
Villages are dying out in large numbers and are sparsely populated, that's a serious warning!

author:Lucky Girl

An elegy for the village: a vanishing pastoral and reflections on the future

When the morning dawn and the sun shines through the sparse clouds on the quiet village, it seems that it is still asleep, never waking up. But those who are attentive will find that what is revealed in this slumber is endless loneliness and desolation. The streets and alleys that were once bustling are now empty and silent, as if telling the end of an era.

Villages are dying out in large numbers and are sparsely populated, that's a serious warning!

The buildings in the village are indeed getting more and more beautiful. The red bricks and green tiles, with the glazed roof, shine in the sun. The original dirt ramp has also been transformed into a wide, flat concrete road, allowing vehicles to move unobstructed. However, these changes did not bring laughter and excitement to the people, but instead made the village appear empty and deserted.

There are fewer people, fewer households, and arable land is barren. The farmers who used to work hard are now old, and most of their children have chosen to leave the land to pursue the prosperity and dreams of the city. The fields that were once full of life are now overgrown with weeds, and the barren land seems to tell the prosperity and glory of the past.

The pear tree of Uncle Wang's house next door still blossoms and bears fruit every year, and the heavy fruits hang all over the branches. However, there are no more children to steal them. The children who used to laugh and play are now adults, they may have found jobs in the city, or they may have started families. They no longer return to the village that once raised them, and the laughter under the pear trees has become a dusty memory.

There are few grandparents left who watched us grow up back then. They used to be the guardians of this village, using their wisdom and diligence to guard the land and our growth. However, the passage of time has made them grow old, and their loss makes us feel extremely sad and regretful. The neighbors, uncles, and aunts in front of and behind the house are also old. Their faces are engraved with the traces of time, and their eyes reveal nostalgia for the past and helplessness for the future.

Villages are dying out in large numbers and are sparsely populated, that's a serious warning!

Some of their sons and daughters chose to stay in the city and became urban migrant workers, living a life of wandering; Some chose to marry away from home and never came back once in a few years. Those grandchildren either live in a corner of the city far away, running around and toiling for a living; Either they have completely abandoned their knowledge of the countryside, and they no longer have the slightest affection for the countryside.

It is rare to see cooking smoke in the village, and those that once rose are the symbol and soul of the village. However, now, with the departure of people and the changes in life, cooking smoke is becoming more and more rare. Similarly, it is rare to hear the barking of dogs and the crowing of chickens. Once the symphony of the village, these sounds are now rare melodies.

In the face of such an evolution, we can't help but ask: is this really what we want? Do we really want to see the land that once nurtured us become like this? Can't we do anything to change this?

Of course, we are not powerless. There are a number of ways we can turn this around. First, the government can increase its support for rural areas, improve rural infrastructure and public services, and make them more livable and workable. At the same time, the government can also encourage farmers to develop modern agriculture and rural tourism and other industries through a combination of policy guidance and market mechanisms, so as to improve farmers' income levels and quality of life.

Second, we can strengthen the inheritance and promotion of rural culture. Rural culture is the treasure and foundation of our nation, and we should cherish and inherit these excellent cultural heritages. Through various cultural activities and cultural festivals, more people can understand and understand rural culture, and enhance their sense of identity and belonging to rural areas.

Finally, we need to strengthen investment and support for rural education. Education is the key to changing the fate of a person and a place. We should increase investment in rural education, improve the quality of teaching and education in rural schools, and let more rural children receive a good education and have the opportunity to go out of the mountains and into a broader world.

However, the implementation of these measures did not happen overnight. We need patience and perseverance to make these changes happen. At the same time, we also need the joint efforts and support of the whole society. Only in this way can we truly turn this situation around and usher in a better future for the countryside.

So, should we be pessimistic and hopeless in the face of the demise of the village and the uncertainty of the future? No! We should be firm in our faith and rise to the challenge. Because there are still countless hopes and possibilities waiting to be discovered and realized in this land. As long as we pay attention to and care for this land and the people here, we will be able to usher in a better future!

Villages are dying out in large numbers and are sparsely populated, that's a serious warning!

But can we really turn this around? When we see those barren lands and empty villages, can we feel a sense of urgency and responsibility? Can we realize the gravity and urgency of this problem? Are we able to take real action to drive change?

Perhaps, this is a question that we need to think about together. Let's work hand in hand for the future of the countryside!