
After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

author:Tang Jiazhen

1. Real case: negligence, urinary tract infection came to the door

Xiaoling and her boyfriend Xiao Zhang have known each other for more than two years, and their relationship has always been very good. Recently, the two decided to live together and started a sweet life for two. However, the good times did not last long, and Xiaoling suddenly had symptoms of frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, which made her very painful. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told her that it was a symptom of a urinary tract infection. Xiaoling was puzzled, she usually pays attention to personal hygiene, how could she get a urinary tract infection?

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

After the doctor's questioning, Xiaoling suddenly realized. It turned out that she and her boyfriend often neglected some important hygiene details after sharing a room. For example, not washing the lower body in time, or not doing a good job of disinfection when sharing towels and other items. These seemingly trivial things provided an opportunity for bacteria to take advantage of, resulting in Xiaoling's urinary tract infection.

This case tells us that hygiene problems after intercourse cannot be ignored. Female friends must pay attention to it and do a good job of prevention to avoid the occurrence of urinary tract infection.

2. Be sure to clean it in time after having sex

During intercourse, both bodies secrete fluids that may contain bacteria and other microorganisms. If left uncleaned, these bacteria can grow near the urethral opening and cause a urinary tract infection. Therefore, after intercourse, you must wash your lower body with warm water in time to keep your vulva clean and dry.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

When washing, it is recommended to use warm running water and avoid using baths or bathtubs that can easily breed bacteria. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the order of washing, first washing the vulva from front to back, and then around the anus, so as to avoid bringing bacteria around the anus to the urethral opening.

In addition, women's vagina has a certain self-cleaning ability, so do not overwash or use harsh lotions to avoid disrupting the balance of flora in the vagina.

3. Avoid using unclean hygiene products

After intercourse, many women use toilet paper, wipes and other hygiene products to wipe the vulva. However, if these hygiene products are not clean or have quality problems, they can become vectors for the spread of bacteria and lead to urinary tract infections.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

Therefore, when choosing hygiene products, you must choose products with regular brands and reliable quality. At the same time, pay attention to the production date and shelf life of the product, and avoid using expired or spoiled hygiene products. In addition, it is best to wash your hands before use to ensure the cleanliness of your hands.

For reusable hygiene products such as towels, be sure to wash and change them frequently and disinfect them regularly. It can be disinfected by scalding with boiling water or exposed to sunlight.

4. Pay attention to hygiene habits when having sex

Hygiene during intercourse is also key to preventing urinary tract infections. First of all, both parties should do a good job of cleaning before having sex to ensure that the body is clean. Men should pay special attention to the foreskin and glans area, while women should pay attention to the vulva.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

Secondly, pay attention to the use of lubricants or condoms and other items during intercourse to reduce friction and damage to the urethral meatus. These items not only improve the comfort of sex life, but also effectively prevent bacterial infections.

Finally, avoid having sex during your period or when you're unwell. During menstruation, women's body resistance is weaker and they are susceptible to bacterial infection; Sexual intercourse may aggravate the condition or cause other complications if you are unwell.

5. Enhance the body's immunity and prevent urinary tract infection

In addition to paying attention to hygiene after intercourse, strengthening the body's immunity is also an important means to prevent urinary tract infection. People with strong body immunity are more likely to resist the invasion of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

To strengthen the body's immunity, it is first necessary to maintain adequate sleep and a reasonable diet. Getting enough sleep can help the body regain energy and improve immunity; A sensible diet can provide the nutrients and energy your body needs.

In addition, proper exercise also helps to strengthen the body's immunity. Exercise can promote blood circulation and metabolism, and improve the body's resistance. It is recommended that female friends do aerobic exercise at least three times a week, such as jogging, swimming, etc.

At the same time, maintaining a good mindset is also the key to boosting immunity. People who are in a good mood and less stressed are more likely to stay healthy. Therefore, female friends should learn to adjust their emotions and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

6. Seek medical treatment in a timely manner and standardize treatment

If you unfortunately suffer from a urinary tract infection, you must seek medical attention in time and receive standardized treatment. If left untreated, a urinary tract infection can worsen or lead to other complications.

When seeking medical treatment, it is necessary to choose a regular medical institution and a professional doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the patient's symptoms and test results, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment plan, including medication such as antibiotics and adjunctive treatments such as lifestyle modifications.

During the treatment process, patients should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment recommendations, take medication on time, and have regular check-ups. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining good hygiene habits and lifestyle to promote the recovery of the body.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

In addition, women should learn to observe themselves and take care of themselves. If you have symptoms of urinary tract infection such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, you should seek medical attention in time and inform your doctor of your medical history and lifestyle habits, so that the doctor can diagnose and treat it more accurately.

7. Summary and Suggestions

Hygiene after intercourse is very important for women, and the slightest carelessness can lead to the occurrence of urinary tract infections. Therefore, female friends must pay attention to it and do a good job in prevention.

In addition to paying attention to hygiene habits after intercourse and strengthening the body's immunity, it is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, avoid overexertion and maintain a good work and rest habit. These all help to improve the body's resistance and reduce the risk of infection.

After intercourse, if you don't pay attention to these things, it can easily lead to female urinary tract infection

At the same time, female friends should also learn to pay attention to their body changes. Once the symptoms of urinary tract infection appear, it is necessary to seek medical examination and receive standardized treatment in time. Do not ignore or delay the condition so as not to cause more harm to the body.