
Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

author:Ash laughs about the past and the present

China's territory includes not only the familiar mainland and islands, but also the vast sea and precious islands. Today, we are going to talk about a little-known but very explosive historical event - how China recaptured three key islands that had been occupied for 70 years in one fell swoop. The islands were once the focus of controversy, but how much do you know about the history behind them? In 1974, a decisive battle called the "Maritime Self-Defense Counterattack" demonstrated not only China's defense capabilities, but also its unwavering commitment to the integrity of its homeland.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

The islands of the South China Sea have been Chinese territory since ancient times. As early as the end of the Qin Dynasty, the South China Sea was already included in the territory of the central power. From the Sui and Tang dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, many dynasties have made moves on these islands and constantly consolidated the country's sovereignty. But the wheels of history roll forward, and every era has its troubles and challenges.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

Especially in the 20th century, with the rise of imperialism, the islands in the South China Sea became the object of coveting by foreign powers. France and Japan have illegally occupied the islands. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, although China recovered some of its territory, the real challenge was still to come.

In the early fifties, when the People's Republic of China was founded, the whole country was united in its efforts to rebuild its homeland, but there was a shortage of materials and the international situation was complicated. At that time, China was suffering from internal and external troubles, and it really had no time to take care of the islands far away. At this time, South Vietnam, with the support of the United States, began to covet the South China Sea.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

By the late sixties and early seventies, South Vietnam was even more unscrupulous. Not only have they clashed with Chinese fishermen in the South China Sea, but they have also openly claimed that they have included some of the islands in the Spratly Islands as their own territory. This blatant provocation has fueled indignation and forced the Chinese government to respond.

In 1974, it all took a turn for the better. The Chinese government launched a "maritime self-defense counterattack" aimed at the occupied islands of Coral Island, Treasure Island and Ganquan Island. This is not only a military operation, but also a declaration of national sovereignty. Although the Chinese Navy is poorly equipped, the courage and wisdom of its soldiers are unmatched by any weapon.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

The fighting was extremely fierce, but in the end, the Chinese army, with strong will and the right strategy, succeeded in recapturing the islands. This victory is not only a recovery of territory, but also a defense of national dignity. Since then, China's sovereign status in the South China Sea has been more widely recognized by the international community.

The long river of history is always turbulent. The South China Sea issue did not end with a single battle. In the following decades, as the international situation changed and regional disputes continued, islands in the South China Sea remained a hot topic in international politics. Great power games, regional security, and maritime resources – these are the key words that continue to reverberate over the South China Sea.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

Against this backdrop, China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development, actively participated in international cooperation, and sought to resolve disputes through dialogue. China is also strengthening its marine research and environmental protection efforts to better manage and utilize marine resources. On these islands, China has built meteorological observatories, oceanographic research stations, and even ecological reserves, demonstrating China's sense of responsibility and leadership in the field of environmental protection and marine science and technology.

For these once-vicissitudes of the island, every rock and beach records the perseverance and struggle of the Chinese people. This is not only a stage to show the country's strength, but also a platform to show China's responsibility and wisdom.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

What does the future hold for the islands? With the deepening of globalization and the strengthening of regional cooperation, we have reason to believe that the South China Sea will be a sea of peace and cooperation in the future. These beautiful islands will also continue to be an important outpost for China to protect its territorial integrity and display its national image.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

When we look back at the legendary "Maritime Self-Defense Counterattack" in 1974, we not only saw a military victory, but also saw the growth and rise of a country on the international stage. This is a magnificent history, and it is also a story that has inspired countless Chinese.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains! China's territorial waters extend 200 kilometers and take back three islands that have been occupied for 70 years

For a country, every territory and island is not only a geographical concept, but also a condensation of culture, history and even national feelings. The recovery of these islands not only marks the restoration of national strength, but also a symbol of national self-confidence.

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