
If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

author:Sweet love science


If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the most powerful force, and time can amplify the power of compound interest.

If calculated according to the bank interest rate of 1%, when 1,000 yuan is deposited in the bank and deposited at this interest rate for 1,000 years, then this money will become 244 billion at this time.

However, such banking behavior also requires a bank that will continue to operate stably for hundreds or even thousands of years.

At the same time, it is necessary for human beings to have a lifespan of thousands of years, but now the law of human survival is "born to be limited".

So, in order to create thousands of years of compound interest on deposits, will human beings think of other methods?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

1. What kind of magic is compound interest?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

Compound interest was first proposed by author Benjamin Franklin in the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", who stated that there is only one way to become rich, and that is to understand the power of compound interest.

This method is the safest and most effective, and should be started as early as possible.

The book also describes an example of if someone deposited a dollar in the bank when he was 10 years old, and the banker did the work of counting the money.

Suppose the investor's bank interest rate is 1%, then the gentleman will count the money in the past 100 years, and he can be said to have doubled his wealth, so that the investor who saved money at the age of 10 will become a billionaire.

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

Einstein's theory of compound interest was also analyzed in "The Man Who Was Frozen for a Thousand Years", and he emphasized the idea that time can also amplify the power of compound interest.

Although we can't have such a banker as described in the book, there is nothing wrong with Einstein's theory of compound interest.

The figure mentioned in the 1,000 years of deposits in the bank will become 244 billion is also calculated through the case method, if the deposit can reach 244 billion, then only one 1% interest rate can reach this number.

So when the earliest deposit was 1000 yuan, how was this calculated?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

Second, 1,000 yuan will become 244 billion in 1,000 years.

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

According to Einstein's calculation method, 1,000 years will magnify the power of compound interest, put 1,000 yuan in the bank and deposit it at an interest rate of 1% for 1,000 years.

After putting in 1,000 yuan, after 1,000 years of storage, this number becomes 244 billion.

And the calculation method of 244 billion is like this, first of all, in 1000 years, 1000 yuan can be enlarged 10 times, then it becomes 1000 * (1 + 0.01) to the 10th power, this number is 244 billion.

This is undoubtedly a huge and shocking result, and such rates are not impossible, but they are not going to be used in the current trade war.

But what are the conditions that need to be met in order to create a compound interest?

First of all, the bank or financial institution needs to be very stable and be able to operate for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

At the same time, the bank also needs to be very old, which is not unheard of in the world, such as China's "Xingye Mine", which has a history of 6,000 years, and has the feeling of an ancient civilization.

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

In addition, it needs to have a high deposit rate of 1%, and it also needs to have a long human life expectancy and save money for 1,000 years, which is not possible now.

And Einstein's theory of compound interest is real, so we can't compound interest on deposits now, so what is the way to implement it well?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

In order to be able to create behaviors with compound interest, the essence of which is to use time to amplify the power of compound interest, which is also the most commonly used theory in bank deposits.

In order to make it bigger and create more wealth, is there any way to magnify the time in the deposit?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

3. Can cryonics resurrect billionaires?

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

Cryonics is a good method, but cryonics is not a theory of using time to create wealth.

The purpose of cryonics is to resurrect frozen humans in some way.

When you think of cryonics, you think of Project Chambers, a non-profit entity that aims to refrigerate the remains and heads of critically ill patients for later life.

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

In fact, cryonics and human hibernation are not the same thing, human cryonics is a technology that can be achieved now, but thawing technology is still in the experimental stage.

However, the research of human hibernation technology is a new technology based on the possession of cryonics technology, which can enable humans to hibernate for a long time.

If 1,000 yuan is saved for a thousand years, it will become 244 billion, and cryonics will create billionaires?

This technology will arrive at the end of the 21st century, but thawing technology is not yet possible, and it may be difficult to resurrect frozen people.

Still, human hibernation will be applied to interstellar voyages by the end of the 21st century, when compounding can also be used to make your fortune bigger.

In 2003, a NASA survey involving 298 scientists and astronauts participated.

At the same time, they also studied the "adaptability of complex life to interstellar travel distances".

They eventually came to the conclusion that hibernating people were likely to board the starship.

At the same time, the technical difficulty of hibernation is less than that of freezing, and the hibernators in outer space will use it more frequently than the hibernators on Earth, and the number of people who use it at the same time is more.

At the same time, the advantage of the hibernation machine is that it can remove a lot of water on the starship, and it can also conserve more energy.

It can be said that the technology of hibernation is more mature and stable, and will even be applied to interstellar voyages at the end of the 21st century.

But hibernation technology isn't just limited to interstellar travel.

Fourth, the challenge of long-term hibernation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian astronomer Jan Shikovsky proposed the concept of hibernation, which he believed could help humans to carry out deep space travel, which was proposed many years ago.

One of NASA's projects, "Tremo Hibernation", is exactly that, it is not to allow humans to hibernate when traveling, but to have the hibernation capsule of an interstellar ship during future human interstellar voyages.

The goal of this technology is to preserve the human body for months or even years in the future, thus being able to support humans for longer interstellar voyages.

However, this is only the goal of human research on hibernation, and at present, scientists have developed hibernation that can only last for weeks or even months, and more research and exploration are needed to achieve hibernation for hundreds or even thousands of years.

If someone does go into long-term hibernation, what challenges do we need to face for hundreds or even thousands of years of hibernation?

First of all, the number of hibernators will be very large, and at the same time, there will be problems with social stability, and there will be a lot of materials.

The research of hibernation technology will require the support of major countries around the world, and at the same time, human life will change after the thaw, and it will be a challenge to adapt to the future society.

5. The quest for human immortality.

So what are the other ways to achieve time amplification compound interest?

First of all, the first is that human life expectancy has become longer, if one day human life can be extended by thousands of years through biotechnology or medical technology, then human beings will naturally be able to compound interest on deposits.

Therefore, the extension of life is the easiest way to think of it, but it is not simple, and there are many technical difficulties that need to be overcome in order to achieve this.

The other way is to study biology, to study the genes of human beings, and if one day, scientists can achieve immortality, then human beings can also achieve a ladder of immortality.

This kind of biological research is undoubtedly the most challenging, and in addition to the technical difficulties, there are also ethical considerations, and such research is likely to lead to some ethical problems.

At the same time, it will also cause the polarization of society, one is the human who has eternal life, and the other is the human who is still standing still, so all technological development must also be based on the premise of benefiting the whole of humanity.

VI. Conclusion

Human beings have been exploring the unknown, and they are constantly moving forward on the road to the future, and they have also been exploring the adaptation of human complex life to interstellar travel distances.

Because only by exploring the unknown, human beings can better understand their own growth, and at the same time, the process of exploration also makes people full of awe and love for life.

People's footsteps cannot be stopped, but the past is not to blame, and while moving forward, we also need to cherish the happiness in front of us.

Eisenhower also said that "science and technology are two edges, they have a positive effect, but they also have a negative role in the hands of man." ”