
Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

author:Happy cheese tells history

In the long course of history, the succession of the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty has always been accompanied by countless intrigues and suspense. In 1820, a sudden illness took the life of Emperor Jiaqing, and his edict mysteriously disappeared. The succession to the throne was originally the title of the gold list, but how did you expect that there was an undercurrent surging within the magnificent empire?

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

The summer of 1820 was an eventful year for the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Jiaqing has been reigning for many years, and according to the custom of previous years, he plans to go to the summer resort to cool off. The red thread of fate was inadvertently cut, and a sudden illness brought the emperor's life to an end.

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

Emperor Jiaqing's health took a sharp turn for the worse during the journey, and although he paid attention to health on weekdays, his long-term luxury life and addiction to women had already quietly consumed his physical strength. During a horseback ride in Guangrenling, he felt unprecedented pain and discomfort, which was only a prelude to a physical breakdown. After returning to the summer resort, his condition deteriorated further, and even talking became a luxury.

At this life-and-death juncture, Emperor Jiaqing seemed to have something important in mind. He used his last strength, and kept gesturing with gestures to the ministers around him, Tojin and Dai Junyuan, to find the edict. According to the rules of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor's edict was the key to determining the heir to the throne, but unfortunately, these two ministers searched all the places around the emperor that might have hidden the edict, but found nothing.

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

Just when the entire court was in chaos, the Empress Niu Hulu stood up. Her move was particularly unusual, as she was supposed to support her own son's succession. However, in fact, she pushed Mianning to take the throne. Mianning, this Prince Zhi, although he is the second son of Emperor Jiaqing, is not the biological son of Niu Hulu. The reason behind this remains a mystery to this day.

Niu Hulu's decision is undoubtedly out of consideration for the overall situation. Perhaps in her opinion, Mianning was more capable than anyone else to stabilize the situation and continue to implement the policies of Emperor Jiaqing. And, as a mother, she may be more aware of the character and talents of her sons. Her choice may have been based on thoughtful consideration for the country's future, rather than simple maternal love.

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

In this war without gunpowder, every detail is full of the smell of conspiracy. The disappearance of Emperor Jiaqing's edict may not be just a coincidence, but may have involved a complex struggle within the court. Some historical records record that Emperor Jiaqing had a premonition of his health before his death, and secretly prepared the arrangements for the heir, but he didn't expect such a fork to happen at the last moment.

Mianning's ascension to the throne seems to be calm, but in fact it is not alarming. His ascension to the throne was supported by many important ministers, which was largely due to the political wisdom and support of the Niu Hulu clan. She is not only a queen, but also a veteran who is well versed in court politics. In the era of male supremacy, she can manipulate the situation behind her back, which is indeed not to be underestimated.

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

The calm of all this is only superficial. The power struggle within the royal family never ceased. Although Mianning's brothers have temporarily reined, who can guarantee that there will be no new turmoil? The life of the royal family has always been a golden and ruined one. Every small action and decision can be the starting point of a future storm.

How did Niu Hulu do this? What kind of mark did her wisdom and skill leave in the history of the Qing Dynasty? These questions may only be answered by digging deep into history. And the truth of this history may forever be buried in those yellowed documents and hazy memories.

Jiaqing died of illness and the edict was lost, Daoguang successfully ascended the throne, why didn't the queen let her son succeed to the throne

History always likes to joke, and it gives us not only a statement of facts, but also a reflection on countless unsolved mysteries. The death of Emperor Jiaqing, the disappearance of the edict, and the decision of Niu Hulu constitute a complex picture of power, strategy, and human nature. In this painting, each character plays its own role, but behind it, it is more rich and tortuous than it seems on the surface.