
It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

author:Retirement and subsistence allowance

Public officials should be more mindful in their private time


It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Recently, an incident about the deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town has aroused widespread concern in the society. According to reports, the deputy mayor invited other people's daughters-in-law to go out to sing K in the middle of the night, and this behavior was reported by the eldest brother with his real name. Afterwards, the deputy mayor explained that the woman was his friend, but this statement did not quell public dissatisfaction, on the contrary, more people questioned his actions.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

The occurrence of this incident has once again raised the attention of the society to the behavior of public officials, what caused the deputy mayor to behave inappropriately, and whether his explanation is tenable? In this regard, how should we view the behavior of public officials in their private time, and how should we deal with the public officials involved in similar incidents?

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell
It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

First, the beginning and end of the incident

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Recently, an incident about the deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town has aroused widespread concern in the society. It is reported that it was late at night, the eldest brother and his wife were just about to go to bed, and after the deputy mayor called and called his wife to go out to sing and was refused, the deputy mayor came to their door with a woman and knocked on the door at 12 o'clock.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Therefore, he made a real-name report on this as soon as possible, hoping to attract the attention and investigation of relevant departments.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

The deputy mayor did not respond positively to this sudden report, but was very unfriendly, saying in an interview that there was nothing wrong with his behavior.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

In the face of the deputy mayor's explanation, more and more people did not choose to believe him, on the contrary, his behavior quickly caused heated public opinion, and everyone questioned it, believing that his behavior was seriously improper.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell
It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Second, the conduct of public officials should receive higher attention and demand

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

As a public official, you should abide by ethical norms at all times, respect the privacy and family of others, especially in your private time outside of work, and pay more attention to your words and deeds, so as not to cause trouble and influence to others because of your carelessness.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

However, in real life, not all public officials are able to do this, and some people may mistakenly believe that they can do whatever they want in their private time, and no matter what they do, they do not need to bear any responsibility, which is extremely wrong and can easily lead to all kinds of problems and conflicts in their private time.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Public officials are watched in their every move, and society expects more from them, so they do need to be more cautious and deliberate, whether at work or in private time, and should always be aware of their special status and how their words and actions may affect others.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

It is precisely because of this that public officials need more self-discipline and self-restraint, they should realize that their behavior and image are directly related to the interests and emotions of the public, and also represent the image and style of the government.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell
It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

3. Reflections behind the incident

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

Judging from the information that has been exposed so far, there may be some unknown inside information behind this incident, whether the young woman is a friend of the deputy mayor or not, and whether there are other reasons why he called her out to sing K in the middle of the night, these issues need to be investigated and understood by the relevant departments.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

No matter what the final investigation results are, this incident has brought us some enlightenment, and also made us think more deeply about the behavior of public officials, how should public officials handle their work and life in their private time, and how should society deal with some emergencies and contradictions of public officials?

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

First of all, we should realize that public officials are also ordinary people, and they also have their own emotions and lives, so in private time, appropriate entertainment and relaxation are completely understandable and their legitimate rights, and the supervision and criticism of public officials by society does not require them to be serious at any time, and there is no opportunity for entertainment and relaxation.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell

However, this does not mean that public officials can act recklessly and ignore the feelings and objections of others in their private time, on the contrary, their entertainment and relaxation should also have a reasonable scope and way, and they need to consider the misunderstanding and influence that their actions may bring to others, and if the doubts and objections of others are out of good intentions, they should also actively explain and respond.

It's a big deal! The deputy mayor asked other people's wives to sing in the middle of the night, and after being refused, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and the comment area fell


Based on the above, this incident of the deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town has brought us a lot of food for thought, and also let us see some problems and difficulties that may exist for public officials.

The image and behavior of public officials do have an important impact on society, and they also need social supervision and criticism, and only with the joint efforts of everyone can we build a more fair and just society.

Therefore, in the face of similar incidents, we should neither blindly believe the explanations of others, nor should we speculate and spread rumors, but should treat them rationally, and it is okay to be suspicious, but we should also give the relevant departments a certain amount of time and space, believe that they can investigate the truth clearly, and also hope that public officials can pay enough attention, always maintain honesty and integrity, and be a qualified service-oriented public servant.