
After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!

author:Lao Zhang Bang

Since the beginning of this year, since the emergence of school bullying in Handan, after campus bullying broke out in many places, parents in Xinxiang, Henan Province have directly beaten school bullies for their children not to be bullied!


近日,陕西‬宝鸡‬的再次发生一起校园霸凌事件,这位‬初三‬学生的父亲‬更是‬做到了不远千里‬位‬校霸‬送上‬钱‬和烟‬,网友直呼,再不控制性质会更恶劣! Check out the video!

After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!



After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!


After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!

Finally, a reporter contacted the Education and Sports Bureau, and the staff of the Education and Sports Bureau responded: At present, the matter has been learned and is being further investigated and handled!

After the incident was exposed, netizens supported the parent's approach!

After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!

Some netizens said: My father said that we don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble, provoke my son, then do it... Never let others beat the teacher can't solve it, I'm sorry for the parents to deal with it!

Indeed, if the school and teachers can't solve it, then we parents can only solve it ourselves!

After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!

Some netizens said: If parents don't want to lose their children, they must educate their children not to bully others at school, otherwise you won't have a chance to cry when you encounter a ruthless parent!

After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!

This netizen said: It is recommended to record the school bully in the file, and it is not allowed to take the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. If parents don't educate, let society educate them!

After the father learned that his son was bullied at school, he drove thousands of miles to seek justice, and the relevant departments have intervened!
