
The Olympics are becoming less popular? The two developed countries were crushed, and the Olympic Organizing Committee: who else will take over

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The recent emergency situation of the Olympic Organizing Committee, with developed countries withdrawing from their bids to host the Games, has sparked a series of discussions about the future of the Games. Does the fact that China is being asked to take on this big responsibility that could lose money mean that the charm of the Olympics is gradually being lost, and that money and commercialization have drowned out the once radiant Olympic spirit? Let's look back at history and find out why these two countries went into decline.

The Olympics are becoming less popular? The two developed countries were crushed, and the Olympic Organizing Committee: who else will take over

**The golden age of the Olympics is over**

For many years, the Olympic Games have been one of the most prestigious events in the world of sport. In the past, countries around the world competed to host this global sports extravaganza. Today, however, developed countries are beginning to withdraw from this stage.

Now, the two developed countries have given up the opportunity to host the Olympic Games, which has undoubtedly put tremendous pressure on the IOC. In this case, the Olympic organizing committee has no choice but to dump this burning eyebrow problem on China.

**Money and Commercialization Shock**

Has the Olympic Games, which once shone with golden light, been drowned out by the tide of money and commercialization? This is an issue that cannot be ignored. With the influx of commercial sponsorships and advertisers, the Games have become increasingly commercial, and profitability has become an important goal.

At the same time, the cost of hosting the Olympics is also rising, and the country needs to invest a lot of money to host the event. For developed countries, such an investment does not seem to pay off profits, and they are beginning to reassess whether the Olympics are worth continuing to host.

The Olympics are becoming less popular? The two developed countries were crushed, and the Olympic Organizing Committee: who else will take over

**Historical Review: The Decline of Two Nations**

To find out why these two countries went into decline, let's look back at history.

First of all, country A has hosted many successful Olympic Games in a row, but due to the high cost of the event and the growing security risks, they are beginning to wonder if it is worth continuing to host. In addition, the pressure of commercialization and money also bothered them, and they finally decided to withdraw from the bid.

In the past few Olympic Games, country B has frequently experienced negative news such as event cost overruns and infrastructure construction problems. This caused them huge financial pressure and reputational damage, and gradually fell into trouble.

**Roles and Challenges Taken Over by China**

In this emergency situation, China is called upon to stand up bravely and take on the big responsibility that it may lose money. For the world's second-largest economy, hosting the Olympics is not only a daunting task, but also a huge opportunity.

The Olympics are becoming less popular? The two developed countries were crushed, and the Olympic Organizing Committee: who else will take over

China has long been ready to take on the challenge. The IOC's confidence in China's hosting of the Olympic Games stems from China's successful experience in hosting many large-scale international sports events. In addition, China has strong capabilities in terms of infrastructure, security, and organizational capabilities.

However, China will also face the same problems as the developed countries it once was. The pressures of commercialization and money will inevitably affect the spirit and value of the Games. China needs to preserve and promote the Olympic spirit while inheriting its traditions, so as to ensure that this event can shine for a long time.

To sum up, the withdrawal of developed countries from their bids to host the Olympics has raised questions about whether the Olympics are still attractive. The impact of money and commercialization has made the Olympics increasingly commercial, challenging what was once a sacred sporting event. History tells us that the decline of the two countries stems from factors such as rising event costs, increased security risks, and infrastructure problems. China is being asked to take over this responsibility, and while it faces enormous challenges, it will also have opportunities to show its strength. However, China needs to take care to protect and promote the Olympic spirit to ensure that the Games can still shine.

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