
In 1992, an anti-narcotics police officer showed his face to attend the award ceremony. led to his status as an anti-narcotics policeman

author:Zimo's paintings

[Title]: "Chen Xinmin's Undercover Road: A Hymn to Justice and Bravery"

[Foreword]: This article will deeply discuss the selfless dedication and heroic deeds of anti-narcotics policeman Chen Xinmin, and show his firm belief and great sacrifice in the process of fighting drug crimes. Chen Xinmin's story is not only admirable, but also inspires countless people to fight for justice and fairness.


In 1992, at a glorious award ceremony, Chen Xinmin, as a veteran anti-narcotics policeman, was invited to share his experience. However, due to a miscommunication, his speech was accidentally live-streamed, making his true identity known to drug dealers. This unexpected event brought great challenges and dangers to his life.

In 1992, an anti-narcotics police officer showed his face to attend the award ceremony. led to his status as an anti-narcotics policeman

Chen Xinmin, a young man born in an ordinary family in Hunan, has been pursuing justice since he was a child. At the age of 18, he joined the rural team, experienced the hardships of rural life, and strengthened his original intention of serving the people. At the age of 25, he was selected to become an anti-narcotics police officer, and since then he has embarked on a journey to defend national security.

On the front line of anti-narcotics, Chen Xinmin has struggled for more than 20 years and participated in dangerous anti-narcotics operations countless times. He personally arrested more than 600 drug dealers and seized a large amount of contraband. His heroic deeds have not only greatly contributed to the peace of the community, but also inspired countless anti-narcotics police.

However, the nature of Chen Xinmin's work makes his family often the target of hatred for drug cartels. The most tragic time was when his little nephew was kidnapped by criminals. In the face of such a threat, Chen Xinmin always remained calm, and he quickly called a rescue team and successfully rescued his nephew. His nephew was admitted to a rehabilitation center and began a long and difficult process of detoxification. Chen Xinmin would take the time to visit him every day, giving him affectionate care and encouragement. Eventually, his nephew was able to get rid of his drug addiction and regain a healthy life.

Still, the threat of drug dealers has not dissipated. They even offered a reward of 2 million for Chen Xinmin's life, and launched multiple attacks on his family. In the face of these threats, Chen Xinmin has never been defeated. He was always on high alert and managed to repel the intruders and keep his family safe.

In 1992, an anti-narcotics police officer showed his face to attend the award ceremony. led to his status as an anti-narcotics policeman

Chen Xinmin's story is not only a story of a heroic anti-narcotics policeman, but also a story about justice, bravery and sacrifice. His story has inspired countless people to fight for justice and fairness.

[Netizens hotly discussed]:

Some netizens believe that Chen Xinmin's story shows the selfless dedication and heroic spirit of an anti-narcotics policeman. Some netizens feel that Chen Xinmin's deeds let us see the importance of justice and fairness. Some netizens said that Chen Xinmin's story tells us that everyone has the ability to contribute to the peace and fairness of society.

In the author's opinion, Chen Xinmin's story is not only a story about bravery and sacrifice, but also a story about faith and perseverance. His story inspires us to keep faith and move forward in the face of difficulties and challenges.

In 1992, an anti-narcotics police officer showed his face to attend the award ceremony. led to his status as an anti-narcotics policeman