
The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

In the distant United States of America, under the sunshine of California, there was a "major incident" that made the FBI almost put down the case at hand - an 18-year-old girl named Felicity Hughes, with her ungodly appearance and a Hollywood-level road chase, successfully "conquered" the hearts of countless netizens, and even made some otaku who were temporarily away from home with legal consciousness shouting: "This must be a beautiful misunderstanding!" ”

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

The beginning of the story is not so dreamy, there are no princes and princesses, only the Infiniti G37 and the sirens on the California highway in unison. Felicity seems to be starring in an untitled action movie, except that the climax of the movie is not the explosions, but her face that makes the camera almost out of focus. An hour-long road ballet, culminating in a not-so-elegant pose – plunging headlong into a cul-de-sac and crashing into a patrol car that was waiting for her, the perfect curtain call.

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

Police charged her with "knowingly evading police" and "assaulting with a lethal weapon [of her car]," two heart-wrenching-sounding felonies. But in the internet courts, these accusations instantly turned into a trivial "minor negligence".

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

Netizens turned into defense lawyers, claiming: "This is definitely a GPS pot, or the wind is too strong and blows off the direction." ”

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?
The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?
The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

What's more, it is proposed that a "beauty reduction clause" should be set up to make beauty a new sentencing standard in the law.

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

As for the sentence? In the United States, this kind of thing is not ambiguous, but netizens have begun crowdfunding to establish an "Innocent Beauty Foundation" for Felicity, vowing to prove that Beauty is not guilty. They firmly believe that how could such a beautiful woman sin? Unless it's love that blinds her, or the moon is in trouble that day.

As for security detention? Oh dear, that's more like a special edition reality show for our heroine called "The Most Beautiful Prisoner in Prison". She might teach her fellow inmates how to draw the perfect cat-eye makeup with eyeliner, or host a "fashion week within the walls."

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

All in all, Felicity Hughes's "crime comedy" tells us: in this face-watching world, even if you are a police officer, you have to be careful not to be overshadowed by your appearance. And those netizens who were "kidnapped" by her beauty are busy launching a campaign on the Internet to "release Felicity and let love go home".

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?

As for the law, it may also need a "Guide to How to Be Impartial in the Face of Looks". After all, in this cyber, who remembers what the real crime was? Everyone just wants to see if there will be another "goddess of crime" waiting for the next corner, and refresh our three views again with a gorgeous escape.

The 18-year-old female criminal became popular because of her unexpectedly high appearance, and netizens wondered: There must be some misunderstanding here?