
Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

author:Fun cheese
Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!
Today, let's talk about a controversial topic - why do online food "hide" ingredient lists?

Recently, a series of questions about well-known online food such as Liubiju, Dove, and Aliyun Kitchen have been heard endlessly.

Many consumers find that ingredient lists are often concealed or difficult to find when purchasing these foods.

So, what's the secret? Let's unveil this "mystery" together.

Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

Did you know the importance of ingredient lists?

First of all, we need to be clear about the importance of ingredient lists for consumers.

The ingredient list is not only a detailed list of the ingredients contained in the product, but also an important protection for the rights and interests of consumers.

Through the ingredient list, we can know whether the food contains allergens, additives, etc., and avoid possible health risks in time.

Therefore, compliant merchants should be transparent about the ingredient list to consumers.

Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

Liubiju, what is hidden?

As a popular online food brand, Liubiju has a rich and diverse product range and outstanding taste.

However, some consumers have recently discovered that some of Liubiju's products are not clearly labeled with the ingredient list.

This has raised concerns among consumers: what ingredients are hidden? Is it safe and secure?

After investigation, we found that in many cases, Liubiju chose to print the ingredient list on the product packaging in a "hidden corner" or mark it in tiny font.

This approach clearly does not meet consumers' expectations for information transparency, and it also sets a bad example for the industry.

In the face of doubts, we expect them to make positive changes in the disclosure of product information.

Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

Dove, why "hide and seek"?

When it comes to chocolate, Dove is definitely a bright spot in people's minds.

However, just as consumers were expressing their love for Dove products, a survey was a surprise.

It is understood that Dove also has the "hidden" ingredient list in some of its online products.

This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention, and consumers are curious: Is there anything wrong with the ingredient list of difficult Dove?

In this regard, we call on well-known brands such as Dove to earnestly fulfill their corporate social responsibility and actively publicize the ingredient list and other relevant information.

Only in this way can consumers choose their products with more confidence.

Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

Aliyun Kitchen, why "wait and see"?

As a new online food brand, Aliyun Kitchen has attracted much attention in recent years.

However, contrary to the transparency that everyone expects, Aliyun Kitchen also has the problem that the ingredient list is not easy to find in its products.

This has brought confusion and questions to consumers: Does Aliyun Kitchen strictly control the ingredients of its products? Is the focus on consumer rights neglected?

We call on emerging brands such as Ali Cloud Kitchen to pay attention to the importance of product information disclosure while growing and growing.

Only through standardized labeling and publicity can consumers trust the brand more and buy with confidence.

Exposure! Key information to know before buying! Reveal the "hidden" ingredient problem of big brands!

Consumer rights cannot be ignored

In summary, the phenomenon of "hiding" the ingredient list of online food exists in many brands.

This kind of behavior is not only a neglect of consumer rights, but also a blow to industry self-discipline.

As consumers, we should have the right to know the ingredients of the food we buy.

At the same time, we call on all relevant enterprises to pay attention to the reasonable needs of consumers, earnestly fulfill their corporate social responsibilities, and protect consumers' rights to know and health.

When buying food, please also be very vigilant and choose products that are transparent and of reliable quality.

We work together to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers and promote the healthy development of the industry.

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