
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

author:Yuri 227


A 51-year-old man in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province bought a new energy vehicle to prepare for business, but he didn't expect the new car to be bought back for more than 20 days.

Background to the event


Video source: Jiupai News

Brother Deng is the pillar of the family, he is 51 years old this year, in order to earn more money to support his family, he chose to drive an online car-hailing service. In mid-April this year, he bought a new energy vehicle at a BYD 4S store and started running a sports car with joy.

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Image from the Internet

But one day last month, Brother Deng was driving on the road as usual, and suddenly the car trembled as if it had been hit by something. He realizes that something is wrong and tries to get out of the car quickly, but finds that he is trapped and unable to move. He struggled with all his might, escaped from the car, and fell to the ground. When passers-by saw it, they quickly called an ambulance and took him to the hospital.

The injuries are severe

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor checked and found that Brother Deng had brain stem hemorrhage, aspiration pneumonia, and traces of electric shock on his body. He was immediately admitted to the ICU for resuscitation.

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Image from: Jiupai News

When Brother Deng's family heard the news, they were all in a hurry. His wife and four children couldn't accept this fact for a while, they didn't know how Brother Deng, who was usually healthy, could suddenly become like this.

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Image from: Jinyun News

Now, Brother Deng is lying in the ICU, BYD merchants have never appeared, and now they need high medical expenses every day, and the economic pressure makes them feel tormented.

The owner's daughter restored the incident

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Netizens are hotly discussed

Electric shock or sudden illness?

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Hospital diagnosis or family membership?

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Netizen analysis

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Expert interpretation

Automotive experts give their opinion on the accident. They said that the high-voltage electricity of new energy vehicles is usually strictly controlled in a specific system, and the electricity used in daily driving is rigorously designed and tested. Therefore, technically speaking, the possibility of direct electricity from new energy vehicles to people is very small.

Experts also stressed that although this situation is extremely rare, the possibility of other safety hazards in the vehicle cannot be completely ruled out. During driving, any abnormal situation should be stopped in time to check to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

BYD responded

Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!
Follow-up: BYD leakage? The owner of the car is admitted to the ICU! BYD responded: cooperate with the investigation!

Write at the end

So, is Brother Deng's condition related to electric shocks? Whether it was a sudden illness or a real electric shock that caused his injury, we still have to wait for a professional explanation from experts!


The content and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If there is any infringement, please contact me in time, if there is any doubt about the incident, please contact me to delete or change.