
The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

author:1024 Playing Ball
The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

We can analyze and comment on this incident at the press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, as well as spokesman Chen Binhua's response to rumors and slander Taiwan's "famous mouths", from a deeper perspective.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

The remarks of these "famous mouths" in Taiwan are not only distorted and slandered against the mainland's development, but also seriously undermine the feelings and mutual trust of compatriots on both sides of the strait. In an era of increasing globalization, information is being disseminated at an unprecedented speed and scope, and these irresponsible remarks have undoubtedly aggravated misunderstanding and estrangement between the two sides of the strait. Behind such remarks are the ignorance, prejudice, and hostility of certain Taiwan people toward the mainland's development, as well as their negative attitude and erroneous understanding of cross-strait relations.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

The remarks of these "celebrities" have also exposed some deep-seated problems within Taiwan society. There has long been a tendency toward politicization and ethnicity in Taiwanese society, and this tendency has been fully reflected in some media and speeches. By exaggerating, fabricating rumors, and inciting emotions, these "celebrities" are trying to create an atmosphere of antagonism and division on the island in order to safeguard their political interests and ethnic status. Such behavior has not only harmed the unity and stability of Taiwan society, but also hindered the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

From a broader perspective, these "famous" remarks also reflect the suppression and containment of China by some countries and forces in the current international environment.

They try to undermine China's international reputation and influence by creating rumors and smearing China's image in order to achieve their own political and economic goals. Such behavior is not only an unfair treatment of China, but also a serious challenge to the basic norms of international relations.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

In view of these problems, we need to take more resolute and forceful measures to crack down on and contain them. First of all, we must strengthen the supervision and punishment of these "famous mouths" and investigate their legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

We should also strengthen the supervision and management of the media and speech to prevent irresponsible speech from having a negative impact on society. Second, we should strengthen cross-strait exchanges and cooperation and enhance mutual understanding and trust between compatriots on both sides of the strait.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

We will promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations by strengthening cooperation and exchanges in the economic, cultural, and educational fields. Finally, we must also firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and oppose any form of separatism and "Taiwan independence" acts. Only in a united, stable, and prosperous national environment can compatriots on both sides of the strait jointly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In order to more vividly illustrate that the remarks of these Taiwanese "famous mouths" are like frogs at the bottom of a well, we can quote an ancient story. It is said that there was a frog that lived at the bottom of a well and believed that the bottom of the well was the whole world. One day, a turtle from the sea told it how vast and beautiful the outside world was. But the frog, because of his own narrow-mindedness and ignorance, thinks that the turtle is bragging, and refuses to believe the outside world.

The absurd "egg world" in the eyes of Taiwan's celebrities: only tea eggs, not a sea of delicious eggs

The story of this frog is like those Taiwanese "famous mouths", who only see a corner of themselves, but know nothing about the real world. Their remarks and deeds have not only hindered the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, but also hindered Taiwan's own prosperity and progress.

We should face the world and the future with a more open, inclusive and rational attitude, abandon narrow-mindedness and ignorance, and work together to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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