
How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

author:Ahsan talks about popular science


"Black holes" are a mysterious existence for humans, and because of this, scientists have been exploring this question for centuries.

This is the first black hole outside the solar system, and the first time we have seen it in person, and here he is.

1. The concept of black holes.

Back in 1915, Albert Einstein confirmed his theory of general relativity by explaining how the rotation of the Earth affects time and space.

The general theory of relativity explains the nature of gravity, arguing that mass or energy bends space and time, creating a gravitational force.

According to this concept, this gravitational pull is so great that even light cannot escape.

They refer to this place as a "black hole" and any object that enters the black hole's boundaries will be swallowed directly.

This view was later confirmed many times and was quickly accepted by everyone.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

In 1921, physicist Carl Schwarzschild completed his doctoral dissertation at Harvard University, giving an exact solution to Einstein's equations and describing the concept of a black hole.

He pointed out that when mass and density reach a certain level, matter collapses into a singularity, which will lead to extreme distortions in time and space.

Not even light can escape this extreme distortion, so in the eyes of scientists, a black hole is a cage from which no light can escape.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

The radius of a singularity can be calculated with only two parameters, one is the gravitational constant and the other is the mass.

This radius is called the "Schwarzschild radius", also known as the "event horizon radius", and is an interface from which even light cannot escape once matter enters the Schwarzschild radius.

It sounds a bit abstract, but if you use a metaphor, it's like a gray ball of mud with a transparent layer of foam around it, which is the Schwarzschild radius.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

You can see this bubble layer directly, but no matter how hard you try, you can't penetrate this bubble layer.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

2. Calculation of black holes by Schwarzschild radius.

Using the Schwarzschild radius formula, scientists can calculate how much a substance can be compressed to form a black hole.

This is nothing new, scientists have calculated it more than 50 years ago.

The formula for Schwarzschild radius is very simple: r = 2G * M / c^2 (Equation 1).

where r is the Schwarzschild radius, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass, and c is the speed of light.

To calculate a black hole the size of the Earth, we can assume that the mass is exactly equal to the mass of the Earth, so that the size of the Schwarzschild radius of the Earth can be calculated.

The mass of the earth is 6 * 10^24 kilograms, the size of the pencil eraser is 0.5 kilograms, and one is about the size of more than 10 billion of them, if the erasers from all over the world are gathered together, their total weight will be 50 times that of the destroyers of the earth that we know.

The size of the Schwarzschild radius of the Earth is 9 millimeters, and if the mass of the pencil eraser is concentrated in one place, then a micro-black hole can be formed, which is still in a state of almost arbitrary rotation and has no conditions for the formation of a black hole.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

However, a micro-black hole with a radius of 9 millimeters is so small that not even a single particle of fine dust can pass through its boundary, so the mass it attracts cannot increase its own diameter.

However, if a moon-sized tiny black hole appears in front of you, it will immediately engulf the entire Earth, and then it will completely absorb itself within 2.5 hours.

This micro-black hole can only be created on the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies, but it will soon stagnate because the atoms on the surface of the celestial body will constantly annihilate and release energy into the black hole.

Humans can use the electricity generated by black holes, but the energy is emitted very fast and cannot be used by humans, but micro-black hole observatories will greatly benefit.

Next, let's take a look at the size of the Schwarzschild radius of these eight planets.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

The Schwarzschild radius of Mercury is 0.5 mm, Venus 7.5 mm, and Mars 1 mm.

Mars can turn into a micro-black hole, Earth is 9 mm, Jupiter is 287 cm, Saturn is 86 cm, Uranus is 13 cm, and Neptune is 15.5 cm.

The Schwarzschild radius of the Sun is 2949 meters.

However, in reality, it is impossible for the Sun and the Earth to be compressed into the state of a black hole, because the premise of the Schwarzschild radius is that this ball does not rotate, but the speed of the Sun's rotation is constantly increasing, so it will not be compressed into the state of a black hole.

Similarly, the Earth also has a rotation, so it is impossible to be compressed into the state of a black hole.

How big are the eight planets in the solar system compressed to become black holes? The earth is crushed into rice balls

3. The mystery and horror of black holes.

The concept of a "black hole" was a mysterious hypothesis for humans, and for a long time it was thought that it would never be confirmed.

However, in 1999, humans saw black holes for the first time as they devoured matter and released X-rays.

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