
The Red Law Says Case | "Employee Entry Registration Form" = "Labor Contract"?

author:Atmospheric apple w

Under the brilliant lights of the bustling city, the shadow of overtime is like a giant beast in the night, quietly devouring the dreams and youth of countless professionals. And under this seemingly calm and waveless workplace sea, in fact, there is an undercurrent, and a battle between rights and fairness is quietly staged.

The protagonist of the story, Han, a young man with enthusiasm and dreams, chose to work in a nursing home, using his own hands and love to warm those lonely souls. He thought it was a pure world, full of love and hope. However, the moment he stepped into this world, a thin "Employee Induction Registration Form" was like an invisible shackle, binding him tightly.

This table, seemingly simple, seems to hide endless secrets. It is like a mirror that reflects all kinds of injustice and hypocrisy in the workplace. When Han filled out this form, his heart was full of longing and expectation for the future. He carefully filled in his personal information, and every word embodies his sincerity and enthusiasm. However, when he got the double-sided printed version provided by the nursing home, his heart was in turmoil.

The Red Law Says Case | "Employee Entry Registration Form" = "Labor Contract"?

The content of "agreed responsibilities and obligations" on the back is like a cunning fox quietly revealing its tail. When did they appear? Why is it on this form? Han's heart was full of doubts and incomprehension. He suspects that this is an elaborate conspiracy planned by the old people's home in order to evade responsibility. He felt angry and disappointed because he felt that he had been deceived and deprived of his rightful rights.

However, Han did not choose to remain silent and endure. He firmly believes that justice and fairness shine like the sun on the earth, and there is no room for any dark corner. So, he bravely stood up and challenged the labor arbitration body.

This arbitration is like a thrilling contest. The two sides went back and forth, arguing with each other, and the scene was extremely intense. Relying on its power and status, the old people's home tried to use various means to suppress Han. They claimed that the Employee Registration Form was a written employment contract signed by both parties in an attempt to evade legal liability. However, Han did not flinch, he used his wisdom and courage to expose the lies and conspiracies of the old people's home again and again.

The Red Law Says Case | "Employee Entry Registration Form" = "Labor Contract"?

In the courtroom, Han's emotions erupted like a volcano. He spoke eloquently about his experience when he joined the company, angrily accusing the injustice and hypocrisy of the nursing home. His voice was sonorous and powerful, full of determination and confidence. He used his actions to show everyone that he is not a weak person who can be easily oppressed and deprived of his rights.

The old people's home, on the other hand, is unusually cunning and insidious. They pretend to be innocent and aggrieved on the surface, trying to confuse the judge and the audience by various means. However, their lies and conspiracies have nowhere to hide under Han's exposure. They are like a bunch of clowns jumping off the beam in the courtroom, which is despicable.

In this fierce contest, judges play a crucial role. They need to carefully review the evidence provided by both parties and make a fair ruling. This is a battle of wisdom and fairness, and it is also a battle to defend the rights and interests of workers.

The Red Law Says Case | "Employee Entry Registration Form" = "Labor Contract"?

After much waiting, the judge finally made a ruling. They argued that although the Employee Entry Registration Form contained some basic job content and employee information, it lacked the necessary elements of an employment contract and the agreement of both parties. Therefore, it cannot be recognized as a written employment contract signed by both parties. The nursing home needs to pay double the difference in wages that Han should have paid because he did not sign a written labor contract.

This result, for Han, was an expected victory. He used his courage and wisdom to defend his rights and interests, and also set an example for us ordinary workers. He made us understand that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, we should stand up bravely to stand up for our rights and interests. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of the workplace.

The defeat of the nursing home is the best punishment for their injustice and hypocrisy. They try to evade legal responsibility with lies and conspiracies, but they end up reaping the consequences. Their actions not only damage the rights and interests of workers, but also tarnish their own reputation and image.

The Red Law Says Case | "Employee Entry Registration Form" = "Labor Contract"?

In this story, we see Han's tenacity and courage. He tells us by his actions that justice and impartiality are never absent. As long as we stand up bravely to defend our rights and interests, we will definitely be able to overcome those injustices and hypocrisy. At the same time, we also see the darkness and sinister in the workplace. In this world of competition and challenges, we must always be vigilant and sober-minded to ensure that the fruits of our labor are duly rewarded and respected.