
After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

author:Happy cheese tells history

Speaking of the figures in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the name of He Shen can be said to be known to everyone. His life was full of ups and downs, from the power of the government and the opposition to being accused of heinous crimes, and finally ending up hanging himself under the iron-fisted policy of Emperor Jiaqing. But you know what? Behind He Shen, there are two other women who live in loneliness and pain because of him, they are Gu Lun and Princess Xiao. What is this princess who has pleaded for her father all her life, but has never been able to win back her husband's heart?

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

On a winter day in the fourth year of Jiaqing, a tense atmosphere suddenly filled the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty. In this year, Emperor Qianlong returned to heaven, and his son Emperor Jiaqing officially took power. Emperor Jiaqing's thorn in the eye and Shen, the minister who was once in power and opposition, finally came to the end of his life. Not only was he responsible for Qianlong's funeral, but he was also placed under house arrest in front of the coffin, and soon after he was convicted of twenty counts, and the staggering amount of silver seized during the search of the Heshen family turned out to be more than ten times the annual tax revenue of the Qing court.

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

The fall of Heshen can be said to have made Jiaqing eat a bite of "safe meat". However, there was still a glimmer of life for the former minister, and his daughter-in-law and Qianlong's tenth princess, Gulun and Princess Xiao, desperately interceded for him. Despite this, Jiaqing ordered He Shen to hang himself in prison, but eventually allowed him to end his life at home in order to save his last face.

, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao's identity is not ordinary, she is the pearl of the palm that Emperor Qianlong got in his later years, and her mother is Wang, although she is not from the queen, but Qianlong's love for her is obvious to all. From childhood to adulthood, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao have no shortage of treasures and grace around them, but who would have thought that such a princess with golden branches and jade leaves would end up alone because of her father's power game.

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

Gu Lun and Princess Xiao also have unique personalities, she is not only kind-hearted, but also strives to protect the family's reputation. Although she tried her best to save her father's face, her efforts did not win her husband's understanding and support, but instead fell ill in a long period of loneliness and psychological pressure.

And Heshen's son Fengshen Yinde seems to have a peaceful life in this turmoil. He still lives with his wife in his old residence and does not seem to have been affected much. This situation reflects the helplessness and tragedy of people of different identities and statuses in the imperial society when facing the power mechanism. As the only adult son of He Shen, Feng Shen Yinde should have taken on more responsibilities and pressure, but in the historical records, he was unusually low-key and even a little negative. This attitude may be motivated by self-preservation, or it may be due to the fact that no amount of resistance or resistance can change his father's fate.

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

On the other hand, the fate of Gu Lun and Princess Xiao is embarrassing. In the second half of their lives, they spent almost oblivion. Despite being born into the royal family, he ends up carrying a heavy mental burden because of his family's crimes. They can't help but be reminiscent of the phrase "half a lifetime of glory, half a lifetime of loneliness", which seems to have been best interpreted in them.

When telling these stories, it is not difficult to see that Game of Thrones is always brutal, and it does not only consume those who are directly involved, but also affects their families and even future generations. The tragedy of Gu Lun and Princess Xiao is not only an individual tragedy, but also the crushing of the fate of individuals by the entire power structure.

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

In the story, we see not only the ruthlessness of power, but also the brilliance of humanity under great pressure. Although Gu Lun and Princess Xiao failed to change their fate in the end, their efforts and persistence show that the royals also have an unknown side. Their loyalty to their family and their desire for love are worth pondering.

After He Shen was killed, Feng Shen Yinde's revenge, Gu Lun and Princess Xiao died in loneliness!

By looking back at the Heshen family, we can understand more deeply that history is not only about the record of war and politics, but also about the display of human nature and emotions. The lives of Gu Lun and Princess Hyo, and how they found their place in the complex politics of imperial power, remind us of a more diverse and in-depth understanding of historical figures. History is made up of countless vivid moments, each of which is imbued with human emotions and choices. In the long river of history, every small wave is worth savoring and thinking about.