
In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

author:Monk History Great Star Sphere

In the magnificent course of the Chinese revolution, we can always find those unknown but shining heroes. Teng Daiyuan and Song Renqiang, these two revolutionary comrades-in-arms, are among the best. Their stories may not be as resounding as those historical figures who have been written about in history textbooks, but their contributions and sacrifices are also worthy of being remembered and celebrated.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

Teng Daiyuan, this name may not be well known to most people, but his outstanding military exploits in the revolutionary war years cannot be ignored. He was an important general in the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army, and with his outstanding military talent and keen political sense, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield. He fought side by side with General Peng Dehuai to resist foreign invasion and defend the territorial integrity of the motherland. His wisdom and courage and firm revolutionary conviction won the respect and love of the broad masses of soldiers and the masses of the people.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

However, on the road of revolution, Teng Daiyuan was not satisfied with his achievements. He knew very well that in order to truly change the destiny of the country, he must devote himself to the cause of national construction. So, after the victory of the Revolutionary War, he resolutely left the army and devoted himself to the cause of railway construction. He was well aware of the importance of railways to a country, so he devoted himself to this cause, laying a solid foundation for the development of transportation in New China.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

At the same time, Song Renqiang also continued to move forward on the road of revolution. He was also an important general in the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army, and with his outstanding political qualities and outstanding military talents, he won the trust and respect of the broad masses of soldiers and the masses. He served as a military political commissar and army commander, and made great contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. However, at the 1955 investiture ceremony, he did not receive the rank of general as he wished, which became the regret of his life. But Song Renqiang was not discouraged by this, he knew that the road of revolution was tortuous, and it required continuous struggle and dedication. Therefore, he continued to devote himself to the construction of New China and contributed his strength to the prosperity and strength of the country.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

However, during the critical period of the construction of New China, Song Renqiang encountered an unwarranted criticism and false accusation. Some, for a variety of reasons, began to attack and denigrate his working methods and achievements. They spread rumors and create incidents in an attempt to portray Song Renqiang as a sinner. Faced with such a predicament, Teng Daiyuan did not hesitate to stand up and defend his comrades.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

Teng Daiyuan knew that these accusations and false accusations were groundless. He has worked with Song Renqiao for many years and knows his personality and qualities very well. He knew that Song Renqiang was a good comrade who was loyal to the party and the people, and that his work methods and achievements could stand the test. Therefore, he resolutely stood up to defend his comrades-in-arms and angrily denounced those who accused Song Renqiang for no reason.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

Teng Daiyuan said: "I know what kind of person Song Renqiang is, how much effort and sweat he has paid for the country and the people, how can you people know?" You are pointing fingers and talking nonsense here, which is simply an insult to the revolution and an insult to the people! His words moved everyone present. Those who were still arrogant and domineering accusers also felt Teng Daiyuan's majesty and sense of justice at this moment, and lowered their heads one after another.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

Teng Daiyuan didn't stop there. He continued to defend Song Renqiang, not only refuting those groundless accusations and false accusations, but also citing a large number of facts and evidence to prove Song Renqiang's innocence and contributions. His defense was sharp and logical, convincing to all. In the end, with Teng Daiyuan's efforts, Song Renqiang's grievances were clarified and cleared.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

After this turmoil, the revolutionary friendship between Teng Daiyuan and Song Renqiang became deeper. They have experienced the ups and downs of the revolution together, and have made tremendous efforts and sacrifices for the construction of New China. Their stories tell us that on the road of revolution, only by uniting as one and working together can we overcome all difficulties and challenges. At the same time, their stories also tell us that the real heroes are not those who are featured in history textbooks, but those who are unknown but have made great contributions to the country and its people.

In the 60s, Song Renqiang was criticized and dismissed, and Teng Daiyuan angrily reprimanded people: It's all about making you bad

Now we have entered a new era, but the story of Teng Daiyuan and Song Renqiang is still worth remembering and inheriting. Their deeds inspire us to continue to move forward and continue to write our own glorious chapter in the journey of the new era!

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