
A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

author:Xunya Medical Health

Zeng Hui is a standard video game enthusiast, 32 years old this year, living alone.

On weekends he always locked himself in a dimly lit room and played games until late Sunday night.

On a hot day, take a breather to avoid the light pollution of the hot keyboard and screen.

Every night he would enjoy a cool shower.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

In addition to taking a takeout and going to the toilet, he will stand for a while at this time.

Who would have thought that one night, such a little relaxation, something went wrong.

Zeng Hui went into the bathroom after playing the game, and as soon as he turned the faucet, the cold water rushed out.

The cold water stirred, and his hot skin suddenly felt refreshed.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

However, this cooling was accompanied by a severe headache and fainting, and Zeng Hui suddenly felt a wave of dizziness while taking a shower.

As a result, he suddenly fell to the bathroom floor, and he couldn't afford to "sleep" like this.

By the time my friend found out, it was too late to send him to the hospital. The doctor checked and said it was a cerebral infarction.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

The doctor told the family in the ward, "You have to understand that the bones of a human body are not made of iron. ”

It turned out that the long stay up late and the intense game battle had put Zeng Hui's body at the limit.

Coupled with the sudden cold water shock, it directly led to the abnormal reaction of the blood vessels.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

Doctors explain that when a person engages in high-intensity mental activity, such as playing games with high mental concentration for a long time.

As soon as the body is tense, the heart pounds fast, and the blood pressure also jumps.

At this time, if you take a cold shower, the blood vessels on your skin will shrink tightly.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

And the heart is still beating to maintain the high stress of gaming.

With such a pinch attack inside and outside, the pressure on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels will be greater.

Studies have shown that sudden death has a clear upward trend in young people who stay up late for a long time and use their brains intensively.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

Staying up late for a long time causes the sympathetic nervous system to remain active and inhibits the function of the parasympathetic nervous system.

This can disrupt the normal regulation of the heart and blood vessels, causing the heart to beat chaotically and blood pressure to go up and down.

In particular, when you flush with cold water, the blood vessels suddenly shrink, and the blood flow may suddenly become chaotic, which is more likely to cause heart disease.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

The doctor also mentions some preventive measures, such as recommending proper relaxation activities after a long period of mental work.

Allow the body to gradually ease down from the high-intensity state. For example, do exercises first, or take a walk and move around.

When washing, use lukewarm water, don't use too cold water to rinse directly, this is good for the body.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

Zeng Hui's case has attracted some attention in the medical community.

The experts used this example to talk in depth about how to balance gaming and staying healthy.

They feel that society needs to pay more attention, especially in teaching young people how to live a healthy life.

Nowadays, there are so many electronic devices, and we have to be aware of the health problems they may bring.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

This story teaches us that while technology has brought a lot of convenience and fun to our lives.

However, technology has also brought new challenges to health. So, we have to think about how to enjoy the benefits of technology.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an issue that deserves deep consideration for all modern people.

A 32-year-old man took a shower at night and died of a sudden cerebral infarction, and the doctor sighed: The bones of the body are not made of iron

In the face of the health challenges brought about by modern technology, especially electronic products, how can families and individuals effectively adjust their coping strategies to protect their physical and mental health?

Modern technology, especially electronics, is a test for health.

Healthy habits should be taught more at home, and individuals should also control themselves and play less with mobile phones and computers.

Get out and get a good night's sleep so that your body and mind can be healthy.