

Everyone's physique is different, and what is suitable for others may not be useful.

A 70-year-old aunt suffers from hyperlipidemia and has not touched meat and oil for many years, doctor: Who taught you to eat like this?

When adjusting your diet, you have to pay attention to what your body has to say.

See how different foods affect the body, so that we can find the best way to eat for our own appetite.

Let's start today, pay attention to your diet, pay attention to your body, and move towards a healthy life!