
Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

author:L Scientific Explorer

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Text丨L Science Explorer

Editor丨L Science Explorer

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin's remarks have undoubtedly added another layer of tension to the complicated international situation and made Sino-Russian relations more serious and urgent.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

Galuzin makes no secret of the fact that the United States and its European allies are deliberately trying to further expand their global "hegemony" by controlling key transportation hubs and abundant resources in Central Asia. Such a move could not only trigger a cascade of instability in Central Asia, but could even lead to color revolutions. Against the backdrop of Russian President Vladimir Putin's planned visit to China on May 16-17, the remarks clearly send a clear signal to China that the stability of Central Asia is closely linked to the strategic interests of China and Russia.


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Central Asia, due to its unique geographical location, is of irreplaceable importance to both China and Russia. At the same time, it is also an indispensable and key link in the Belt and Road Initiative advocated by China. Therefore, any behavior that poses a threat to the stability of Central Asia is unacceptable to both China and Russia.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

In fact, this statement of the Russian side is not groundless. Last year, the United States held its first summit meeting with the five Central Asian countries in New York, and the purpose behind it is self-evident. Although the meeting did not produce any substantive results, it symbolized a subtle thaw in relations between Central Asian countries and the West, and signaled that the United States is trying to redraw the diplomatic map on this soil.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

This, combined with frequent visits by senior officials such as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in recent years, and increased engagement with Central Asia by European countries, all point to a sharp rise in Western economic and political interest in the region. It is worth mentioning that European countries are not as sensitive as the United States when it comes to Central Asia, nor are they as direct and obvious as the United States. This tactical ambiguity in Europe – whether it is a state act or a representation of the European Union as a whole – makes its role in Central Asia even more ambiguous.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

Another point that needs special attention is that the Central Asian countries are lagging behind in their development because of their special geography and various objective factors. And Western countries have also clearly discovered this pain point and continue to put forward various economic temptations. Of course, on the surface, it seems to be a strong support for the development of Central Asia, but in fact it is very likely to become a potential breakthrough for the United States to intervene in the sovereignty of other countries. And this message made public by Russia is not only to emphasize the common geopolitical interests of China and Russia, but also to try to strengthen strategic communication with China. Jointly resist the political and economic infiltration of the West in Central Asia to ensure long-term stability in the region.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

The West's continued focus on Central Asia is not a whim, but an important part of its long-term strategic layout. Their goal is clear: to gradually build a strategic encirclement of Russia by controlling key energy resources and transportation networks. Especially after the full-scale outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the attention of Western countries to Central Asia has risen sharply. With the energy disruptions caused by economic sanctions against Russia, Western countries urgently need to find new sources of energy supply, and Central Asia has undoubtedly become their new target.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

Although Western countries continue to try to attract Central Asian countries to their camp through economic aid and investment, Central Asian countries remain highly vigilant about this. Although they are eager for economic development, they are not "fools", and if they are not careful, they may fall victim to the game of great powers.

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked

Against this complicated backdrop, Galuzin's warning before Putin's visit to China is easy to understand. But frankly speaking, peace and stability in Central Asia does require the joint efforts of many countries, including China and Russia. However, there is no need to worry too much, under the great power game, the geographical location of the Central Asian countries has been determined, and only by moving in the same direction with China and Russia can they maximize the development of themselves and the region. This is an indisputable fact, and Ukraine is a lesson from the past.

Shingen Reference:

Before Putin's visit to China, the Russian side suddenly reminded China that the threat from the rear of the two countries had been locked
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Huanqiu.com2023-09-21 06:15——Biden talks with the leaders of five Central Asian countries for the first time, declaring that "cooperation is being brought to new heights"
Global Times2023-11-27 06:21 -- The United States, Europe and Russia may play a long-term game in Central Asia

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